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ONLINE QUEST 0 New Beginnings

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Re: ONLINE QUEST 0 New Beginnings

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday September 24th, 2023 9:23am

I just got to play this quest for the first time, I wanted to use starting heroes (unequipped), so I randomly drew from the hero deck (3 Barbarians, 1 Bard, 1 Druid, 2 Dwarves, 3 Elves, 3 Knights, 2 Rogues, 1 Warlock, 3 Wizards) randomly getting the Wizard (Mentor), Knight (Rober the Bruce), the Dwarf (Gimli) and the Dwarf! So I wasn't sure if I should draw another hero or try it with 2 Dwarves... I guess I didn't really see the harm, this being all for testing purposes.

I went with it content that I could test out the Knight and at the same time see how well 2 Dwarves work together. To be honest it didn't jeopardize the structure of the game.

Starting off Mentor picked Air, Fire and Water Spells.

They all got through the first room no problem, but the first room with the two goblins didn't flow so easily. The Knight and Dwarves worked on taking out the Goblins, one Goblin was harder to kill them he should've been, but Wizard had to use Veil of Mist to get it over with quicker.
The 2nd room was just a trap, which the Dwarf disarmed easily. Realizing they didn't search the previous room Mentor drew an Air Walk potion. Robert found a Mysterious Flower. Luckily they had a Wizard with them, who didn't require a Reagent kit
In the Weapons wrack room the Knight and Dwarves took out the greenskins, only for the Dwarf to find a shield on the weapons rack, yay!
The following room was yet another trap, when Penny attempted to disarm it she rolled :blackshield:, triggering the spear, but upon rolling the dice to see if she takes damage another :whiteshield: is rolled.
Mentor found a Treasure Horde of 300 gold in this room!
The heros started down the next hallway, into the room with the Alchemist Bench, Mentor blew away the Abomination with a Ball of Flame. Penny found the 4 Healing Potions, passing them out to the others.
Down the halls until they turn the corner the Knight and Dwarves cleared out the room with Gimli finding the 60 gold in the chest and Penny drawing a Potion of Healing from the treasure deck. Meanwhile Mentor stayed back to craft the Bruce's flower, crafting a Potion of Defense.
Gimli noticed the secret door as Robert wandered ahead. Pennyran into the Tomb room unprepared to face a Mummy, although she scored 1 :skull: on her attack, the Mummy's attack yielded 3 :skull:s, only 1 did she block. Mentor cast Swift Wind on himself to assist his friend, but she was more then 15 spaces away. Gimli and Robert were too slow or too far the aid in it's 2nd attack.
Eventually she did manage to kill the Mummy on her 3rd attack. Gimli found the 40 coins in that room too. The Knight got Potion of Strength from the treasure deck.
Then came the room with the undead, Mentor took out a Skeleton, Robert rekilled the Zombie while Gimli got the Skeleton. Penny drew a Hazard from the deck.

Things didn't seem dire for the group so I didn't see a need to lower the Gargoyle's body points and attack dice. The Knight came in with :skull: :skull: but the Gargoyle managed two :blackshield:. It took two turns around Knight & Dwarves, Memtor was lagging on his movement rolls.
Eventually Robert, Gimli and Penny chipped away at the Gargoyle and it was Robert who discovered what was in the chest, the Ring of Fortune. The Dwarves were so jealous! I envisioned the nature of the relationship is that the Dwarves worked for the Wizard because they fear his Magic, but the Wizard brings the Knight over trying to be his friend, looking to impress everyone, idolizing the athlete, but the poor dwarves have to put up with the jock! Lol.

Just as soon as they got angry, Penny, who was down to 2BP, was forgiving as she drew a Wandering Monster and Robert used his Knight's Challenge skill, but it was only a Goblin, so not really a major threat there. Afterwards Mentor cast Water of Healing on Penny.
The traps down the middle hallway were quickly spotted and the Dwarves used their trap disarm ability.

Gimli found the Secret Door, and Robert found the trap, which Gimli disarmed only for Robert to get 50 gold coins

In the 2nd to last room the goblin was killed by Gimli rather quickly, but the Dread Warrior managed to block a Genie spell and held strong against two Dwarves, but eventually fell to the Knight with Courage.

With only two spells left in his arsenal, Mentor cast Tempest against the Sorcerer. She was surrounded by the Dwarves and Robert but they were unable to kill her for 3 rounds, only able to cast Ball of Flame once against Mentor, who had yet to take any damage. His sleep didn't work on her, but it was Robert who got the final strike. The Wizard picked up the bracers she was wearing.

This was a good quest for starter groups, except I don't see the need to limit the Gargoyle or Dread Warrior.

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