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Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

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Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby chaoticprime » Tuesday April 30th, 2013 10:38pm

In summary (not a round by round summar):

-The Witch Lord cast 'Command' and the Barbarian promptly killed the Wizard.

-The Barbarian did not recover from the spell for three turn.

-The Dwarf fell into a pit trap, and was soon prevented from escaping by three mummies that also eventually killed him.

-Made impotent by the Fear spell, the Barbarian fails to impress the Witch Lord. On the very next round after having broken the spell's effects, the Witch Lord cast it on him again.

-Barbarian and Elf finally corner the Witch Lord and two dwarf-slaying mummies, but are low on body points. The Barbarian gives the Elf the Spirit Blade. The Elf's casts Pass Through Rock and does not take a move. On his next turn, the Elf rolls a '3', which gets him adjacent to the Witch Lord, but also stuck permanently in the wall. With my permission, he took his last Attack action and killed the Witch Lord.

-The Mummy's then killed the Barbarian.

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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby drathe » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 1:06am

I've moved this to the Saturday Night DUNGEON forum. It may not be a regular reporting thread, but it's a great summary. It's... left me speechless.

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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby knightkrawler » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 1:09am

This is indeed... EPIC.
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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby chaoticprime » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 1:50am

Roughly five years ago I had a fantastically tragic outcome for the heroes while they were playing Quest 10 of Kellar's Keep.

-When the heroes searched the room with the weapon rack, the last to do so was the Wizard, who had just prior cast Treasure Horde on himself. His search came up two Wandering Monster cards (Fimirs), and a Magical Trap (Fireburst). The Fimirs nearly killed him with their surprise attacks, and he was forced to use his only remaining healing potion. Then, however, the immediate discharge of the fireburst trap came out as three skulls on the dice. The Fimirs died the same time that the Wizard did.

-The Magical Darkness room was just hilarious. They kept rolling "6's," and basically gorged themselves on healing potions while frantically trying to claw their way to safety.

-The Dwarf, single-handed, exterminated the lot of the enemies in the NW room, but got killed by the nearby trapped chest a few turns later.

-The Elf and Barbarian's big plan to beat the Guardian of Grin's Crag, was to have the almost-dead Elf use Veil of Mist to run past the Gargoyle, and shoot him with a crossbow from a distance while the Barbarian tangled it up. As that particular Gargoyle is immune to magic, I took that to also include magical Veils of Mist that magically does things. So the Elf got stopped right at the Gargoyle and was subsequently pounded into chowder. The Barbarian managed to battleaxecute the gargoyle, and get away safely.

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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby Sjeng » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 7:04am

sounds like you have some heavy games, lol. Epic indeed :D
Check out my YouTube channel Boardgame Heaven, and drop me a sub please!

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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby el_flesh » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 8:00am

I would ask if those players are keen to return though?

I might have had the mummies collapse into dust the instant the bitch king was killed SINCE the Barb was the only member left and low on HP. Of course, if he searched and turned up a wandering monster, that would be his own bad choice with consequences.
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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby chaoticprime » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 8:11am

el_flesh wrote:I would ask if those players are keen to return though?

I might have had the mummies collapse into dust the instant the bitch king was killed SINCE the Barb was the only member left and low on HP. Of course, if he searched and turned up a wandering monster, that would be his own bad choice with consequences.

Who wants to win every time? My friends are not the type to quit when they lose. Zargon's player has every bit as much incentive to win as the Hero players do. I don't play Zargon to tell a story, or to be a giant, white-bearded, evil referee. I play to win. Its not Dungeons & Dragons. Its a board game.

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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby TMU » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 8:16am

chaoticprime wrote:
el_flesh wrote:I would ask if those players are keen to return though?

I might have had the mummies collapse into dust the instant the bitch king was killed SINCE the Barb was the only member left and low on HP. Of course, if he searched and turned up a wandering monster, that would be his own bad choice with consequences.

Who wants to win every time? My friends are not the type to quit when they lose. Zargon's player has every bit as much incentive to win as the Hero players do. I don't play Zargon to tell a story, or to be a giant, white-bearded, evil referee. I play to win. Its not Dungeons & Dragons. Its a board game.

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Re: Best. Witch Lord fight. Ever.

Postby Goblin-King » Wednesday May 1st, 2013 10:22am

chaoticprime wrote:Its not Dungeons & Dragons. Its a board game.

I thought I was the only one in here!

Though I dare say it's possible to make a magic synergy by telling a compelling story, but still trying to win.

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