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It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vault

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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby The Road Warrior » Saturday October 26th, 2013 11:45am

TMU wrote:In Finland, everything is as written, easy :D

Kyllä, erittäin helppo

(I have no idea where to even start pronouncing that :!: )
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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby IvenBach » Saturday October 26th, 2013 11:56am

I interpret that as 'Killa Britain Hippo'. Is that what a group of heroes finds scribbled on the wall when they find a corpse of a Barbarian in a room? Oh I can only imagine that conversation.

Dwarf - "Wu 'ave we 'ere?"
Elf - "It seems this poor brute got trapped inside and was too dumb to manipulate the door handle"
Wizard - "Well lets loot his gear like you normally do mine when I die and press on"
Barbarian - "*Wipes away a tear* Me sad. Me remember when this happen to uncle. I miss uncle."

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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday October 26th, 2013 11:57am

-e [like the initial a in "any"]
e- [a little more unrounded than the previous E, like in "me" in most songs]
-ri [trilled r, short i]
-te [see the first e in line 2]
-in [long i]
-po [the o does not round towards u, but remains one sound]

Rhythm and Emphases: KILLe eRITtäIN HELPpo

Is that right, TMU?

IvenBach, I love Hero 4-liners. Awesome.
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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby The Road Warrior » Saturday October 26th, 2013 12:03pm

IvenBach wrote:I interpret that as 'Killa Britain Hippo'.

Fluent Finnish from IvenBach!
You are now my official translator :lol:
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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby IvenBach » Saturday October 26th, 2013 12:23pm

That little diddy just kind of came to mind somehow. When they come like that they are actually pretty good. When I try to make them they are crappy. I've accepted that's the way it is.

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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby GimmeYerGold » Saturday October 26th, 2013 12:49pm

Goblin-King wrote:
If this is a regular group PROMISE me you'll re-introduce the barbarian in a later quest as a boss.
He finally found a way out and is seeking revenge - maybe add a little corruption of chaos from all the time he spent alone in the darkness (eating rats) figuring a way out.
This is too good a story plot to miss up!

One step ahead of you! I offer the players bonus gold for creative retellings of the quests, (writing, songs, drawings, etc.) and below is what the Barbarian player turned in. (His Barbarian's name was "Boofunt.")


In the next quest, the party will see missing posters in town with Boofunt's face on them and the offer of a reward...

But yes, eventually Boofunt will return as fearsome instrument of Chaos. muhahaha!

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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday October 26th, 2013 12:55pm

That is so unbelievably simplistically clichée-ladenly funny.
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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby Sjeng » Saturday October 26th, 2013 1:08pm

ah, yes, well, in that case, I say Fimmeer in English, and feemeer in Dutch. slight difference.
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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby knightkrawler » Saturday October 26th, 2013 1:19pm

I think you'll say Feeeeeeee-Meeeeeeeeer when he makes you pray to his deity.
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Re: It's all fun & games until someone gets trapped in a vau

Postby GimmeYerGold » Monday October 28th, 2013 12:01pm

Is it just you KK, or do all threads dissolved into Fimir talk? :)

Instances like this are why I felt it was time for a Fimir Appreciation Week!

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