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Questing in the USA!

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby TMU » Saturday July 19th, 2014 11:53am

No offence intended, I think your little sister is beautiful! :)
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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby sajungzak » Saturday July 19th, 2014 2:37pm

None taken |_P It runs in the family
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby IvenBach » Sunday July 20th, 2014 3:47am

sajungzak wrote:None taken |_P It runs in the family
Either he seems to be cool with TMU hitting on his sister or he's saying he's a very beautiful man :p . Nice to see people actually get together face-to-face these days and tabletop like it should be.

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby TMU » Sunday July 20th, 2014 4:14am

IvenBach wrote:
sajungzak wrote:None taken |_P It runs in the family
Either he seems to be cool with TMU hitting on his sister or he's saying he's a very beautiful man :p

I think I'm too young for that :P
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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday July 20th, 2014 4:26am

IvenBach wrote:Either he seems to be cool with TMU hitting on his sister

Better TMU than me. |_P
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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby IvenBach » Sunday July 20th, 2014 6:37pm

TMU wrote:
IvenBach wrote:
sajungzak wrote:None taken |_P It runs in the family
Either he seems to be cool with TMU hitting on his sister or he's saying he's a very beautiful man :p

I think I'm too young for that :P

sajungzak make sure your sister reads that. She'll prolly get a laugh out of it. I did at least.

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby GimmeYerGold » Monday July 21st, 2014 10:36am

sajungzak wrote:

Modular Dungeon!

Would I be de-derailing this thread if I talked about the modular dungeon itself? :)

I switched to modular awhile ago myself, and my everyone enjoys it, but some of my players mentioned a nostalgia for the standard board.

Even though the layout of the traditional board is somewhat "static," the potential of a room or hallway being "here" or "there," (especially when turning a blind corner) was something that baited their exploration. Not sure if I'm explaining this well, but does that make sense?

Given some thought, it's hard to decide which is a "better" way of HQ gaming, but I think I'll stick with modular--especially since I've invested so much time in it already!

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby knightkrawler » Monday July 21st, 2014 3:48pm

I read you. Same here.
That's why I made my sister print out 3 versions of the board, all with ~4cm squares.
One regular, two with double-square hallways, one of which I'll cut into modular pieces.
I'll rewrite the original quests (if needed) for these boards for alternate playing styles and also will write quests for whichever style fits.
What I do still want are the floor tiles of Dungeons & Dragons: The Board Game from 2003 with 4cm squares, but I guess that's not gonna be a problem with photoshop as soon as I'm accustomed it. Then I'm all set.
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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby sajungzak » Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 4:54am

I know what you mean Gimme, I agree. Especially at the beginning. What size did you make yours?
How do you handle the furniture KK? With the larger tiles I mean. It works to tell the heroes which tiles are blocked by furniture, but I plan to put the furniture on 2.5 x 3.5 inch tiles (smaller for bookcases and rack) and decorate by adding various dungeon trappings.
this is where I've been posting my painting progress so far:

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Re: Questing in the USA!

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday July 23rd, 2014 5:39am

I rewrote all original quests in such a way that furniture takes up less space on the map.
The HeroScribe "minifurniture" board gives me the option. That's the "German" double-space hallway board for at least 3cm squares. A cupboard, e.g. takes 2 squares on such a HeroScribe map.
I cannot find those maps for the freakin' life of me.
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