It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vault

Here is a moment from the first quest of a custom campaign I'm hosting.

That's me in the wizard hat. The Dwarf is hamming it up for the camera, the Wizard looks on dubiously, the Elf is holding his card, and the Barbarian is the photographer.
I made a custom dungeon similar to "The Trial," though not as brutal There was still a Gargoyle to slay at the end, however.
Almost right away, the Elf cast "Pass Through Rock," and saw a Chaos Warrior on the other side of the wall, so he walked right back through, leaving behind a very confused Chaos Warrior. Toward the end of the quest, things got really interesting.
-The Elf can perform a special sneak melee attack with the dagger, and he inflicted the killing blow to the Gargoyle.
-The Barbarian decided to roleplay as a true beserker, and turned on the party. He was heavily armored and wielding the Spirit Blade.
-The wizard cast Tempest on him, and everyone exits the room.
-The Dwarf can turn one door into a secret door which can only be opened on one side, so he cast it on the only door out of the room.
-This Barbarian has not been seen since.
The party has since been joined by a "gentler" Barbarian, and are hesitant to run into their old friend again.

That's me in the wizard hat. The Dwarf is hamming it up for the camera, the Wizard looks on dubiously, the Elf is holding his card, and the Barbarian is the photographer.
I made a custom dungeon similar to "The Trial," though not as brutal There was still a Gargoyle to slay at the end, however.
Almost right away, the Elf cast "Pass Through Rock," and saw a Chaos Warrior on the other side of the wall, so he walked right back through, leaving behind a very confused Chaos Warrior. Toward the end of the quest, things got really interesting.
-The Elf can perform a special sneak melee attack with the dagger, and he inflicted the killing blow to the Gargoyle.
-The Barbarian decided to roleplay as a true beserker, and turned on the party. He was heavily armored and wielding the Spirit Blade.
-The wizard cast Tempest on him, and everyone exits the room.
-The Dwarf can turn one door into a secret door which can only be opened on one side, so he cast it on the only door out of the room.
-This Barbarian has not been seen since.
The party has since been joined by a "gentler" Barbarian, and are hesitant to run into their old friend again.