PART 1 - Kidnapped Kids
So, the heroes are having dinner and a drink in the town, when farmer comes running in.
His son and daughter have been kidnapped by goblins, led by an orc. He has no reward to
offer, but the other townsfolk in the tavern pool some gold to reach 30 gold as a reward
if the heroes help.
The elf and wizard (played by my son) and the barbarian (played by me) go to find the kids.
It all starts out well. Then, they split up. The elf runs into a caster who casts the chaos version
of tempest on him. The wizard goes to save him - casting tempest onto the caster-goblin...quite
The barbarian, on the other hand, runs into six goblins playing cards (high card) and after a brief
fight decides to flee. Instead of running toward the elf and wizard, he opens another door and
finds two more goblins, and gets trapped among them all.
He gets down to 3 BP and drinks a healing potion. He manages to clear out almost all of the
goblins that were fighting him, with some help of the elf who shows up on the last two.
We had to stop here for the night - but will pick up later this week. This adventure is about
1/2 finished at this point. I'll try to remember to take pictures next time.
Here is the great news - his counting and reading are getting better. He was able to read the
names of his spells tonight (only 3 for the wizard...don't want to overload him). And he now
knows to start counting with one die, and then continue with the other, instead of counting
the dots on both every time.
Oh yeah...for those who don't know...he is 5 1/2 years old.