by Bareheaded Warrior » Thursday July 21st, 2022 12:04pm
Only read it through once but first impressions...
Missing stats for Xor-Xel possibly or are we to assume that the Dread Warrior icon is used meaning it uses standard Dread Warrior stats, although it is described as a "skeletal warrior clad in armour and robes" which could be a better description of original Chaos Sorcerer now Dread Sorcerer (it is a skull under that helmet but I'm not asking it to let me see what is under its robes) and Xor-Xel knows at least one spell and is presumably is the "someone (or something) who was working to unmake the magical barring" so Dread Sorcerer or Dread Warrior, either way a little less ambiguity please!
My assumption was that the darkness in the tunnels referred to the whole dungeon, rooms and corridors, after all the dungeon is named the "FORSAKEN TUNNELS OF XOR-XEL" as opposed to "FORSAKEN TUNNELS BUT SURPRISINGLY REASONABLY WELL-LIT ROOMS OF XOR-XEL"
Quest Note E referencing the abominable abomination states that it activates when a Hero reaches a certain point, but then gives text to read when it is revealed, which implies that monsters are activated when certain conditions are met, such as a door to a room being opened and can them be used by Zargon on their turn as usual but are not revealed i.e. placed on the board until they can be seen by the Heroes i.e. come lumbering or occasionally shambling out of the darkness but as usual that subtle difference could have been called out and explained more clearly.
Last edited by
Bareheaded Warrior on Monday August 8th, 2022 8:54am, edited 1 time in total.
= white skull, one "hit"
= black skull, one "hit"
= shield, cancels out one "hit"
HQ Editions: 1989 Original Edition (First Edition [FE] and Second Edition [SE]), 1990 Remake [90], 2021 Remake [21]
HQ Golden Rules Rule Fixes based on Original 1989 HeroQuest.
HQ Common Notification System to identify squares on the board