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Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 2:01pm
by artisturn
This is the continuing story of a small band of heroes,Fenrir the Barbarian,Zeldar the Elf,Eldrich the Enchanter and Malikir the Builder who are brought together for their love of gold and adventure.

So the story begins with the main quest book and we are using the the game that I got in 1993


How I got this game is an interesting story, At the time I was working at frame shop that was one business down from a store called Hastings (which sells books,games and rent and sells movies and games) so when ever I would throw the trash out I would take a peak in Hasting's trashcan. I would use discarding magazines for collages and repair the broken VHS tapes to watch later.

So when I was searching for movies to repair lo and behold there sat Heroquest, the box was opened but all the parts were intact and never used. So to make a long story short my roommates and I played the heck out of this game and I picked up more Heroquest stuff at Toys R' Us on clearance and bought the Elf and Barbarian expansions for full price.

Enough background let us begin our story.......

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 2:06pm
by chaoticprime
I have been given way more than my fair share of Heroquest stuff, but I've never found one rooting around in the trash (though I have found a lot of cool stuff while doing that).

I have made a lot of custom content for the game, as have many, many others from around here. Here is some: ... t=3&page=1

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 3:08pm
by artisturn
The Trial and The Rescue of Sir Ragnar were played back to back and were also an introduction to Heroquest for my wife.


My wife Lynda (Zeldar the Elf) and my nephew Micheal (Fenrir the Barbarian)


I am playing Zargon/ the game master


The first two games were with just two heroes , and they were able to dispatch Verag and his minions but it took them awhile.


The Rescue was a tougher challenge for our two heroes. My wife died three times but using the GM's discretion I allowed her character to be healed with a healing potion with only one body point remaining, I was trying to get my wife into this game and killing off her Zeldar wouldn't of helped at all.


After the second game was over my wife mentioned she just played because I asked her to, but after these two games she said she loved it and was looking forward to continue playing, So bending the rules and allowing her Elf to live when he should of died paid off.

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 3:29pm
by mako-heart
Artisturn welcome, and great find free HQ is pretty sweet! every GM loses a hero in the" trial " . Nice photos keep posting! Now start painting them heros at least!!! ;)

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 3:35pm
by Schmidt
A question and a suggestion.
Why are there unpainted minis on the game board? And get some female minis for your wife.

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 6:21pm
by artisturn
mako-heart wrote:Artisturn welcome, and great find free HQ is pretty sweet! every GM loses a hero in the" trial " . Nice photos keep posting! Now start painting them heros at least!!! ;)

Schmidt wrote:A question and a suggestion.
Why are there unpainted minis on the game board? And get some female minis for your wife.

Painted minis are their way, in todays game I am using heroes and zombies that were painted up in 2003,done with testors model paints.

My painting skills have greatly improved since 2003 and I will be painting up all the game pieces using acrylic paints and washes.


The Barbarian was painted by my brother who is no longer with us and now his son Micheal is using that mini.

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Sunday October 5th, 2014 6:48pm
by artisturn
Lair of the Orc Warlord


This game has all 4 heroes, and was played with four players, Our weekly RPG group was in between campaigns so we all played Heroquest that night.

It was smooth sailing for the party and they blew right through the quest, by the end of the game the party amassed enough gold to beef up half the party. Longsword for the Elf and the Battle Axe for the Barbarian.

Prince Magnus' Gold


With the new weapons the party made mince meat of the monsters and cleared out the boss room with no effort, as a last minute addition I added that the lone goblin in the main room threw a switch and announced He was releasing the Berserkers, The Dwarf took a beating due to the fact he didn't have any extra gear yet so the party sent him and one treasure just through the wall into the stairway room,with the spell Swift wind and Pass through Rock He made it into the exit room safely.
I had the rest of the party fight their way out of the dungeon facing a single Fimir in every other room they had to pass through and finally 3 fimirs in the last hallway.

Even with the extra monsters at the very end it was still a cakewalk for the rest of the party. With the gold they got at the end of the quest the party boosted up the dwarf with a Broadsword and a Helmet.

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Wednesday October 8th, 2014 8:29pm
by artisturn
Melar's Maze-quest 5


This was the first quest where the party found an Artifact, the Talisman of Lore. This was also a very dangerous quest for our adventures,the dungeon was filled with many traps and hazards,so hazardous in fact it proved fatal for Eldrich the Enchanter.




Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Wednesday October 8th, 2014 8:35pm
by artisturn
The Death of Eldrich the Enchanter,

After four adventures and many battles it was ironic that the Wizard would leave this realm due to searching for treasure instead of dying in glorious battle.

It was a combination of a chest trapped with poison gas and a hazard that felled the wizard. The party was able to recover Eldrich's possessions but his body was left in the dungeon.

Now what the party didn't realize by leaving Eldrich's mortal remains in the dungeon they doomed him to serving the forces of Chaos, Our adventures will see Eldrich the Enchanter again,but not as a friend but as a foe. For Eldrich is now a servant of Zargon.


I plan on using the Eldrich mini in a future game in place of a Chaos Warlock.

Re: Santa Fe,New Mexico Adventure's Guild.

PostPosted: Monday October 13th, 2014 11:12am
by TMU
Nice story telling :) Glad to see you are having fun with the game again. Keep 'em pictures coming. Not many comment on these but everybody still love reading good battle reports. Especially with pictures ;)