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Questing in the USA!

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby GimmeYerGold » Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 9:36am

sajungzak wrote:I know what you mean Gimme, I agree. Especially at the beginning. What size did you make yours?

One thing I do to encourage that "what's around the corner?" curiosity is to use a 1x2 segment of corridor at the end of a hallway to signify that more dungeon lies around the corner just beyond the end of the hall, they just have to go down there to see for themselves. Also, I need to cut up just a few of my doublewide corridors because every once in a while, a single-wide hallway is perfect for those tricky traps, or close monster encounters :twisted:

I use the tiles presented on the German site, HQ-Cooperation: http://www.hq-cooperation.de/index_e.html

I also need to convert some of the special tiles from the expansions to this size, as overlaying them, or even using them as a new room tile fails because of the noticeable size difference. (almost 20% smaller than the 3mm German tiles!)

The 3cm square tiles are about 1.1811 inches square (between 1 1/8 and 1 1/4 inches square)

Like KK said, the Heroscribe minifurniture icon set is perfect for this size change, and there are even modular rooms that can be used to make maps that defy the original layout.

knightkrawler wrote:I cannot find those maps for the freakin' life of me.

KK, not sure if this is what you meant, but here the UK System Quest pack done in the double-wide modular "German-style" http://www.hq-cooperation.de/english/qu ... ngl_V1.pdf

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby sajungzak » Saturday June 27th, 2015 1:57pm

I got a new board recently! It's a bit smaller than my modular version, but at 30mm it shouldn't get too crowded. It is the vinyl printed version I was referred to here at the Inn and I have to say, it is very high quality! |_P

As you can see, my mini collection is pretty much complete but barely painted. Here is a close up of my hero options. Besides the 4 originals, players can choose from a female counterpart (The barbarian has 2 options because the female barbarian from the Frozen Horror sucks I M O and my copy is a very bad recast from an unknown source anyway), or Ampersand's version (For the barbarian I have a knight figure from bones. He also makes a good Sir Ragnar). In the background you can see four of each man at arms/mercenaries.

I now have enough of each to play all the official QP's (US version of the first 3) plus a few extras for special encounters. There is an orc with a magical staff (The head of the staff is covered by a fimir's axe, but it is homemade and pretty cool), a mummy with a dagger, a chaos warrior with a double headed axe (I don't remember why), and an extra gargoyle.

Finally, my collection was completed with the help of another Inn member by means of a trans atlantic trade. I now have mini's for the Frozen Horror! |_P
Since I don't need more than 4 ogre warriors I stopped there. Cast in black resin, these were part of an advertising campaign given away at a convention before the release of Against the Ogre Horde, if my sources are correct. The remaining ogres came from Bill and have parts that are copies, some from an unknown source but great quality. Everything else is known to be fine examples of his handiwork.
I'm sorry these pictures aren't better...
Last edited by sajungzak on Sunday June 28th, 2015 12:50am, edited 2 times in total.
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby IvenBach » Saturday June 27th, 2015 9:52pm

Looks good. Looks really good.

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby Decipher » Wednesday July 29th, 2015 9:33pm

Nice setup man.

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby Saiyaforthelight » Thursday July 30th, 2015 5:17pm

Awesome set up! Wish I could get the minis for the US quest packs, but boy are they steep on eBay!

I was wondering where you got your doors from, as they look very cool. Also, you mention the vinyl board you had made. Where did you get it done? I use Flint's double corridor 30mm board and love it, but the laminated version I had done came out poorly, so I'm using a gloss paper one.
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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby sajungzak » Thursday July 30th, 2015 6:25pm

Thanks guys. I'm struggling to get back in to painting. It's been more than a year since my fiance died and I'm still dealing with a loss of interest in things I used to like, but I think I'm almost ready.

The doors are from Hirst Arts and will likely be replaced when I get my twisting catacombs kickstarter package.

I have yet to print the tiles for the expansions; most of the minis came from bill. (search the forum for casting plastics and send him a pm) The rest came a little at a time from watching eBay. Sometimes you can get lucky. I ordered some GW (i think warhammer quest?) beastmen/minotaurs and when I mentioned they were for a HeroQuest homebrew he threw in an OP RotWL quest map for free!

The board I ordered on ebay from some dude in Spain. He charged more for shipping than he did for the board so it wasn't cheap, but the quality is worth it i m o. Let me know if you can't find it; I can search my records and give you a link if need be.
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby IvenBach » Friday July 31st, 2015 8:36pm

Sorry to hear about that sajungzak. Fund enjoyment in the little things (no pun intended) and keep going. Would you order again from the seller in spain for another map? When I see the map giving you enough space for the minis it looks very appealing.

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby sajungzak » Saturday August 1st, 2015 12:40pm

Yeah, I'd do it again. The material is top notch and the image is crisp, perfectly aligned.
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby Anderas » Sunday August 30th, 2015 12:24am

This Vinyl Board really looks good on the photos. Do you have problems like corners standing up or such?

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby sajungzak » Sunday August 30th, 2015 3:21am

Not really. They will curl slightly at first, but it is really soft vinyl and doesn't take much to get it to lie flat.
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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