I have yet to dive into the "duplicate cards", but began by going through and seeing how many of each model was used in each quest, and compared those to what you're actually given to play with.
I then dove in and did some maths, and it all gets into the dull mens club realms, but here is the document, as stands
It assumes..
1. You did not get the mythic tier, but have dove into all the 'publicly available expansions'
2. You are playing through the printed quests in recommended order
3. Having had all the models, you don't want to make EVERY wizard encounter the Dread sorcerer (have put in the alt, and cultists as nice stand ins for variance)
4. Threat Level is purely limited to monsters, not traps, puzzles, cats jumping on your board etc. The PPM cost has been drawn from my Arena points system. Obviously this is slightly off, as the threat of a creature in a dungeon is going to be different to that of one in an enclosed arena
5. I've tried to factor in Wandering Monsters, and whilst a zargon player could use this to pre-pick the missions models, it's worth keeping the box of extras to hand, just in case the players have particularly bad luck.
TOTAL: how many times that particular monster turns up in the 'Canon' quests
MAX: The most times that monster turns up in a single 'Canon' quest
MODELS: How many of each monster has appeared in the to-date published expansion boxes
REF RATE: How many times a figure will be reused in the worst case scenario. If this figure is under 1, it means there are more available figures than you'll ever need to put on the board during standard play.
If anyone else wants to add to this, make comment, feedback, etc, all comments welcome, including "Jesus christ! are you really that bored?!?"