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Postby ken » Sunday October 2nd, 2011 2:54am

I just noticed the appendage on Zeb's cranium. What in the tarnation is that :?: A bottle cap :?: A pottee :?: A new accoutreement for close order combat, ie head butting :?: tell all. :mrgreen:

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Postby el_flesh » Sunday October 2nd, 2011 12:35pm

It's the lego top from a Darth Maul type. It represents the cap that blocks most of his vision.
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby el_flesh » Tuesday November 15th, 2011 10:10am

It takes 25 minutes to setup what will merely be a bunch of rolls for Ninja - seems Georgeous & Korisu headed back to lower levels to find a latrine or, failing that, a dark corner.

Ninja first searches the DracoLich, and finds nothing but wet bones. Seraching the room, adding his bonus to 90 winds up with a search roll of 145! Sadly, the three magical items he finds aren't very useful compared to what he has found in the past. The Wand of The Shocker, Check Her Out Medium Shield, and Great Sword of my 11" Extension will all be sold for a generous amount of Ag, all of which can be used in training in the future! Ninja opens a door, finding stairs that lead up. Image

My Bone Knight finds a door that has stairs leading down. Zebs keeps on avoiding doors. Image

Ninja heads up, to where he finds a ledge and an open trail. It is a path we can continue on later. So he goes downstairs, picks the lock at the bottom, and finds a laboratory FULL of furniture to search! (wowee!)


In his first cabinet, he finds the Silk Nightie of Denial +1 action, +4 defense(!) 2 free counters each turn! 1/adventure 3 turns of bright light:+1 enemy checks, 2dmg, red attack-1 die!
What an item! Why wasn't Mental wearing it??? Maybe it belonged to a previous GF who denied him once too often...
Mask of Sexy Visage: +2D attack +1 all chex
Superior Potion of Attack : +3D /6 turns
A very good fighter's Cu Ring: +2 action, +1 reaction, +1 spirit chex, +3AP in Armor Mastery!

We are so excited, that we break for the most amazing burgers ever. Veal. Beef. Porc. Chicken. on top I put the excellent spinach dip of Beernut - which is homemade including Montery Jackoff Cheese, Cream Cheese and Salsa (for a kick). Along with the utterly badass beer mug that had been given to me as a bday gift by the wonderful wonderful Beernut & Gill(ty). Rest assured - it's staying at their house!
I ask you - what more could a Lich want???
Probably the ability to consume such treats; rather than have them fall thru of the hole in the bottom of his jaw.

In the desk Ninja finds only the Wand of Fudge Packing. Then he goes on to find a Potion of Spell Resist and a Halberd of Light, which only adds 1 to vision range. It was a lousy determiner roll after making 126 on a search roll. Of course, neither Zebs nor I could manage much better than the Halberd had we been the ones looking! It pays to have a thief with you!
He finds 130Au in the room, along with a Get Lucky Tonight Gemmed Ring; the kind with which you will get lucky when you give it to the right kind of chick: +2AP in Chaos Spells.


I look closer at the DracoLich bones to see if there is anything a HomoSapioLich can learn from them; but a roll of double twos tells me nothing at all. So much for the Sapiens part.
We search for a secret door; and find a keyhole in the wall, behind the bookshelf. He cannot pick it. He searches for a key in the Lich skeleton, but finds nothing (due to a lousy roll!) He searches the desk and finally finds it.
We notice a jar on the desk in the small room it leads to.
He cannot really say what he sees in the jar. He tries to pick it up, but is thrown against the wall and suffers 5 BP DMG!


Zebs runs into the room and does...nothing.
Flesh cautiously summons a ghost which swipes at what I realize is a Phylactory - the 5 BP it causes disrupts the ghost utterly and he cannot maintain his manifestation on this plane. poof.

Ninja searches the chair - finds nothing, nor in the table drawers.
But in the chest is a Boo-Boo Rogue Plate of Peeping Tommery:
1/adv heal D6(2 actions cost); and +10 to vision range.
The Bone Wizard tries to pick up the Phylactery, but also suffers 5 BP of dmg.
Impatiently, I stab at it with MY Phylactery, miss with 2 skulls, and suffer 5 BP dmg myself. I do not have enough to miss another attempt.


After a short discussion, we lend Zebs all of our bonus attack items. He Zerx, and out of high teen amount of dice, 8 skulls connect, shattering the Phylactery uttery, filling me with 100 spirit points, healing the physical damage (which costs 10 spirit - 10% of my 'experience' gain!), refreshing my spirit pool, and suprisingly, making me realize how to summon a Golem and how to fortify my minions!
Mental is no more.
We decide to fetch Korisu & Georgeous, along with any allies they might have found, to set off on the path under the ledge 3 floors above us...

"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby ken » Tuesday November 15th, 2011 11:25am

Flesh said "filling me with 100 spirit points," is that some new kind of Bootleg Gin, 100% proof?. Like those new beermugs, not so sure on those burgers, are you on a Health Jag? Gaylion wants a "Check Him Out" Medium Shield. Any chance of one turning up? :roll: :mrgreen:

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Postby cynthialee » Tuesday November 15th, 2011 11:48am

wants a wand of fudge packing.....

Sounds like it has promiss.

Although I have a good idea what it may look like....
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
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Postby el_flesh » Tuesday November 15th, 2011 9:01pm

We're selling almost everything Ninja found, especially the Wand of Fudge-Packing.
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby cynthialee » Thursday November 17th, 2011 11:12pm


You have given me a great new idea for a magic item that shall be given to Deric the Cleric. (in my D and D campaign)
He would be flaming, but the torch missed him...
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
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Postby el_flesh » Friday November 18th, 2011 12:43am

hoooooo boy how quickly it degrades.....
"I will raise your dead body as an undead skeleton. Then I will make it do unspeakable acts. Like taking a shower." - El Flesh.


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Postby cynthialee » Friday November 18th, 2011 11:25am

I try my best...

It is a weakness of mine.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
~Sun Tsu The art of War~

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Postby ken » Friday November 18th, 2011 6:55pm

Gaylion the Firmir Mage has been pestering me to ask about the Wand of Fudge Packing. This is not something he has come across before. Is it something he could keep in his Cod Piece, along with his other Relics?

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