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Hero Quest 2 Legacy of Sorasil

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Hero Quest 2 Legacy of Sorasil

Postby Tzargotha » Tuesday October 15th, 2024 12:01pm


Having dug around the forum I found a post that said there was a possible remake for Legacy of Sorasil, is this true? I cannot seem to find anything on a google search!

Also, I am hoping there are players of it on here, I did play this many many years ago on its first release, is there a way of seeing the stats of the 'Heros' in game?

The reason I ask, I have upgraded the Barbarians broadsword to a greatsword, but wonder how much more damage he can do now, and is it possible (because the manual is very vague) to swop equipment (my dwarf has the sleep spell, but I want to give the wizard the sleep spell, likewise I want to pass healing potions about (I may be overthinking what it is capable of as I do play Baldur games now!).

Best wishes in advance,

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Re: Hero Quest 2 Legacy of Sorasil

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday October 15th, 2024 2:06pm

Unless I missed something....

You may be thinking of the various discussions that have been had over the years here (some of which I participated in myself), including some fan efforts to re-create Legacy of Sorasil as a physical expansion OR to reverse engineer/re-create the amiga computer game (although my memory may be playing tricks on me I think that had to do with the first HeroQuest PC game... the one by Gremlin and the DOS version at that, as opposed to the sequel). On a similar front there has been at least one hack out there of the rom of the unreleased (and unfinished) Famicom/NES version of HeroQuest posted online a long time ago that patched the PAL version to work on NTSC systems.

Haven't heard one word from Avalon Hill or any reliable source about any official attempt to revive this obscure title from 1994, but I'd love to know if there was such info!

Try here, or maybe even here. And if you care about the homebrew I did, an attempt to convert the new heroes over to a usable format in the current game... here.

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Re: Hero Quest 2 Legacy of Sorasil

Postby Daedalus » Thursday October 17th, 2024 8:21pm

I'm not sure if you will find what you want, but Nephew of Mentor put a lot of effort into developing Quests from this video game. Using the Advanced Search fields, enter the term Sorasil and his Inn name for the author. Maybe you can find something useful in that long topic.

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