Virg wrote:Markus Darwath wrote:Apparently, this individual (I don't recall their screen name)
My original theory when I first shared the link is that it may a be hero expansion with a character that casts Light spells (like a paladin/cleric/priest type), and that it's a precursor hero expansion to WoM(Z), akin to how the Rogue is to MotM, and the Monk is AtOH.
I think the Guardian Knight already may fit the Paladin type role. Sans magic, it plays out like fairly similar to the role of a Oath to the Crown (Sword Coast Adventure Guide) Paladin with Protection fighting style in 5E. I doubt that AH will use Paladin, Cleric, or Priest in the hero name, as they've strayed away from deity specifics to keep the game generic for the table to decide those things.
If it's just a Light Spell caster, and related to WoM(Z), I could see it being a non armor using class, that may have it's own set of 3-9 spells, and possibly be able to share the Darkness/Protection/Detection spells with the Wizard. Ultimately if this were the case, I would love to see it come with 3 light spells, and 3 of each of the Darkness/Protection/Detection spells that are different from the WoM(Z) expansion, to be able to expand those decks as many have complained as to their overall usefulness.
That is something I would really like, a caster who can pick from different available spell groups like the Wizard and Elf can. The Clairvoyance, Darkness, and Protection already seem cleric-y, so I could see a Light Spell group (hopefully with a Healing spell) as well. I don’t want a character who has a set group of spells like the Bard or Warlock have. I would still like to see a 5th hero type character, someone with a couple groups of spells, who can wear all armor except plate, and use lighter weapons, or “Simple Weapons” using a d&d term. Stuff like Shortswords, Spears, Hand Axes, Maces, Short Bows, etc. Basically someone who could make use of artifacts like the Ice Queen’s Spear, and provide support to the party.