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Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Wednesday July 29th, 2015 9:28pm
by Decipher
Looks like your group is a lot of fun to be in.

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Friday August 7th, 2015 4:40pm
by Daedalus
EvilWizardCharacter wrote:This cast evolves when someone dies. For instance, awhile ago when the Elf died from some very stupid decisions, I replaced him with a Halfling to punish him. When the Dwarf died last, a Skaven from the land where the next expansion is going to take place replaced him. I can post their Hero cards, but I'm not sure what the best vehicle to do so is.

Use an image file-sharing site (I use Flickr.) Copy the image address there and embed it in your post using the Img button at the top of the text entry window when you post. An example can be found in the BBCode guide.

Saiyaforthelight wrote:If you had time, I'd be interested in what house rules you use, as well as where I can find some of those cool dice you use.

For colored dice, try here.

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Sunday August 23rd, 2015 1:44am
by EvilWizardCharacter
Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. As for House Rules, we use such a bevvy that it's difficult to know where to start. That said, most of the personalization has come from the leveling-up of the Heroes.

I'm working on a HeroQuest blog to work in tandem with my new expansion, "The Labyrinths of Muroidea," and one of the first posts will say a lot about our Heroes as they exist now, on the verge of Quest 67. This will include pics of cards and monsters I've created and/or adapted for our group of rpg-savvy adults.

I would love to respond to specific questions, if you all had any. Tackling 66 quests in 18 months has forced upon us a number of interesting decisions, rules, and modifications. Some things, however, are set in stone for our group. For example, what's the point of playing games with miniatures if you don't respect their sizes and unique lines-of-sight? We, therefore, try and appreciate the spatial level of the game as much as possible. Could the Barbarian Ranger really shoot an arrow with any accuracy at that Chaos Warrior? Put you head flat with the board and see!

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Saturday August 29th, 2015 2:54pm
by Saiyaforthelight
I for one would certainly be interested in a simple overview of the characters and dice etc, although I'd be up for more excellent detail of the quests you've played. Loved that youtube video. Wish I'd been part of that campaign!

Also curious about some of your other additions like the magic arrows and such that I saw on the vid.

Edit: Found your Blog just. Awesomeness! For those interested:

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Saturday August 29th, 2015 9:57pm
by EvilWizardCharacter
Thanks Saiya! I'm happy you were able to find our recording from the Barbarian Quest Pack.

I hope to record this Thursday Night's session in similar fashion. I should have posts up on at least the first Quest by then, as well.

Thanks too for the follow on Twitter (@evil_wizard_89 for those of you who do the Twitter thing)

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Saturday September 5th, 2015 4:59pm
by Saiyaforthelight
I have faithful records of all of this thanks to HeroScribe, but I'll stop short of posting unless people would like to see specific quests or items.

Having looked through your Twitter feeds, I have seen a great many things which interest me. I know it must be a ball-ache for you to post things, but I'd be very interested in your quests and quest notes. Things like 'Chaos Omen' events, and the effect of the Elf Banshee's songs for example interest me. And that Skaven Necromancer (viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3047) is very cool. Sorry for sounding like a total fanboy, but your games look immensely fun.

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Sunday September 6th, 2015 10:54pm
by IvenBach
Perused through some of your stuff. Like seeing people come up with their own mod to HQ. After the first few quests it becomes insipid. Envy your ability to game regularly. Keep updates on this!

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Monday September 7th, 2015 10:47pm
by EvilWizardCharacter
Thanks again, Iven, Saiya. I'll keep the updates coming.

As for the Chaos Omens, I plan to post something on both why we need them and how we deal with them soon. As for the idea, I'm certain I picked it up from somewhere on YeOldeInn. The Banshee idea is not my own either; I adapted it from a character @HQExperience posted on Twitter.

Honestly, I wish the players had given the Banshee more play, but they never really warmed to her, choosing other Elves with which to play those ancillary MAGE OF THE MIRROR quests instead.

Expect a lengthy post on the Skaven Necromancer soon; he's one of my favorite characters, and I plan to eulogize him in a way he deserves. He also might play a fun and surprising role in our current expansion pack, THE LABYRINTHS OF MUROIDEA.

Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Monday September 7th, 2015 10:49pm
by EvilWizardCharacter
Also, Saiya.

Is there anything I could provide in the way of links to content. I don't know what you'd like to have in addition to what I place in the posts. I'd be happy to shoot along whatever you'd like in whatever format.


Re: 66 up, 66 down

PostPosted: Tuesday September 8th, 2015 2:07pm
by Saiyaforthelight
Thanks EWC! I've read your quest notes on your Twitter feed (both of them) and enjoy reading about the new characters (such as the awesome looking Banshee) and the cool items you use (I dig the arrows with the magical effects). Your quests just have so much flavour and depth, and if I'm honest, if you were in a position to post more of those quest notes in the way you did on your Twitter feed, that would be cool. I've already borrowed (stolen) several ideas. NPCs for a start, the aforementioned spell arrows, additional classes like the Necromancer have all been enveloped into my ruleset. Cannot wait to play test them now!

My only other specific questions were about Chaos Omen, which I see you are going to post about and the Blizzard spell you use in some quest notes - as an EU player we didn't have Chaos spells the first time round, so Ye Olde Inn has been fantastic for allowing me to use many of the US rules, such as Chaos magic - but I don't see a Blizzard spell card anywhere? Also wondered what the four Banshee songs effects were and how she used the 6 song tokens.

Cheers for being a source of great ideas which I have duly burgled!

Saiya :skeleton: