Zargon's FlameFellmarak, Dread Warrior, Abomination, Skeleton & 2 Mummies
United HeroesBard, Druid, Dwarf, Monk & Wizard
Fellmarak leads his army of monsters out into the arena, preparing for his adversaries. The Monk rolled

and ran out into the Arena, going after the Dread Warrior, using Strength of Mountain that only yielded 1

, but even that was blocked.
The other gate opens, the Wizard runs out, taking cover by a pillar and upon picking Air, Earth and Water spells, casts Swift Wind on the Dwarf. The Bard is out next, giving an Inspirational Tale to the Dwarf, who runs through the arena like a maniac and goes after Fellmarak, despite rolling 2

s, 1 was blocked Fellmarak takes 1 damage. The Druid kept her distance, casting Shapeshift on herself.
The Dread Warrior retaliated against the Monk and got 2 hits in, or would have if not for the Monk activating Twisting Torrent, taking no damage. The Dread Warrior ran away afterwards. The Abomination attacks the Dwarf for 2 hits, but only 1 hit goes through. Fellmarak casts Cloud of Dread, taking hold on the Dwarf, Dread Warrior, Abomination, Monk and Druid. The Undead, Wizard and Bard are unaffected. A skeleton creeps around the pillar and attacks the Wizard, but was blocked. The Mummy attacks the paralyzed Monk taking away half his health in the process. The other Mummy attacked the Dwarf and did 2 more damage to him.
The Wizard comes out from behind the pillar and casts Tempest on Fellmarak. The Dwarf breaks free from his stupor and attacks the defenseless Abomination for 1 points of damage, not a kill. The Monk also breaks free and positions himself between Fellmarak and the Abomination, hitting Eye of the Storm. Fellmarak blocked the hot but the Abomination could not. The Bard poked the Skeleton with his rapier, but Zargon's Flame activated and kept the Skeleton alive. The Druid also broke free and charged a Mummy. Despite rolling 2

, 1 was blocked, the Mummy is down to 1BP.
The Dread Warrior fights off the Cloud of Dread and charges across the Arena, targeting the Bard, dealing 1 damage. The Skeleton followed suit but missed. One Mummy hit the Dwarf for 1 more damage while the other missed a swipe at the Druid.
The Bard sang a Lullaby that put the Dread Warrior to sleep a fled. It did take hold, allowing the Wizard to cast Genie from afar that only did 2 damage to the defenseless Dread Warrior. The Dwarf only rolled

, so couldn't run to finish him off. He tried to fight the Mummy and failed to get a hit in. The Monk rolled high enough to get there but his punch failed. So the Druid was left to go for the kill, rolling high enough and getting a

, Zargon's flame didn't sustain the Dread Warrior as he fell dead.
Fellmarak casts Rust on the Dwarf's Shortsword and Two Mummies ganged up on him, he failed to roll any

and the feasted on his flesh. The Dwarf is dead. The skeleton went after the Druid and she managed to block it.
Wizard casts Rock Skin on the Druid, she attacked the Skeleton but didn't get a hit. The Monk ran back across the Arena and hit Fellmarak with the Touch of Endless Inferno, dealing 1 damage. The Bard stabbed a mummy and his rapier got stuck in the dead tissue, no damage done.
Fellmarak casts Command on the Monk but it doesn't take hold... He then feels his insides burning as he drops to 1BP and frees. One Mummy attacks the Bard, getting 1 hit in, the other one does the same to the Monk. The Skeleton attacks the Druid and rolls

, breaking Rock Skin and Shapeshift from the Druid.
The Wizard casts Heal Body on the Monk, restoring all his BP. The Druid failed roll a

against the Skeleton. The Bard managed to get a hit against a mummy, bringing it down to 1BP. Both Mummies are at 1BP. The Monk decides to run after Fellmarak but can't get a hit to finish him off.
A Mummy stalks over to the Wizard and fails to get a hit in. The Skeleton then comes over and hits the Wizard for 2BP. The Bard takes another damage from the Mummy he's fighting. Fellmarak casts Fear on the Monk, but he rejects the spell.
The Wizard fails to roll a

and flees the undead. The Bard managed to stab the Mummy in the head with his Rapier and Zargon's Flame fails the undead. Druid cast Pixie to heal the Bard for 2BP, taking him back up to 4. The Monk roundhouse kicks Fellmarak, activating Zargon's Flame, they just need to wait for the escape spell to come up for him to die.
The Skeleton was too far from any other hero to make an attack but the Mummy went after the Monk, who blocked the attack. Fellmarak runs away from the Monk, but doesn't have enough space to get past the Wizard, he stands adjacent to the Wizard and Casts Lightning Bolt in the other direction hitting the Druid and Bard for 2BP.
Not willing to wait on the Escape spell to come up, Wizard casts Water of Healing on Fellmarak, extinguishing Zargon's Flame, ending Fellmarak. Druid and Monk both failed to roll a

agsinst their undead adversaries and the Bard cast Healing Song on the remaining heroes.
The Mummy attacked the Monk and hit him for 1 damage, while the skeleton rolled

, but the Druid blocked with

allowing the Bard to reclaim Inspiration Tale, which he immediately casts on the Monk. But unfortunately the Monk rolled a perfect defense on his attack. The Druid, however successfully rolls a

and Zargon's Flame fails the skeleton. The Wizard dares to attack the last Mummy, successfully rolling

, and the Mummy is dead, Zargon's Flame won't be resurrecting it.
The United Heroes survive, moving onto the semi-final round with the Monk, Wizard, Bard & Druid.
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