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Postby Sjeng » Tuesday August 27th, 2013 6:32am

I kinda wonder what ruleset you're using. Some AD&D?
Great pictures once again xD
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

Grin's Stone Map Played a turn in a Play-by-Post game. Wrote twenty (20) articles for the Blog in three (3) sections. Created a Hot Topic. Participated in three (3) Miniature Exchanges. Zealot Miniatures: Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter Backer Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!
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Postby el_flesh » Tuesday August 27th, 2013 8:24am

Our DM, Beernut, was an intense D&D player as a teen (rather than having a GF heh) so he knows the systems very well and he's fantastic at mixing and matching concepts. He made up his own system to overcome the shortcomings of their rules. This is his home brewed system he calls ARCHETYPES and it's mondo fun!!

I have often wanted to put in a laptop and a webcam so that we could have players from anywhere, but it seems ppl aren't up to that kind of modern tec yet. Gotta be loads better than puttering around with SP in a video game.
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby el_flesh » Thursday September 26th, 2013 10:16am


Zebs wins the roll, and walx down the hall to timidly peek. Even with that helmet on his head, he can see stairs at 9 squares away.

As he walx thru, Beernut has him roll; an 8 = pit trap. He takes 4 dmg in stun and loses 5 action.
"Aughaugh - Ah've fallen Dahn and I cahn't geddap!"
He rolls a 6 to find a ladder, but the Wiz skel fails to find one on my side (he rolls with my ratings).
So all of my skels and I also take fall dmg of 4 each: we fall into the pit, our bones flying apart into a spaced out mess - but since it was not enough to kill any of us, the bones come back together shortly. We sit there, shaking from the pain. Do any of you know how much that hurts?
He loox around the corner – and sees a stone statue. He steps forward, loses his nerve, then backs off. Probably a good idea.

Flesh doesn’t perceive anything special about the clearly magical effect. I send the wiz to check the body on the ground – it had been instantly dehydrated.
Acid skel is sent to check the statue, but is vaporized by heat. The Fe bound Fe door is locked. DM tells us that Acid skel was totally drained by the statue. A Bone Knight casts hi heatball on the statue; it is reflected back and kills both of them plus Red Skel – who detonates but causes nobody harm, although the door is blasted open. When Zebs approaches the door, the statue comes to life: “How DARE you trespass on the (hack cough) of my ancestors?!” Zebs steps forward and loox at him: “Whoo aahhh youh? Wheh didjoo come frahm??”
With no answer, bone wiz, with no spells left, is sent in to detonate – but it causes no harm. Lord Boner fails in his attax. Wiz is raised again, who raises his 2 Bone Knights in turn – they put static discharge on their weapons. Their attax do little dmg – and reveal that this statue is a foggy semi-substantial rock-like material. It displaces and appears before Flesh, but its 5 AD have no chance of hitting him.
Next turn the monstar goes first, and the creature goes back to the center – the ring of power appearing around him again, draining Lord Boner and a Bone Knight into a pile of dry bones. The doors have closed. Flesh now calls Rusty the Ghost, who searches on the other side of the door – yet finds no mechanism.
Thorough searches from him find nothing more than a secret room that has nothing in it – he rolled high enough for a secret door but not for a treasure or another secret door! Bone Knight stands in front of the door, casts a hi heatball, which reflects, killing him but blasting the doors open.

Flesh pulls the lever that Rusty found – SHLONK; there is another undead from the grave – a female one! Flesh thinx that he might make a friend! “I’d gladly trade up this yahoo behind me for someone with brains in their head and not in their lunchbox.”
It turns out to be a Banshee; she screams, and I hope it’s a come-on! Zebs tries a swing and completely misses. I lower my mask and give an undead howl back, but she isn’t interested in my come-hither antix. Just as well – my tongue is a moldy mess with barely any moisture to it.
Wiz skel hi-heatballs them for 6 dmg each, but they still stand after it. Flesh shadow jaunts and then backstabs twice.
Flesh is hit – out of bonuses that add up to 20 defense dice, only 3 of them shield. It reduces his body to ZERO, putting him in Limbo – the body I inhabit cannot sustain any more damage.
Zebs takes some hits from the Banshee while my minions stand there, stunned to have free will now. Zebs stops the Banshee from stealing another spirit point, and then ZERX out; doing 2 x 11 hits. Rusty’s swipe brings 14 spirit points total to Flesh, who gets up with 5/9 body and 6/18 spirit. Zebs takes off the arm and shield of the statue and beats it into rubble as it falls (along with the stairway, somehow.)
Wiz raises 2 Bone Knights, and we save the searches for next adventure!
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby el_flesh » Sunday October 20th, 2013 1:02pm

We find ourselves in the crypt. Zebs shouts out for HELP. Nothing happens. Ninja, who had used the Ring of Return finds himself in an utterly dark, uncomfortably tight box of stone. Feeling around, he rolls 2D6 and gets a natural 12! With a click, the lid slides open from the far tomb and he pops out. I look at Beernut saying – “But my ghost had already searched THROUGH the sarchophagi last game and saw nothing?!”
Like the pro of a DM he is, Beernut explains that the Ring kept Ninja in Limbo; and only delivered him here to us at this later time!
Ninja spends 4 action to come up to Zebs and –bravely- hugs him. He asks me “What’s up, dead dick?”
“You searching this crypt thoroughly. Get busy.”
Rusty the ghost reveals a secret passageway on the side that Ninja failed to find on a snake eyes roll!


Ninja reveals the door, goes down the corridor bravely approaching the door, and falls into a pit trap! But he has enough action to climb the other side and unlock the ancient heavy door, managing it on the first try and keeping his three lock picks left intact.


That door was so old it can never lock again; the internal mechanism is broken in the attempt. He rolls to stealthaly open the door. Just the right care makes the door FAIL in its design; it opens but does NOT creak on its hinges! He sees some Chaos Knights in the room beyond. The Bone Knights aggressively rush towards the knights as fast as they can.


Zebs meanwhile, has come down the hallway, climbed down, and cowers in the pit, while the Bone Knights close in.


Ninja stealthily runs through the middle, hiding in plain sight. Zebs rushes in and attax, but a roll of mostly shields does no good! The Bone Knights’ static discharge on their weapons HEALS the physical dmg they deal with their swords! Flesh rushes up to the blue knight, and stabs it three times dealing some significant dmg. It turns on him and lets loose a lightning blast, bringing Flesh down 4 body points! But it is Zebs now, and he kills the *lemony goodness* out of it! Flesh can only convert the spirit from its death back into body points this turn.
The last Chaos Knight casts a hi heatball, which dissipates Rusty, the Wizard and its Bone Knights; this in turn harms the Chaos Knight itself, which then warps in allies.


The mummy fails to harm Flesh. As the ghoul tries to hit Zebs his multiple shield-counter allows him to step aside and neatly “splits it from crotch to crown” (Beernut is the best DM. Evar.).
Ninja attax the Chaos Knight, stabbing it multiple times, the last one going upward through its lower jaw and into its brain. Guess where it winds up. Ninja finishes the ghoul and mummy – the death of which Flesh uses to summon Lord Boner.


Ninja has leveled, so has Zebs, who realizes he’d not applied the maths from the LAST level also! Ninja looks for doors, and searches for whatever might be lying around in these dungeons, his multiple bonuses making his rolls well above 100 – like stacking all your gear with pTopazs in D2! He finds a chest hidden under the stone floor!

Skilled Silk cape of the…Skilled (Beernut cursed his roll). +3 body chex +1 AP shields. Val = 2400 Ag.
Cu² Bracelet of Redemption: 1/adventure 2spells can be cast simultaneously for ½ their cost. 1/fight reroll dice. Val = 2400 Ag.
Resisting back door Chain mail of Swift movements: +1 body check, +6 reaction, +2 action (I’m eyeballing that one.)
Reaching Longsword of the Expert: +3 magical extension +3 AP to skill – Zebs dual wields it with the sword of Methemkay.
Reaching Broadsword of Sharpness: +3 magical extension -1def enemy

Because of Ninja’s SICK bonuses, he somehow fnds amazing items in the tombs that Rusty the ghost entirely overlooked. Here are the results from HIS notes, we will probably sell everything:
There is:
Ranged Tanto of Swift Movements: +2 range +2 reaction +1 action
the Shocker Wand of Armor: lightning bolt vs 20 body check. 1 action to activate. 20 charges. Body check of 20 to reduce dmg by 1.
Strong Cu Ring of Storing: Stores 3 spells no energy before adventure. Roll vs body check to reduce dmg 3. (Better than MY rings)
Hot Ass Kris 1/fight, add 3 fire dmg to roll. Lasts 2 turns.
Potion of Magicka: Restores D6 spell allowance points.

Such badassery. We hope to get to town in the next adventure for training. In any event, the fragile dungeon trembles beneath our feet, dreading our power.

"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby Sjeng » Sunday October 20th, 2013 1:19pm

lol, you have the funniest games ever :P
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

Grin's Stone Map Played a turn in a Play-by-Post game. Wrote twenty (20) articles for the Blog in three (3) sections. Created a Hot Topic. Participated in three (3) Miniature Exchanges. Zealot Miniatures: Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter Backer Slain a measly Goblin! Slaughtered an Orc! Killed a mighty Fimir! Shattered a Skeleton! Destroyed a Zombie! Unravelled a Mummy! Encountered a menacing Chaos Warlock!
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Postby el_flesh » Monday November 18th, 2013 8:47pm


We found ourselves in an underground system with lonnng tunnels. But we could not get out – limitations of the table didn’t allow us to split up. We eventually exited into a swamp.


Deciding to go south rather than east, we wound up in the big citadel we had seen from high up in the mountains – some weeks ago (in reality, some YEARS) “In Talling Country”.

We were met at the closed 70’ tall gates by a guard from high up the wall, calling down at us to wait until tomorrow when the gates would open again. So we walked a little past the city, looking for some place to rest and sell our goods, and possible resupply ourselves. But there was nothing to be found, aside from a military bunker and some farms. We came back to the city gates at about 4 AM, with Flesh releasing his spirits – Rusty the Ghost and Lord Boner.

(You see here the three potions of Flesh - red = Heal, in case a LIVING teammate needs it, Purple = restore Chi, and the last container holds potion of invisibility!)

The gates cracked open at 8 AM, and we entered the city, paying some Cu to be given directions. We went to the Inn/Brothel, and got a room with a tub. After cleaning ourselves and our textiles as best as possible, we went to the armor shop to get our stuff cleaned and sold, stopping at the weapons shop to unload some low level swords Zebs was carrying. But the shop owner feared to even look upon my phylactic slayer. He said in earnest that it needed no sharpening or servicing, and while it was very nice and top quality, he wanted me to put it away and leave.
The other deals in town were tough and hard; we got a lot less for our items than they were actually worth.
I did dump my Wand of Jester, Wand of Hot Balls, and My Hot Wand; each one for less than half of what it was worth. All that was worth buying was a potion of invisibility, which wound up costing the amount of one of the wands.

Somewhere around this point Zebs made a very strange voice that his father, Beernut mimicked perfectly. The two of them went on and on, wheeling and dealing, reducing me to tears of laughter. It mightn’t have happened with the other members of the crew there!

I obtained a medium circular shield, but the rolls were not with me, and so it was regular – no magical mods at all. We searched for some head gear too; but the same lousy rolls made it not even worth our while.

There was another store that sold healing crystals, which were 800 Ag/ life point. I sensed that they would burn rather than heal my mortal coil, and Zebs sure liked the idea of drinking a potion now that we had the little bottles implemented!

Going to the main gate of the internal palace, we asked to see the king. We were told that it was not possible; the king was not interested in the rabble and to pass on. The Ballistae on top of the twin 70’ towers slowly took aim at us. We left.

Back towards the Inn we found a shopkeeper of more ill repute, who sold DARK crystals. He had three massive ones which could heal 8 body points for me! After some intense bargaining, I spent 2/3 of my Au on them.

Some more exploration found us the arena, where we could bet on the life and death battles of slaves in the pit. Zebs found it interesting, and wanted to come back later. I thought that might help us get into the palace! He could watch the games while I sneakily infiltrated it.

Back at the Inn, we flashed some Au, and looked for a way in to the palace. Everyone left our table. The plan was shaping up for Zebs and I to make a scarecrow that would look just like me; which he would drag along into the arena that night to watch fights, and make seem that I was with him. But before we could finish making our decoy, there was a knock at our door. The short, rather criminal looking beady eyed man who poked his head in told us that we should meet him in the hedge maze later that night; HE would give us the information we sought.

We went to the meeting place, waiting 20 minutes. Then eight men stepped out from the darkness, telling us to either pay all we had to them, or pay with our lives.


There was not even a moment’s hesitation. Lord Boner was raised and boosted with my new training; “Fortify Undead” skill. The Wizard was also raised with the Wand of Packing fudge. He, in turn raised 2 Bone Knights which went left. Flesh used his remaining action to attack the thug that was next to the one Wiz was in front of, leaving the two on the right for Zebs.
A slash from Flesh cuts off the fingers of a thug, and then and a stab goes right through his eye socket and out the back of his skull. The phylactic slayer has served well.


Lord Boner immediately took the head off his target, being fortified with 3 extra attack dice. His backswing attack cut the abdomen of the thug facing him, who tried to put his prolapsing intestine back in.
The Bone Knights added static and both hit their targets, one of them falling immediately, the other avoiding the shock yet getting badly wounded.
Zebs turn had him leap and smash, killing both targets in short order. The remaining two thugs ran!


They could not escape – red was raised from far off, and harmed his target badly. Flesh sprinted after the other one, trying to just hamstring him, so that we could get some information. But he missed, and somehow impaled the thug’s neck; discovering that it was the man who had set us up from the Inn. Zebs killed the last one. The meager reward was 25 Ag pieces, 12 Cu , and some weak weapons and armor.


We decided to drag the dead bandit leader to the main palace gates, which were still closed. My army, Zebs and I stood there waiting for them to open. The guard walked down, telling us to leave, again. (By now, it had been some days since our last meeting.)
Zebs asks “Do you have a bandit problem?”
The guard says “No! Zere are no bandits ERE!”
Zebs, holding up the dead bandit leader by his head, feet dangling, and I, together say “Well HERE is a bandit from YOUR town!” and both of us tell him how we were set upon in the dark night.
The guard says that we shall go to trial for murder. The ballistae are aimed at us, the gates open and several guards with two tallings come out.
We shout out as loud as we can together that we WILL speak with their king.
They demand our surrender.


It’s clobberin’ time.
Thanx to my new gear I have pretty good initiative. Wiz jumps up on the shoulders of Zebs and casts a hi heatball on to the right ballista, which blows apart in a shower of burning splinters and melting metal. He drops down and the second Bone Knight jumps on Zebs and does the same (all for range). A double 6 roll makes that ballista detonate with a huge boom that distracts the guards on the ground. It is enough for Flesh to use his new potion of invisibility, dousing it all over himself like cheap cologne (something some nerds in here might do in lieu of a shower – trust us…shower first). He then runs forward entirely unnoticed and then shadow jaunts inside the closing gates, where
He sees that the doors to the ballista towers are shut and locked. There are men on the walls that are taking aim at the group. Flesh will need to summon some ranged help on his next turn, or else Rusty the ghost.


The first Bone Knight, not needing to try another heat ball on a ballista, simply casts it into the middle of the advancing throng. They are so tightly packed that SIX men are hit, burning them and tossing them down onto the ground. A talling is also hit, he slows his advance as his skin blisters and burns. Red Skel runs forward to him, standing between the talling and one of the felled men. His burn aura finishes the human off…“toastyyy!!” and harms the talling further. A slash from Red’s burning scythe severly harms the talling, too! Lord Boner comes forward and finishes the talling off with one mighty slash, the backswing hitting a nearby man that cuts off one arm. Zebs leaps over the Wiz and smashes into the other talling, cutting him down in his tracks.
The men throng forward, thinking they can take on demigods. Arrows from the walls do some damage to the skels. The attacking men do almost none, some of them getting killed with counters.


The game ends here for tonight. We take pix and write downs tats so that we are ready for the next game. Soon Beernut will make his new system. Zebs says that once we take over this town, we will be the rulers, and our new chars can come out of it.

"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby el_flesh » Saturday June 21st, 2014 10:38am

Image We're g2g!

Zebs gets more into his character...
El Flesh and Zebz of Doooom had split up from Ninja some time ago to scout different paths.

Ninja, hiding in plain sight as he scouts, finds himself in a dungeon Stealthily walking in, he spots two guards relaxing and talking about how much they hate their jobs. Creeping up behind one he swats him on the ass and mutters “Hey big boy, sup?” He demonstrates what he learned in Italian class:
"La mia matita e lungo, duro e giallo." As the guard starts, turning and unsheathing his sword he ghosts over to the dwarf to check him closely.
and then runs back to attack the guard that had spotted him. His first attack is mostly parried, the second, action free one has sparks fly, and the soldier is hurt. A 6 skull roll makes Ninja spin and thrust his blade up through the bottom jaw and into the brain of the guard. He is dead before he even sinks to the floor. Spinning in the other direction, he cuts into guard #2; 10 skulls slash across his face, stabbing him through the eyes. Darkness falls, and he sinks to the floor, dying with a minimum of fuss. Ninja now leaps to the shocked dwarf, threatening to kill him unless he gives up his weapon. But the dwarf does not even speak his language. Ninja perceives a commotion form around the corner, unseen. The dwarf is starting to attack, so Ninja stabs at him, hitting his shoulder as he tries to escape towards the corner. The dungeon is filling with black smoke as the first guard, who had fallen into the forge fire, gets his flesh burned off.Image Ninja didn’t see a scaly lizardman sidle up to him, swinging; with the dwarf swinging his metals at the same time. But neither of them can do anything but get countered. The counter, however is clumsy in the dank, smoked and thoroughly unpleasant dungeon that now reeks of burning flesh; he only cuts the dwarf on the cheek. The lizardman’s sword is coming, which also winds up being a clumsy attack that is easily evaded, but so is Ninja’s counter attack. He also perceives a crossbow bolt coming at him, which is dodged.
WIPE – Image Meanwhile, Lord Boner, who has been given +3 AD augmentation makes an 8 skull hit that instakills a scaryelf. The 2 skull backswing is aimed at a sexyelf who ducks under it. A 4 skull half attack catches her in the throat, nailing her to the ground as she chokes on the rank steel of a Boner.
Bone Knight #1 with 3 skulls only chips the shoulder of his target. Bone Knight #2, however, rolls 6/8 skulls and kills the HELL out of him. Image
Red’s burn aura is enough to kill the already wounded guard that is facing him. But he must stay a little back, lest his aura harm his own compatriots (like in original Diablo – THAT’S a game done right. Not like the sack of *lemony goodness* Diablo3.)
Flesh summons Rusty, then uses the last of his actions to go into the gate tower, looking for some lever; but sees only stairs. Image
Zebz, meanwhile, yells “OPEN ZESAME” at the gates. Beernut, the DM, is once again momentarily at a loss at this unexpected action – but it is a very brief moment for this excellent DM. He says “OK, if you roll double 6’s or snake eyes, you will get it. Otherwise….”
Zebs rolls…DOUBLE 6’s!!!
The shout that went up at that one was super loud! The 70’ portcullis smoothly raises upwards! Image Was it magic? Reinforcements coming from the town? Some shithead gatekeeper obeying what he heard? We tell Beernut that on a double 6, it had to be the latter.
Zebs performs a leap smash; 8/15 skulls removes the arm of the guard. As Zebs lands, he performs his reaper move on both guards and removes the head of one, killing the armless other one.Image
The third guard gets cut on his arm, chest, and arm finally blocking 4 skulls. Zebs taunts zem: “Whhu zent all zese BEHBEEEZ to FAITE?!?”

Turn #2 has Ninja 5 skull eviscerating the dwarf; and stabbing through the shoulder of the lizardman. Another 5 skull attack, and he feels the bones of the guard’s ribcage getting lightly cut as his blade passes over them. Somehow the guard is still alive. Making more attacks that the chronicler didn’t bother to record, what with pouring yet another glass of Sortilege, finally drops the guard with blood pouring out of his mouth. This has taken 6/27 actions. Next is the bowman, whom Ninja gets under the armor of, drawing blood. The second cut gets him a little, but is mostly pushed away. Using Focus, the stab goes into the bowman’s neck. Image
Now in silence, Ninja searches. He finds a secret panel. There is a unique Sharpened Storming Halberd of Combat: check vs 25 3dmg 8stun, 1/fight 3 radial electrical dmg (casting range of 5), -1 enemy defense, +2 attack +2 reaction.
The other item he finds is also unique: Rogue’s Boon Armor: +3 body, +1 body check, no chi spent on sprinting or running (which effectively triples your movement range), +2 attack, +2 reaction; however, this is a suit that takes the slots for body, pants, shoes and arms. He also finds 160Au. His next search finds a rare item: Parrying Wakizashi of the Bat: +1 defense die, bat=on an undefended 1 skull attack each turn after, target must body check vs 20 or lose turn until succeeding check. He also finds 160Ag.
Lord Boner runs ahead, his missed swing sets up for the backswing which nicks the artery as it goes into neck, and comes out the mouth of the target. He slumps on the foul blade, choking, as his heart pumps weakening spurts in a thin, tiny rivulet out of the nicked artery. Flesh catches up with a guard and makes several attacks, wounding the soldier in front of him who is now bleeding from under his helm. Zebs arrives, rending that guard into four pieces. He then cuts through the armor of the other one. Red loses 1 body leaving him with 2 life points, the bone knights are damaged (BK #1=5, BK#2=3), and Lord Boner kills the guard. Flesh’s stab of 7 skulls kills the remaining guard. Image There are only some archers 100’ up on a wall, with rusty the ghost swiping at them to try to steal spirit… Image
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby el_flesh » Tuesday June 24th, 2014 3:38pm

After an udderly fantastic BBQ hamburger dinner, and udderly tanked already, we roll for reaction. The BEST I could do would be 29 with double 6’s. Ninja would have to roll snake eyes to get 29. Arse.
Ninja looks out the door, for his vision is far more than Zebs / El Flesh; and he discovers that he is about 10km from the castle. There are some buildings nearby in his compound, with 25’ walls that are 15’ thick. There are 35’ towers interspersed among the wall units. Ninja uses 4 actions just to walk to the top of the tower. At the top, hiding in plain sight, he encounters a crossbowman (not an actual Bazooka). Image
He proceeds to kill the hell out of him. The slit throat of the guard lets out a Wildheim Scream regardless. He can see the city walls in the distance. Flesh tries to get away with some bullshitting: “He could see the burning buildings from RED burning the *lemony goodness* out of the guards!” Image
Beernut considers this for not even a second: “It’s a medieval town. There are fires producing smoke everywhere.”
El Flesh wants to burst open the doors of the main castle to make a fearsome entrance – but finds out the doors are locked, and barely give way. Red comes to the wood door and stands up against it; the door bursts into flames that are consuming it – 100 HP goes down to 88 in this first ignition.
Zebs shout of “OPEN ZESAME” fails this time. Image (Sorry – I was quite tanked when taking this pic; so you’re seeing exactly what I saw.)
Ninja is running along the wall to gtfo of the compound. He finds himself facing 2 more crossbowmen, which he totally kills while the chronicler is in the loo and he fails to take over the writing.
RED burns the door down to my favorite number: 69. Zebs fails to open the door with “OPEN ZASPIRILLA!”
Rusty fails his attack on the crossbowman up on the wall. But it panics him into trying to shoot the ghost. Beernut : “Look at the placement of the soldiers.” Image The bolt goes right the hell thru Rusty and nicks the other soldier significantly – who runs off.
Ninja now wants to jump to the next tower – but a 20’ space is too much even for his OP.
So he runs down this tower then up another. Image
The door has burned to 63. Rusty misses another swipe. A Dragon alights on the mountain, observing the carnage. Image
Zebs: “OPEN ZASKATCHEWAN!” Beernut: “Not a chance.”
The soldier on the wall tries to stab Rusty with his sword – but only magic can harm him. He just manages a saving roll to not overbalance and fall to his death.
Someone comments about needing mustard for the last of the burgers…Beernut, quite tanked, says “We need some Grey Poupon. I Poupon my hamburger. I Poupon my hot dog. I Pouponed my GF’s chest – I Poupon everything!”

Ninja kills the guard in the next tower. Now that night has fallen, my vision becomes quite OP. Ninja pulls a 6 skull backstab, going into the lungs, cutting through the vessels and “aveols in brachioles”; and in a purely reaction move, catches the bottle of Sortilege by the neck that he had tipped off the table with his elbow on the same arm! Kuro Obi! Image (That was a new bottle when the evening started...) He wants to see if he can operate the mechanism that will allow him to escape this compound. Beernut: “It’s a wooden tower, there is no mechanism. You have to figure out how to get out of here.”
He finds a wheel next ott he gate, and 7 vs body juuuussst manages to open the door. “I’m finally out of the Royal Graceburg Mining Co.!”
Zebs laughs : “HAHAHA no wonder they couldn’t even put up a fight!”
Out of the compound, he heads South, travelling 14/100 actions away.

The door burns to 37/100 HP left. Rusty’s swipe finally nets him a spirit point.
Zebs shouts “OPEN SASKATOON” fail.
“OPEN SUCK MY ****” and with a pelvic thrust, his roll OPENS THE DOORS!
Ninja is 1 turn away! I didn’t even roll to see if the doors collapse into ash before any of this. That’s what happens when you are three sheets to the wind and have to go home on your bike, cos I SURE wasn’t driving in that state.
Last edited by Daedalus on Saturday November 30th, 2019 12:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Appropriate content rules
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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