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Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Thursday August 21st, 2014 12:42pm
by The Road Warrior
Nice to see the evil wizard deck getting a run out. Looks like it worked well. The map card seemed to to have an unexpected effect!!

What's the sound effects app you use. I might have to go looking for one.

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Thursday August 21st, 2014 3:28pm
by Sjeng

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Thursday September 4th, 2014 5:05pm
by Daedalus
I agree it's cool to read about a Quest with the Evil Wizard deck. The extra detail adds to the Quest narrative.

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Saturday December 27th, 2014 11:13am
by Sjeng
Another new adventure, the Eyes of Chaos part 1, with evil wizard deck! ... chaos.html

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Saturday December 27th, 2014 12:04pm
by clmckay
That's awesome. I really like your minis. May I ask, where did you get the Skeletons, ogres, crossbow orcs and those cool tombs?

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Saturday December 27th, 2014 1:35pm
by Sjeng
Of course you may :)

And because I also suspect you'd like me to tell you as well:

Skeletons: Mantic, from the Mhorgoth Rising box (also has the zombies, and some cool looking dwarves, ghouls, revenants and even a few boxer doggies) worth it!
Ogres: Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Crossbow orcs: also from Mantic's Mhorgoth Rising box. Dwarven bodies with orc heads that are on the sprues.
Tombs: Reaper Bones. (1st KS "Vampire" box, that was the best deal ever!)
There are a few topics on them here at the Inn.

Glad you liked them!!

oh and if you have a BGG account, like my blog!

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Sunday December 28th, 2014 3:01pm
by Anderas
I like your blogpost. Nice article!

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Sunday December 28th, 2014 4:55pm
by Sjeng
Thanks! If you're interested, I have many more from the base game, KK, RotWL and the White Dwarf scenarios on that blog, and over at BGG. Thumbs are appreciated if you have a BGG account ;)

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Friday January 2nd, 2015 3:16pm
by Sjeng
The follow up!! Eyes of Chaos part 2! ... chaos.html

Re: Sjeng's Dungeon Adventures

PostPosted: Thursday January 8th, 2015 12:52am
by Daedalus
BGG blog entries liked. :)

Discovering a problem with the map card shows how useful playtesting is. Rather than dropping it and changing the balance of the deck, why not modify it? The problem is only with the monsters. Sure, it's simple and useful to include them in the contents, but they aren't necessary. You could simply omit them or instead place thier monster cards in the room. You still should reveal traps, secret doors, regular doors, and furniture. Thematically, I think it makes sense that a map details the permanent contents of a room while leaving out its occupants whose positions are temporary by nature.