Well it’s been like 5 weeks since our last game. We were a little unsure about playing it, including the DM. Nevertheless, we set it up…

…After many days, all of them lost to Puff the Magic Drag-on, we find ourselves staring at cave doors #1,2,3 and 4.
Ninja looks into cave #1. He sees 2 Orc Hunters talking to each other – but they spot him!

He uses his ability to footwork and maneuver thru them to behind!
Beernut rolls a check = they start talking to each other again!
Ninja can see a corridor leading downwards. He makes a back attack; 6 skulls make a good stab, widening the eyes of the creature as it is talking to its friend. 7 skulls on the next roll = dagger goes thru its neck from behind, slicing sideways, severing several arteries. Blood founts out of its mouth onto its friend. (All Thanx go to
Beernut for these graphical death descriptions.) As the other Orc starts to turn,
Ninja attax – but the back attack will not work; another check shows that the Orc has seen him! Some fingers are sliced off as it tries to block. Attack #2 is blocked by its Orcine greaves. #3 trix the Orc; it blox low then both daggers come up thru its neck – they are out & cleaned before it hits the ground.
There is a check roll to see if anyTHING noticed the quietish assassination noises.
Ninja walx down the hall. He sees a door on the wall beside a hole. In the hole is the pointed tip of a BALLISTA! UH OH!

He quickly moves out of the firing line, ducking back behind the wall edge. Rusty the ghost sinx down thru the rock, arriving on the same level as our heros.
Ninja & Zebs allow him to go and check in the Ballista room. He finds an Orc manning (orccing?) the Ballista, asleep.
Ninja quietly sneax (cost more AP) down the hallway, crossing the hole, ending his turn in front of the door.
Zebs lies on the ground, trying to crawl sneakily down the hallway.
Beernut asks him what kind of armor he is wearing. It’s plate armor. “Imagine using a rope to drag an anvil down the hallway. It makes the same kind of sound.

The Orc gets up and pulls on a rope, a loud CLANG CLANG obviously alerting the whole dungeon to our prescence. Rusty swipes the Orc, taking one spirit point. I have no choice but to raise a wizard – a failed Lich who is summoned to this plane only for a time. His magic is limited – he can only summon two bone knights himself and no more, which he immediately does. I don’t have the spirit to raise any more minions until something else is killed. Orcs appear in front of the bone knights. The turn ends.
Ninja can’t get thru the door – he rolls to examine it. There is no handle; it opens from the other side.
He doesn’t dare to step in front of the Ballista. The projectile is large. Bone Knight #2 attax, cutting the hand of the Ogre, using his spell of hi static discharge. It causes only one more dmg, but the strength of it is its hi stunning effect. The Ogre slumps against the wall, effectively losing a turn. The wizard has only two strong spells, and uses one of them now, casting a hi heat ball in the center of the horde. None of them die – but they all suffer 3rd degree burns. (6 dmg each). The Orcs get up and then throw their spears – only one reaches the 1st Bone Knight, who bats it away with his 4/5 shield roll.
Ninja is being the chicken *lemony goodness* and stays behind the door!
Beernut makes the Orc orccing the Ballista panic, trying to hit the ghost that keeps swiping spirit points off him, and shoots – the bolt flies up the length of the corridor and blasts apart at the end wall having hit nothing. The Orcs lob their spears again – Bone Knight #1, who is stuck, unable to attack diagonally, loses 1/3 of his unlife. The Orc in back shoots his spear too, but hits his friend in front of him due to the burn effects (critical fail w/double six) killing him. Bone Knight #1 is hit again – now only one BP remains to hold him to This Vortal Coil. The Bone Wizard casts a hi lightning bolt on the Ogre.
Beernut: “Picture your bone knights dry, expressionless skulls. In a sudden, disgusting bursting explosion, they get spattered in blood, bits of guts, gore and chunx.”
They’re going to smell even worse by tomorrow.
Enough spirit to raise LORD BONER! 6 skulls on the lead Orc make it basically explode, too, although not nearly quite as violently or spectacularly. Rusty steals his third spirit point.
Zebs runs thru and bravely kills the one remaining Orc that is already teetering on its feet. Then he goes to peek into door #2. The Orcs he discovers there follow him as he flees back behind my summons. They attack Lord Boner, who loses a body point. Rusty takes his fourth spirit point – the Orc is very sluggish now, and extremely pale. Bone Knight #1 can finally do something; with a hi static discharge, his sword goes into the Orcs mouth and blows off the top of its head. Red skeleton is raised; he harms the Orc but fails to kill it. The Orc is unharmed by Red’s burn aura, but the aura kills Bone Knight #1, who was too close!

Red goes 1st next turn; some footwork and a perfect attack roll = extra crispy Orc!
Ninja shouts to
Zebs again – “FOR THE LOVE OF
It will take him some time –
Ninja is spending action to give advice on where the door is weakest. It takes away some of
Zebs door-smashing action as he is distracted in swinging at the door: “WATTT?? yup.”
The soldier orccing the Ballista is now dead – converted into a flunky ghost. They both attack the remaining Orc, although the flunky is not nearly as powerful as Rusty; he only gets one attack die and half the action points. Up the second corridor, Boner hacks at the other door, but MORE Orcs are coming now – from the third cave entrance!

A thrown spear kills Red, making him detonate just as the first attacker comes into range! He suffers damage from Red’s violent dissolution.
El Flesh is Ballista’d as he retreats down the hall. The Orcs are pursuing; Bone Knight #2 is destroyed now; tumbing to the ground in a heap of dry, clacking, disarticulated bones. Boner comes into range and kills the sword wielding Orc. Red is raised again, and finishes off the Orc in the cave entrance. But Lord Boner takes damage from Red’s intense heat aura. Meanwhile,
Zebs succeeds in smashing the door open. They find that it was ‘locked’ in back by a wood beam crossing the door. Red burns the first Orc literally into ashes. Bone Wizard casts hi heat shield on Lord Boner, who then runs into the middle of the Orc group, causing heat damage to them, too.

Rusty takes a spirit off the new Orc and then goes into the same space as he is, permeating its vile body, causing panic.
Ninja runs thru the busted door, and with frustrated bloodlust, slaughters the Orc.

He then runs to the second room, and finds the Orcs orccing that Ballista. Red takes more than half his body in dmg. Lord Boner defends magnificently against three separate attax – the 3rd one allowing a full counter, which causes dmg on his flat-footed attacker.
Ninja sneax up behind the Ballista Orc, stabbing it thru the kidneys, killing it immediately. The next Orc, turning, is stabbed thru the armpit, making it bleed freely, but it is not dead yet. But as it turns to attack,
Ninja’s dagger goes into the hollow of its throat.
Ninja decides that NOW he will search for treasure. There is only 52 Cu. Boner and Red make attax. GREEN (an acid-based) skeleton is raised now, damaging an Orc, and his special burns it with 1 acid dmg/turn for 4 turns!
There is no pShaww without
Korisu. We also notice that we have gotten thru WAY more turns without pShaww and
Korisu, too…
Red is attacked violently, and he loses cohesion for a second time. Boner loses 25% of his life. Green is attacked and he loses half! The next attack detonates him, and he releases splashed acid and STANK! The acid alone finishes off three Orcs; Red can be raised again out of all the death.
Ninja sneax into the last Ballista room, our “Matrix” soundtrack reaching action crescendo.
Ninja backstabs that Orc, killing it instantly, too! As the 2nd one turns, his dagger catches it in the eye – but misses going thru the brain, so the eye is merely scooped out.
Ninja repositions the blade and hits the hilt; driving it thru the brains after all. His search finds a minor potion of strength-at-arms.
Zebs peeks thru the double door.

…He sees a huge meal at a table. But the door creaaaxxxxx as he peers thru. The closest creature looks at him “uuhhh???”
Zebs: “GUYS? I THINK WE’RE IN TROUBLE.” then he runs away, as his voice alerts the entire group.

As boner kills the last Orc at the entrance, Rusty goes into the dining room to distract thr group – but it fails; they are all swarming towards the door and ignoring him, intent on killing the green gigantic interloper. Their rush has alerted another group – the doors on the side open as well.
Tallings step thru it.

We all agree that we are so glad we decided to play after all.
Having been enjoying Oblivion for weeks and also Fallout 3, I must still admit it is not as fun as getting together for a game night like this.
HQ (or whatever its evolved into for us) almost died this past month. Now, it's got new life!