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Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Sunday May 12th, 2024 6:11pm
by moundbz
Festral enters 1st, Balur enters the arena with his 7 MP. A little nervous of this Dread Sorcerer he engulfs the arena in a Firestorm. Festral is unable to avoid this Fire Mage specialty. Balur moves on to Face RotWL Witch Lord. He has spent Firestorm though.

Next up a Polar Warbear vs the MotM 8 Gargoyle.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Sunday May 12th, 2024 9:21pm
by wallydubbs
moundbz wrote:Festral enters 1st, Balur enters the arena with his 7 MP. A little nervous of this Dread Sorcerer he engulfs the arena in a Firestorm. Festral is unable to avoid this Fire Mage specialty. Balur moves on to Face RotWL Witch Lord. He has spent Firestorm though.

Next up a Polar Warbear vs the MotM 8 Gargoyle.

Although RotWL Witch Lord can be hurt by Ball of Flame, I'm pretty sure the Witch Lord has Balur beat.

If I'm not mistaken this Gargoyle has Command and Firestorm spells: depending how long Command works the Gargoyle could potentially win without using Firestorm.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Monday May 13th, 2024 9:11pm
by wallydubbs
I played the Epic battle between the Frozen Horror and the Ogre Lord. The Ogre Lord is very slow, but he practically outmatches the Frozen Horror in Body, Mind, Attack and Defense. However the Frozen Horror has maneuverability and Dread Spells.

As soon as the Ogre Lord comes from his gate he heads for the trophy in the upper left corner of the arena, but he only has 4 movement and just short of getting it.
The Frozen Horror runs out to the center, standing over 2 trophies, but instead of picking one up he casts Ice Wall around the Ogre Lord, he was unable to move.

The Ogre Lord tried to break the Ice Wall, only getting 2 :skull:s. The wall has 5 BP.
Frozen Horror picks up a double :blackshield: trophy.

Ogre Lord smashed a block of ice with 3 :skull:s and steps atop the trophy.
Frozen Horror picks up the other trophy, which is a potion for 2BP. He runs over to the next one.

Ogre Lord finally gets his trophy, which is a potion for 2BP.
Frozen Horror picks up a :skull: trophy and moves to the next.

Ogre Lord still tries to follow but can't reach the Horror.
Frozen Horror casts Tempest on the Ogre Lord, picks up the Repost trophy.

The Ogre Lord had just enough movement to reach the Frozen Horror and attacks with a massive 5 :skull:s! The Frozen Horror fails to block and drops to 1BP. He cashed in the repost trophy and returns with 4 :skull:s of his own. The Ogre Lord blocks two, having 8BP left.
Frozen Horror dispels his Ice Wall for maneuverability runs away only to cast Soothe on himself, raising his BP to 4.

Ogre Lord could only follow, trying to close the distance.
Frozen Horror attempts to strike, rolling 2 :skull:s, adding a third one from his trophy collection. Ogre Lord blocks 2, taking 1 damage.

Ogre Lord attacks for only 1 :skull:, but the Frozen Horror blocks it.
Frozen Horror attacks again before moving away. He got 2 :skull:, Ogre Lord blocked 1, down to 6BP.

Although the Frozen Horror moved away he was still in range of the Ogre Lord thanks to the diagonal attack. Again, the Ogre Lord's blows were blocked.
Frozen Horror ran away casting Fear on the Ogre Lord. Surprisingly it took hold. Ogre Lord couldn't reach the Horror.
Frozen Horror moves in for the attack but his 1 :skull: is blocked.

The Ogre Lord rolls for Mind Points again and breaks Fear. He makes a massive attack with 5 :skull:s! Frozen Horror only rolled 1 :blackshield: and needed to use a double :blackshield: token. Just the same, he falls to 2BP.
Frozen Horror replied with an attack of his own, rolled 3 :skull:s. The Ogre Lord failed to block all and dropped to 3BP as well. Horror, of course, ran away afterwards.

The Ogre Lord was again unable to reach, and the Frozen Horror cast Mind Freeze on him. The Ogre Lord rolled: :skull: :skull: :whiteshield: :whiteshield: :whiteshield:, dropping to 3MP, this'll leave him open for more magical attacks.

The Ogre Lord closes in for 3 :skull:s! Miraculously, the Frozen Horror defended with :skull: :blackshield: :blackshield: :blackshield:!
Frozen Horror casts Sleep on the Ogre Lord. Despite his mind points down to 3, the Ogre Lord resisted. Frozen Horror ran from the Ogre Lord's grasp. It's very unusual to see the Frozen Horror constantly fleeing.

Ogre Lord is still unable to move close enough for a strike.
Frozen Horror goes on offensive, only rolling 2 :skull:s, but he adds his double :skull: token bringing it up to 4. Ogre Lord blocked 2, taking 2 damage, down to 1BP.

Ogre Lord gets his chance to attack, rolling 4 hits, the Horror only blocked one. This would've killed him if he didn't have the healing potion, bringing him back to 2BP. Horror casts Skate on himself, moving through the Ogre Lord, skating to the opposite end of the arena.

Ogre Lord is unable to catch him and just lurks as close as he could.
Frozen Horror casts Ice Storm from afar, reigning down 2BP of damage on the Ogre Lord. This drops him to 0BP, but he also has a potion of healing, regaining 2 BP.

If not for the brick wall/pillar in the arena the Ogre Lord would've been able to attack from a diagonal, but he was just barely out of reach.
Frozen Horror cast Cloud of Dread and the Ogre Lord was unable to resist, succumbing to paralysis.
The Frozen Horror took the opportunity to attack for 3BP. The Ogre Lord was unable to defend and was defeated.

The Frozen Horror pulled it off and stands victorious.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Saturday June 1st, 2024 6:31pm
by moundbz
Very exciting battle! I choose not to use the tiles nor the block in the middle. I thought it would make it less pure, but who know, maybe another tournament with it included.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Saturday June 1st, 2024 6:53pm
by moundbz
The MotM 8 Gargoyle enters the arena. In charges the Polar Warbear and swings for 5 hits with his double attack. The Gargoyle blocks 4! Down to 2 BP. He casts Firestorm and the furry bear can't block any and takes 3 hits, down to 3 BP. A still smoking bear swings for 6 total hits and defeats the tricky Gargoyle. He will face the Guardian Gargoyle of grins crag next round.

Next up the Warlock vs Gulthor the Dread Warrior.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Saturday June 1st, 2024 7:27pm
by moundbz
Warlock enters the arena. Gulthor confronts her and attacks for 3 hits. She can't block any and is down to 1 BP. She is forced to use Dark Wings to cancel that damage and move to where Gulthor can't reach her. He moves too two spaces away. She casts Demonform and attacks for 2 hits bringing Gulthor to 1 BP. He fights back with two hits of his own. Warlock temps an attack roll and it works out! 2 hits to defeat the Dread Warrior. Warlock moves on, but no longer has Dark Wings.

Next match isthe Ogre Champion vs an Arbalist

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Sunday June 2nd, 2024 1:24pm
by wallydubbs
moundbz wrote:Very exciting battle! I choose not to use the tiles nor the block in the middle. I thought it would make it less pure, but who know, maybe another tournament with it included.

I kinda understand what you mean by "pure", but at the same time the tiles give underling monsters a fighting chance, it also brings up the possibilities of an upset. How else could a common Orc defeat an Ogre Champion or an Ice Gremlin take out an Ogre. I feel the tiles reward quick monsters, emphasizing the importance of speed. I also made the tile-pick-up an action, giving the combatants a choice in some cases whether they should pick up a trophy or attack an enemy. The Reposte tile also adds the potential for a draw, which I find interesting. The only case where a draw would be possible is if the the Monk uses Touch of Endless Inferno, is killed, only for the Inferno to catch up to his opponent.
I also use the wall tiles due to the Pass Through Rock spell, just to give it possible uses, like a shorter distance for the Wizard to run in retreat.

You're definitely free to do it your way, I just felt this helped up the ante.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Sunday June 2nd, 2024 1:43pm
by wallydubbs
moundbz wrote:Next match is the Ogre Champion vs an Arbalist

Even though the Arbalist has range, she's not very fast, the Ogre Champion will eventually catch her once she's backed into a corner and intends to pass. The 2 spaced Ogres cover quite a bit of space and running past them take up needed movement.

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Tuesday June 4th, 2024 2:49pm
by moundbz
Arbalist enters to the 1st square, knowing range. Out comes the Ogre Champion and charges, but can't quite make it to the Arbalist. Arbalist fire and hits for 1. Ogre Champ down to 5. Ogre swings and gets 2 hits. The Arbalist blocks both hits! She then runs and misses her next attack. Ogre Champion catches her and swings 2 more hits. Arbalist blocks both again! The hits all 3 attack dice. Ogre Champion blocks 1 and is down to 3 BP. Feeling extra confident arbalist let's down her guard as Ogre Champion gets 3 hits and Arbalist is defeated only blocking 1. Ogre Champion moves on to face the Warlock.

Next up - Male Monk vs Xenloth the Dread Mage AtOH 9

Re: HeroQuest Blood Sport!!!

PostPosted: Tuesday June 4th, 2024 3:11pm
by moundbz
The male monk enters the arena. Out comes Xenloth the Dread Mage. He casts Mind Lock and freezes the monk for 1 turn. Xenloth moves in and connect 1 hit on the frozen monk. The Monk recovers and gets 2 hits with Strength of Mountain. Xenloth can only block 1 and is defeated. Maybe this Dread Mage should have gotten his BP higher than 1. Male Monk moves on to face Nexrael the apprentice Dread Sorcerer.

Next up - The Thing Below vs an ancient Dwarven king