The Black Thimbles: Quest to Reforge the Mirror Blade
Our crew has found some valuable sword fragments, and rumor tells that the only forges hot enough to reunite the pieces reside in the Black Thimbles, a fabled mountain range far to the north. However, due to cataclysmic events in a previous quest, the lower halls are flooded, and the forge is quenched. The adventuring party consists of the Dwarf, the Elf, the Wizard, the Monk, and the Bard. They made their way to the peak of the mountain, and dodged a rolling boulder only to be pursued by a squad of Chaos Warriors and Beastmen. The Wizard selflessly polymorphed into a marble pillar to hold them at bay while the four remaining heroes operated a dwarven mechanism that could restore the water levels. However, they'll have to face the hoard on their return to the reignited forge...

We had to break at this point because it was midnight on a weekday, so photo pics were our "save file." The board you see is a printed version of the HQ-modular 3x3 board spray mounted on black mounting board, and bordered with gaffer's tape. We had to move to our friend's dining room table because it was so big! But the extra wiggle room is nice.