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*OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon Hill

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*OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon Hill

Postby KentKaliber » Thursday April 7th, 2022 6:55pm

Hi Everyone!
I was a childhood player of Heroquest in the 90's and I've been so EXCITED to return to the Game via the new 2021 / 2022 Releases. I recently wrote to Avalon Hill, to get OFFICIAL word on what Order the quests / quest books are meant to be played in.

Here is the EXACT order they sent me (in terms of the proper Story Progression).

MASTER LIST for Heroquest Order:

(0) New Beginnings ---- Quote from Avalon Hill: "This takes place BEFORE Rogar's Hall. This quest is about Mentor gathering the heroes together, whereas Rogar's Hall is more like a Training Exercise) = https://hasbropulse.com/blogs/avalon-hi ... -beginning

(1) Rogar’s Hall (TRAINING QUEST) =
https://cdn.hasbro.com/faaa3d5019832273 ... 35eab5.pdf

(2) HeroQuest Base Set Quest Book

(3) The Forsaken Tunnels of Xor-Xel (This NEW Quest Bridges the gap between the Base Set and Kellar's Keep) = https://hasbropulse.com/blogs/avalon-hi ... of-xor-xel

(4) Kellar’s Keep Quest Book

(5) Prophecy of Telor Quest Book

(6) The Spirit Queen’s Torment Quest Book

(7) Return of the Witch Lord Quest Book

(8) Against the Ogre Horde

(9) Into the Northlands = https://hasbropulse.com/blogs/avalon-hi ... rney-north

(10) The Frozen Horror

(11) The Mage of the Mirror

(12) Rise of the Dread Moon

(13) Jungles of Delthrak

(14) Crypt of Perpetual Darkness Quest Book
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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby HispaZargon » Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:01pm

Hi, thank you so much!

Please, could you provide any document or reference from Avallon Hill where such information could be checked in detail?

Thanks again!

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby Kurgan » Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:07pm

That's interesting, but a little puzzling. So the Remake Mythic quests (not just the freebies) are taking place before the old quest packs are finished? I guess they had to put them somewhere, but I would have expected much more to see them take place long after. I guess in terms of building the difficulty, maybe this order makes some sense.

Ultimately of course you really can play them in any order, as this order would have been impossible until now (and still is out of reach of most people will be buying the game, who cannot play the Mythic stuff unless they download scans posted online).

I also would NOT recommend playing Rogar's Hall as a first quest, as it's even more unforgiving then the Trial. The whole POINT of it is for the heroes to lose, which only seasoned diehards would be willing to put up with, not kids you are trying to get interested in the game (that is, unless you modify it so victory IS reasonably possible). All respect to Stephen Baker for creating it, but it is NOT a good "first quest," more like a curiosity. Ultimately even he admitted that the reasons he created it started with an excuse to put the Mentor miniature into something to release to get people excited about HeroQuest returning and give himself some practice making quests again (and his Prophecy of Telor turned out MUCH better, thankfully).

Still, thanks for sharing!

I would assume that the Frozen Horror would take place last, being the most difficult (the death/retirement of the first Barbarian was a tough act to follow!), but for all we know, they'll put it before even Rogar's Hall... after all, it starts with a brand new Barbarian (how that will leave the other "particular hero focused" pack, Mage of the Mirror remains to be seen... perhaps the solo quests would take place at the same time? or be an alternate history like involving actual time travel?). Or maybe they'll put it before Return of the Witch Lord, if they really want that to be the final ending of the series. Or who knows, right? You get a massive gold reward at the end of BQP and EQP as if they aren't the last adventures but they could also be seen as victory points, retirement money, etc. Even Return of the Witch Lord ends on a cliffhanger and we never see the rematch with Skullmar.. let me guess, they're going to release that too? but the thing is... just like Joe's quest acknowledges in its own way... the way to "finish" these campaigns is with your own quests. The blank quest map literally IS the next quest because it's up to you to decide what happens next! (it's not just for re-working quests in the case of a mission failure).

Or maybe the solo quests were a massive flashback, where the Barbarian and Elf were training for missions they abandoned until many years later?? Something tells me that list will get tweaked again before we know it. They surely have opinions, but it may be more like "what is Mickey Mouse's favorite food... uh... chicken!" as opposed "this is the one and only proper way to do things canon" kind of deal. Not everyone is going to buy every single pack (nor can they, reasonably). So it's not like you're going to give up playing until such time as you would have them all lined up like that. So it would seem more a statement of story chronology. Which takes place before which, but some seem very nebulous or suggest a different order without being outright definitive. Prophecy of Telor you're reaffirming your status as champions which would be strange to do if it were taking place shortly after the original 14. People have pointed out that the Emperor shouldn't be feasting with you over the Witch Lord's defeat if he's still trapped in Karak Varn (or Kabba Karn as the case may be). If Sir Ragnar is executed as a traitor, you can't very well be going out to rescue him(oops, that was only in the EU edition of ROTWL).

Sorry what was becoming a rant, you brought up a nice cool little opinion, but I still think one could argue it different ways. After all, we're talking about a whole new team here, unless this came straight from Stephen Baker himself.
Last edited by Kurgan on Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:21pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby KentKaliber » Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:10pm

Welcome! I wrote them back and told them this list should be POSTED on their Official Sites for HQ to help other fans ---- but they have yet to post it publically. I'm just literally THRILLED to have some closure on this topic, as I'm playing the game (from scratch) with new Family Members and I'm a stickler for doing things in ORDER haha

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby Kurgan » Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:22pm

I hope you got the Mythic Tier then! And also welcome to the forums. :mrgreen:

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby KentKaliber » Thursday April 7th, 2022 7:35pm

YES, I own the Mythic Tier and I'm so HAPPY that I splurged and got it :lol: :lol: :lol:

I AGREE wholeheartedly that Rogar's Hall is far too hard for the First Trial.

Personally, I am playing Rogar's Hall with my Team in this spot:

Quest 6 = Legacy of the Orc Warlord
Quest 6a = Rogar's Hall ************
Quest 7 = The Lost Wizard

In Quest 6, Legacy of the Orc Warlord, the Heroes have been CAPTURED and are imprisoned! They must find their Equipment and escape!

When the Heroes reach the EXIT STAIRS of Quest 6, I have my MENTOR figure waiting on the Stairs for them ----- he then says to them, "With your capture, I have realized, your Training is not complete. To prevent this from ever happening again, I will take you now to Rogar's Hall......follow me........"

Then I have the Heroes play Rogar's Hall. After they complete Rogar's Hall we move on to Quest 7!

Narratively, this is my FAVORITE spot to put Rogar's Hall.

Otherwise, it's far too insanely hard for First Time players. It would scare off the newbies!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby gaeryth » Friday April 8th, 2022 4:51am

I have recently come across a Gamemastering tool that I think could apply to Rogar's Hall.

It is a game session specifically for new players, that teaches them the mechanics of game play, without having any consequences for their characters in the future.
I've heard it called a 'Danger Rom' scenario. The new players get a chance to try different things out, see how combat works, get advice from the GM, etc.

What mindset you play the scenario with will color a new player's perspective of the game.

Play it straight, as challenging as it is, and the players all die, and yeah, maybe the new player doesn't like the game and won't play in the future.
Play it as a "Danger Room' and tell the players that it will kill them unless they are really lucky, but it is more for becoming comfortable with how exploration and combat actually works in the game. Tell them to try all the spells, try splitting
the party, try working together tactically, and similar other elements. After the scenario is done, walk the new players through the reasons why things failed. Was it just bad luck on dice rolls, or did splitting the party spell their doom. If something worked well, remind them of it so that they can keep it in mind for future quests.

Tell the players in advance that it is an unbeatable scenario, and they are less likely to be scared off of playing.
(and maybe a casual mention in future quests, if the players are getting in over their heads, that their current situation reminds them of Rogar's Hall, might make them think of running instead of pushing through overwhelming danger.)

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby dungeonsandataraxia » Friday April 8th, 2022 11:14am

They also thought those goofy hero characters they came up with were appropriate for Heroquest, so okay...
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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby FainFlynn » Friday April 8th, 2022 1:53pm

New quest just dropped for beginners: https://hasbropulse.com/blogs/avalon-hi ... -beginning

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Re: *OFFICIAL* Order of CURRENT HeroQuest Books per Avalon H

Postby KentKaliber » Friday April 8th, 2022 8:31pm

Thank you for the heads up on the NEW Quest here!

So now I wonder where this one fits into the Canonical ORDER of the Quests ???

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