by Kurgan » Thursday December 23rd, 2021 4:04pm
So would you put tiddly winks on your quest map and move them around behind the screen or would you place monsters on the board and just tell the Heroes they can't target them with magic or projectiles (but CAN search for things) for those monsters that are "out of range" inside rooms?
Seems a bit more complicated, but doable if that was the intention. If we just read it as affecting corridors, it's much easier to figure out. But when you think about it, three squares away (in all directions) does cover a lot of ground. Can the monsters in the dark "see" the heroes? I guess it doesn't matter if they have no magic or projectile attacks.
The mechanic makes sense with regard to the traps inside the corridors. You have to search multiple times to find stuff as you creep along.
If there are three traps in a single corridor, then traps must be searched for three times (minimum) to find them all.
But let's just assume for the sake of argument they mean it to apply to rooms as well. So if I'm standing in the southern doorway, adjacent to the door for Room "B" then I can't see any monsters, right? But if I set one foot inside, I can now see all those undead monsters even if they haven't moved at all. Following the same logic as I approach the northernmost room from the west, as I stand adjacent to the open door I can see all the skeletons, but not the Zombie (unless he moves), until I step one square inside the room, now I can see all of them. The hero standing at the open door might not see the last row of monsters in the Tomb room, or the last row of monsters in the "secret door" room between C & D, but that's about it.
Is that how you interpret it?
It would be a little surprising, but Zargon purposely moving invisibly the monsters into the corners and shadows to avoid being seen would seem to benefit the heroes more than harm them in several cases since none of the monsters in this quest have ranged attacks of any kind even if they could see through the darkness and this would let the heroes search more. It's an interesting idea, but apart from the traps I don't see it making it all that much more difficult, just taking a little longer or if the heroes are splitting up in exploring the rooms.