Looks like a grrrrreat recipe...can't wait to try it!
I've also decided to change my story format a bit - I will now present the pic for your viewing pleasure
before the text that accompanies it.

1 hour of munchies and drinx before the game carpet is even rolled out.
Orcus had smashed open the West Gate, rock shrapnel had flown across the courtyard and conked
Sunshine out.
Dazed, she gets to her feet and stands on the wall again.
She quickly surveys the courtyard.
Too many of them.
She draws an arrow and cocks her bow.
Korisu had fallen into an open hole while fighting, and discovered a barrel of dwarf Port Wine at the bottom of it.
Needless to say he has spent the past 15 minutes drinking it.
Now he returns to the battle.
Much like
Flesh is already buzzink from 1 beer, 1 marguerita, then 1 beer more!

We all roll for initiative by shaking the dice in our right hands and trying to touch our tungs to our chins.
( No; I’m deliberately writing fonetikly. Who has time for all that bizar spelink?)
Georgeous switches to his Ax Spirit dmg; Red skeleton will be hit too…his body goes down 2 points while many chaos undead also lose body points. Rusty the ghost is out of range.
Georgeous takes the heads off two zombies nearby; his “holy” ax dmg has helped a lot; 3 undead in total have fallen to him, while others are smouldering.
But it is the monstars turn next, and they surround
Georgeous, for
MethemKay the summoner commands them. He just blox the 1st hit (4 shields), then an 8 shield block is
not enough to counterattack. He hears the next attack coming and 6 shields lets him dodge it! A roll of five on the last attack scratches him with 1 dmg!
Ninja swears about being positive at finding NOTHING. But
Zebs sez the fire place could be a shifting mechanism! (I tell him this is a GREAT IDEA for
everyone’s HQ games – searching the fireplace for being a secret door might require a hard six to roll, but then it could lead to the corridor or even a secret room!) He then goes to check the throne, but must wait until next turn.
Sunshine has clambered up to her feet. There is a big discussion about the ladders on the wall, and we decide finally that they must be temporary and therefore she can pull it up. She does, and then shoots at the defiler. Six skulls makes her full attack.
DM “Just imagine a large meat sack full of mouths, arms, rotting body parts and screaming heads.”
Korisu “Just like the Oprah show.”
The arrow drives into a head, which stops screaming. The next arrow doesn’t really go deep, however.
Sunshine “hmm.”
DM “That’s what SHE said.”
Heh. I love Saturdays. The next arrow just bounces off.
DM “Sunshine is done?”
Ninja “That’s what SHE said.”
Zebs, who has just killed Mardoux, glowers at the guards now. They lower their weapons, and then
Zebs picks up the broken body and throws it into the fire; it belts on the mantle going in.
Zebs next easily picks up the entire kitchen counter; bottles and dishes pitching off it to shatter on the floor. The guards stand there, not even helping.
Zebs walks over easily and puts it in front of the door, blocking the lower half – we will have to pull
Georgeous up and over it.
Korisu climbs out of the hole; he sees
Sunshine pulling up the ladder. He’s been so drunk that he forgot to transfer his best gear. All the skeletons in the pix are actually zombies – the townsfolk and our previous army. He elects to attack – a zombie! His first slice is at its head – which flaps forward, but it is still up. The lightning however, arcs over it and it falls. The same thing happens to the next zombie!

Red skeleton cuts a zombie really well; it bursts into flame and falls into a melting puddle of offal.
Flesh raises a bone wizard, which in turn raises two bone knights. The first one makes a 7 skull attack and draws blood. The second one makes a good attack too, and makes the enemy cough blood. The Defiler moves towards the cavalry (this is the first time we have seen one move). We also find that the zombies can run fast!
Korisu has two fast zombies on his back! Two more are at the door to the keep!
Georgeous does a spin; blocking as some are trying to grab him; but to no avail, for he is too fast for their undead hands.
Korisu takes one dmg, then gets an anticipatory counter. NINE skulls don’t matter; the lightning has already killed the zombie!
* * *
Dinner is Roast Porc that I cannot cut even with a very sharp knife; it is too tender and falls apart in chunx as I slice! The gravy is so light, yet has such a flavor of wine to it, that I would expect such quality from a
very high-end restaurant. No pre-packaged crap here.
Beernut should be a chef, I think.
* * *
Ninja searches the chair, and his Magic Find belt nets him a HUGE gold ring: he puts it onto his finger finding +3 reaction; +1 action; +1 counterattack; +1 body; +1 AP in longblades, recover 8 Chi once per adventure. It is a gift from the gods, with a value of 2500
Au. (He could buy loads of training for that!)
Ninja says: “this is gonna be part of my
body now!” When others suggest it would better serve them, he stands there gazing at it and repeating:


Both Bone Knights are now dead.
Georgeous has killed zombies using his blessed light alone; hurting some others, and staggering the enemy boner. But
Georgeous has taken a lot of harm, and has to heal using his cloak.
Korisu kills another Zombie, the fig for which is simply placed at the back of the stream of invaders! A bug crawling across the mat gets killed by 5+6 dice!
We are not even done the SECOND game turn yet, but who cares?
Sunshine shoots another arrow at the defiler, which goes into it, doing some dmg. Red skeleton attax the Bone Collector which is now on fire. The wizard makes a High Heat Ball on the defiler and three zombies. The zombies at the door become ash and the defiler is now on fire too. Lord Boner is called back from the nether realm where he paces; although
Georgeous’ “blessed” light hurts him, he kills the zombie facing him. The Defiler attax
Georgeous and Boner.
Georgeous steps out of the first tentacle constriction, and entirely blox the second one. Lord Boner blox the first tentacle but the second captures him, pulling him down and towards the ‘mouth’.
Zebs decides to stay inside and do nothing.

It is the monster turn;
Korisu, surrounded, defends well enough to counter and kill a zombie. But two shields makes him take three dmg, and he is dragged down under the press of unclean dead bodies.
Ninja runs to save him, back attacking the zombies piled up on
Korisu. Rusty gains one spirit point in attacking
MethemKay. But Red’s attack fails. At least his aura is making zombies BURN.

Lord Boner just misses making an escape rolling 11 – only a 12 would free him! A lightning strike on the Defiler from the Bone Wizard makes it explode! Boner gets up.
Flesh’s turn, and he asks if summoning Pshaww might be a good idea? Or more likely a bad one.
Zebs says that Pshawww is fine, and so he/she/it is raised.
Zebs rolls a 1, and so continues to be a chicken ; hiding in the keep.
Red is attacked; he detonates and takes two zombies with him. The next defiler gets the Bone Wizard and drags him, making him lose BPs.
Sunshine now shoots the defiler, killing it totally. Then she hits Boner, trying to get
MethemKay behind him! Since zombies have no brain (just like the religious) Pshaww cannot attract them.
Korisu is down to 4 BP.
The 4th turn is starting and we have mebbe 25 mins left!
Ninja stabs a zombie thru the heart using backstab; only then does he notice that much like any ex-GF, zombies don’t rely on a heart at all. He misses his next attack then goes ape on his final attack double X cut taking off its head. Finally.
Ninja sees
Korisu’s amazing boots and wants to steal them. But
Korisu will KILL him for it. Assuming he gets out of his predicament. So he changes his mind, and hits a zombie instead, but fails to kill it. His next attack kills another one, though. The Wizard has little spell power left and attax the Bone collector with static discharge, but it causes no dmg. Lord Boner’s double swing scythe does nothing. Pshaww has failed in his attack, too!
The next gathering will have to finish this turn: Georg, Korisu, Zarquon, Zebs, then finally Sunshine…