JackieX wrote:If the monster is a wolf mummy, shouldn't he be able to attack diagonally like the wolf?
Since they didn't give any special stats, I'm guessing the designers intended it to function like an ordinary mummy, but you make a good point. If an ordinary wolf can attack diagonally, maybe the mummy should too? If we want to create unique stats for a wolf mummy, maybe we can extrapolate them? I'm willing to try....
MovementAverage movement on a standard dice roll is 7, which is the same as the one human type of standard baddie (the chaos/dread warrior). A human mummy's movement is 4, three less than a living human. The standard wolf's movement is 10, so apply the same penalty and you get 10 - 3 = 7.
Attack DiceA normal mummy gets 3 AD. Standard wolf attack dice is 3, which is as high as a starting barbarian, i.e. the "greatest warrior of all." Maybe this justifies an extra AD for the wolf mummy, like the "great warrior" mummy from The Trial?
Defend DiceWolf defend dice is 2, same as any other starting character, so keep the standard mummy DD.
Body PointsThe mummy's 2 BP are the same as a mercenary, i.e. a human NPC. The wolf has 5 BP, but that is as a substitute for a hero. What would be the equivalent for an NPC wolf? Well, we have some guidance of a hero-to-NPC BP conversion from MotM. Enemy elves there have 3 BP, which is a 3 BP penalty compared to the hero elf. So wolf mummy would have 5 - 3 = 2 BP, same as standard.
Mind PointsIt's undead, so 0.
So in conclusion, my Mummy Wolf stats:
MV = 7
AD = 4
DD = 4
BP = 2
MP = 0
Special = diagonal attack
Basically it's an undead chaos/dread warrior with one less body point, plus the diagonal reach.