Quest #8: The Fire Mage
We were joined tonight by my friend M, a veteran of our old HeroQuest campaigns. After a hearty round of pizza and caffeine, we got down to business.

The female barbarian from the BQP has been replaced by an old metal mini I got for a D&D campaign years ago. I think this is
her. She makes for a surprisingly close substitute. That is a D&D Cloud Giant in the background for no good reason.

The barbarian faces an
adorable new adversary.

And we are off! I can't wait to unleash the wrath of Balur on these heroes, since they murdered poor Grak before he could even get a spell off.

Hee hee, look at them all lined up outside the door. They have no idea what is about to happen.

Balur. Got this mini pre-painted but it does the job.

The snacks came out just in time...


Since the heroes had now slain Balur, the quest objective was complete. They headed home for their reward, leaving the rest of Black Fire Crag unexplored. At this point we had a choice, end for the night of play another quest. 10 minutes of HeroQuest is never enough though, so we moved on to...
Quest #9: Race Against Time

I've run this quest many, many times. The heroes
always open the doors before searching the starting room. Always.


After getting out of there, however, the party made good time through the catacombs or whatever this place was. Here they make short work of some goblins and their Chaos Warrior buddy. Note who isn't in the room (as usual).

Look, a secret treasure room and....uhoh.

Not much more to this quest, goblins aren't a real threat to this group anymore. They were out in short order.
All in all it was a good night, with good food and good company. I couldn't have asked for anything more

(Except to maybe get a spell off for once)