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HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

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HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday February 28th, 2024 1:00pm

So since the big, old, Remake discussion thread has gotten unwieldly (it started back during the haslab campaign so I can understand that), here I'm posting the name changes for things that have occurred for the legacy stuff for HeroQuest (new name then original name).... to help new people especially figure out what the heck we're talking about! A lot of these changes of course were done for legal reasons when Hasbro (owners of Milton Bradley) and GamesWorkShop made their agreement for the remake of HeroQuest, removing the most explicit references to Warhammer Fantasy lore in 2019/2020 or whenever before the Haslab crowdfunding campaign brought HeroQuest back.

EU = Europe (heroquest first released in these territories in 1989, translated into many different languages)
NA = North America (heroquest ported with significant changes in 1990, primarily in US & Canada, in english... also appeared in Brazil with the same rules but in Portugese and with mostly cardboard instead of plastic and some alternate artwork)
GS = Game System
KK = Kellar's Keep
ROTWL = Return of the Witch Lord
WOM = Wizards of Morcar (or known to some fans as "WOZ" aka Wizards of Zargon, thanks to the fan made conversion to NA rules by Phoenix)
ATOH = Against the Ogre Horde
FH = Frozen Horror aka Barbarian pack
MOTM = Mage of the Mirror aka Elf pack
EQP = Elf Quest pack (aka MOTM)
BQP = Barbarian Quest pack (aka FH)
PoT = Prophecy of Telor, mythic, then retail pack written in 2020 by Stephen Baker
SQT = Spirit Queen's Torment, mythic, then retail pack written by Teos Abadia also for the Haslab revival campaign.
COPD = Crypt of Perpetual Darkness (a Haslab Mythic tier exclusive, "Properietary" pack by Joe Manganiello)
ROTDM = Rise of the Dread Moon (released in 2023)

I'm not counting terminology that changed here between EU and NA (ie: "quest treasures" being called "artifacts," "passages" being called "corridors," Morcar rename to Zargon, etc)...

GS/general lore terms & names:
Chaos (as in Chaos Spell, Chaos Warrior, etc.) = Dread
Empire, the = Realm, the
Emperor = King
Sea of Claws = Sea of Talons
World's Edge Mountains = World's End Mountains
Black Fire Pass = Dark Fire Pass
Chaos Warlock = Dread Sorcerer
Abomination = Fimir (and monster design and description were also altered)
(also goblins are no longer mentioned as occasional slaves and Orcs not identified as enslaving them, though the goblin monster card does depict a broken shackle!
the old description of the Orc is mostly restored in "New Beginnings" online quest)

Karak Varn = Kabba Karn

Black Mountains = Dark Mountains

Frozen Horror = Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror
alternate Barbarian = female Barbarian (still female in both versions, just not explicitly so in the text)

Mage of the Mirror = Elf Quest Pack: Mage of the Mirror/Quest Pack for the Elf: Mage of the Mirror
Celerity = Potion of Speed (see also ROTDM)
Superior Restoration = Potion of Restoration (to avoid confusion with the one from KK/ROTWL that only restores 1 BP + 1 MP)
Elethorn = Athelorn
Lunarium = Moonsilver
Silvermane's Lair = Hidden Realms (Quest 9 & 10)
Sovereign Sword, The = Avenger, The (goal goal of Quest 1)

Potion of Lesser Healing (retail version) = Potion of Healing (as it was called in the Haslab mythic version)

Mind Burst = Mind Blast (formerly this was on a token like the other chaos spells in this set, now they are dread spells on their own deck of cards)
Ogre Commander = Ogre Chieftain
Ogre Lord (was given the personal name "Ekur")
several of the original 7 quests have had their names changed...
Q4 "Infiltrating the Fortress of Ogres" = Q1 Search for the Ogre Fortress
Q5 "Beyond the Gate" = Q2 The Outer Caves
Q7 "Tumultuous Halls" = Q4 The Carrion Halls
Q8 "The Pit of Dread" = Q5 The Pit of Chaos
(Goblins with shortbows were changed to "Goblin archers" that throw bombs or boomerangs; Orcs with Crossbows were changed to "Orc Archers" with longbows. These monsters along with Skeleton Archers which were not in the original, have the ability to be substituted at any time for the non-ranged versions of these creatures, and now they do 1 attack die adjacent; Needless to say the Arena mode is brand new, but beyond the scope of this post)

Please feel free to add any others, or clarify anything I've missed!
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday August 28th, 2024 11:22pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby Malcadon » Thursday February 29th, 2024 10:33am

More GS/general lore terms & names:
Athelorn = Elethorn
Black Mountains = Dark Mountains

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Re: HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby Kurgan » Thursday February 29th, 2024 7:13pm

Ah yes, thank you!

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Re: HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby Daedalus » Monday June 17th, 2024 9:51am

Kurgan wrote:Abbreviations:
EU = Europe (heroquest first released in these territories in 1989, translated into many different languages)
NA = North America (heroquest ported with significant changes in 1990, primarily in US & Canada, in english... also appeared in Brazil with the same rules but in Portugese and with mostly cardboard instead of plastic and some alternate artwork)
GS = Game System
KK = Kellar's Keep
ROTWL = Return of the Witch Lord
WOM = Wizards of Morcar (or known to some fans as "WOZ" aka Wizards of Zargon, thanks to the fan made conversion to NA rules by Phoenix)
ATOH = Against the Ogre Horde
FH = Frozen Horror aka Barbarian pack
MOTM = Mage of the Mirror aka Elf pack
EQP = Elf Quest pack (aka MOTM)
BQP = Barbarian Quest pack (aka FH)
PoT = Prophecy of Telor, mythic, then retail pack written in 2020 by Stephen Baker
SQT = Spirit Queen's Torment, mythic, then retail pack written by Teos Abadia also for the Haslab revival campaign.
COPD = Crypt of Perpetual Darkness (a Haslab Mythic tier exclusive, "Properietary" pack by Joe Manganiello)
COPD = Rise of the Dread Moon (released in 2023)

For consistency and easier recognition, I'd suggest changing:

  • ROTWL > RotWL
  • WOM > WoM
  • ATOH > AtOH
  • MOTM > MotM
  • COPD > CoPD
  • COPD :? > RotDM

Similarly, I feel the following part would be an easier read if all first entries were from the MB edition, while second entries were from the AH edition. I underlined those entries that aren't ordered chronologically:

Kurgan wrote:GS/general lore terms & names:
Chaos (as in Chaos Spell, Chaos Warrior, etc.) = Dread
the Empire = the Realm
Emperor = King
Sea of Talons = Sea of Claws
World's End Mountains = World's Edge Mountains
Dark Fire Pass = Black Fire Pass
Abomination = Fimir (and monster design and description were also altered)
(also goblins are no longer mentioned as occasional slaves and Orcs not identified as enslaving them, though the goblin monster card does depict a broken shackle!)

Kabba Karn = Karak Varn

Dark Mountains = Black Mountains

Frozen Horror = Barbarian Quest Pack: The Frozen Horror
alternate Barbarian = female Barbarian (still female in both versions, just not explicitly so in the text)

Mage of the Mirror = Elf Quest Pack: Mage of the Mirror/Quest Pack for the Elf: Mage of the Mirror
Celerity = Potion of Speed (see also ROTDM)
Superior Restoration = Potion of Restoration (to avoid confusion with the one from KK/ROTWL that only restores 1 BP + 1 MP)
Elethorn = Athelorn

Potion of Lesser Healing (retail version) = Potion of Healing (as it was called in the Haslab mythic version)

Mind Burst = Mind Blast (formerly this was on a token like the other chaos spells in this set, now they are dread spells on their own deck of cards)
Ogre Commander = Ogre Chieftain
Ogre Lord (was given the personal name "Ekur")

Please feel free to add any others, or clarify anything I've missed!

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Re: HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby wallydubbs » Wednesday August 28th, 2024 9:26pm

Pit of Dread was Put of Chaos. Just a typo on your part, I'm sure. You put Pit of Dread twice.

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Re: HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday August 28th, 2024 11:22pm

Thanks for the catch!

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Re: HeroQuest Remake: Name changes (small topic)

Postby Bareheaded Warrior » Friday September 6th, 2024 11:08am

This reminds me that I once started a glossary for HeroQuest in general and this site in particular, then realised that it would be better as a Wiki, then went off to search for a decent HeroQuest Wiki, got side tracked and never returned to the topic!
:skull: = white skull, one "hit"
:blackshield: = black skull, one "hit"
:whiteshield: = shield, cancels out one "hit"

HQ Editions: 1989 Classic Edition (First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE]), 1990 NA Remake [NA], 2021 Reprint [21]

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