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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Vorimir » Friday March 29th, 2024 11:47am

Is not about mistakes, is about some strange phrases/word uses. Maybe is just a personal apreciation.

Edit: Like translating The gaunlet as El guantelete instead of El pozo.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby TheLastChaosWarrior » Saturday March 30th, 2024 7:11pm

Kurgan wrote:The 1d6 healing Potion was in the original version, though. Each to their own, but I've never had a problem with multiple different kinds of healing potions existing side by side in HeroQuest. Some restore 2, some 4, some the roll of 1 red die (up to 6). Yes, the last one will piss you off if you roll a "1" etc.

That's the notation I use on my sheet. So it could be:

heal 1d6x20

I've got the euro 1990s version and they are all 4bp versions, no 1d6 versions.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby j_dean80 » Saturday March 30th, 2024 8:28pm

TheLastChaosWarrior wrote:
Kurgan wrote:The 1d6 healing Potion was in the original version, though. Each to their own, but I've never had a problem with multiple different kinds of healing potions existing side by side in HeroQuest. Some restore 2, some 4, some the roll of 1 red die (up to 6). Yes, the last one will piss you off if you roll a "1" etc.

That's the notation I use on my sheet. So it could be:

heal 1d6x20

I've got the euro 1990s version and they are all 4bp versions, no 1d6 versions.

Original NA version.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Nlinindoll » Sunday March 31st, 2024 12:45am

HispaZargon wrote:- Warlock spells: Warlock is supposed to count as Wizard hero in terms of which weapons, artifacts and equipment they can use but, what about the spells? Can the warlock cast more than the 3 spells from her deck up to 9 as the Wizard? - Probably, the answer is NOT if character card content is strictly followed, but there is no clear explanation and 'Wizard' mention in the character card could be confusing.

We have a direct response from Avalon Hill on this question on X/Twitter at
https://twitter.com/avalonhill/status/1 ... xoC7uxJd6w

AvalonHill wrote:…in most situations only the elf and wizard have access to spells. The Mythic tier characters (Bard, Warlock, and Druid) were given their own set of abilities and do not have access to spells.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Sunday March 31st, 2024 7:31am

Nlinindoll wrote:
HispaZargon wrote:- Warlock spells: Warlock is supposed to count as Wizard hero in terms of which weapons, artifacts and equipment they can use but, what about the spells? Can the warlock cast more than the 3 spells from her deck up to 9 as the Wizard? - Probably, the answer is NOT if character card content is strictly followed, but there is no clear explanation and 'Wizard' mention in the character card could be confusing.

We have a direct response from Avalon Hill on this question on X/Twitter at
https://twitter.com/avalonhill/status/1 ... xoC7uxJd6w

AvalonHill wrote:…in most situations only the elf and wizard have access to spells. The Mythic tier characters (Bard, Warlock, and Druid) were given their own set of abilities and do not have access to spells.

Thank you, I will include here a screenshot of the Twitter post for recording:


Anyhow, fortunately we already had this question solved in this post since Avalon Bill already clarified it via Discord on October 2022, but it is my bad because I have not updated yet the first post of this thread with all this info (last update 06/Nov/2023). I will do it soon, hopefully.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Sunday March 31st, 2024 8:30am

Another brief clarification given some days ago by Doug Hopkins via official Discord channel of Avalon Hill about Furniture and Line of Sight blocking:

Furniture does not block Line of Sight, however it should be considered impassible.

Here you have the original Doug's message:

Furniture_LoS_Doug Hopkins.jpg

Well, I guess Doug is referring to the general case with tables, chests or thrones and not higher furniture like cupboards, fireplaces and bookcases which in my opinion should block Line of Sight, otherwise official quest maps with bookcases placed in the middle of a room will not make too much sense as defined since such furniture models use to be used in those cases to hide monsters at the other side to the Heroes.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Sunday March 31st, 2024 11:17pm

Excellent point about the treasure chests being clear for furniture trap disarming (you can move on top of the chest, not just in front of it). Blocking line of sight for the purpose of being able to "see" characters, fine, but being able to actually hit them with crossbow or spell was the question.

So maybe some would treat furniture like force fields that you can't move past, but can freely see through (and shoot through) with no problems, all or nothing (no worries about some furniture being shorter or taller).

Side note:
When I said "original version" (regarding potions) earlier, of course I was not talking about first edition (1989) but the NA edition (1990) that the Remake was directly based upon.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 1:31am

I just came here to report another possible errata item. I searched all 43 pages of this thread for "Potion of Healing" and didn't come across it, but someone may have mentioned it by the term "Healing Potion" instead, however.

In The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness questbook, pages 17 (Quest 6) and 25 (Quest 10), the Heroes may find a few Potions of Healing. It doesn't specify *which* type of Potions of Healing they are. This is related to the Against the Ogre Horde comment a few pages ago:

HispaZargon wrote:...Another errata... on page 29, Note C: It is not told what type of Potion of Healing finds the Heroes there. In the classic questbook they found a 1-6 BPs potion of healing, so maybe we should assume the one they fin[d] in the remake is the same as the ones from the Treasure deck of Game System. Same errata found on page 31 Note D, page 33 Note C...

I *believe* these should probably be Healing-4 ("Restore up to 4 lost BP") potions. Those are the most commonly found Potions of Healing throughout all of the various quest books (at least from the Mythic Tier quest books that I have analyzed so far). Overall there are four different variations on the Potion of Healing I have come across, conveniently listed two years ago on page 17 of this same thread:

Eudoxio wrote:...Giving us this 4 types of heal potions to use on custom game things:
Potion of Healing = 1 red dice
Potion of Minor Healing/Weak Potion of Healing = 2BP
Potion of High Healing/Strong Potion of Healing = 4BP
Elven Potion of Healing = All BP

Again, I don't know if there are other variations in the Frozen Horror, Mage of the Mirror, or Rise of the Dread Moon, as I haven't gotten that far yet. Or in Against the Ogre Horde, as I haven't gotten a copy of that yet.

--We have the Healing-1d6 ("Restoring the number of Body Points equal to a roll of 1 Red Die") potions found in the base game Treasure deck.
--Then we have the Healing-4 potions found most abundantly in chests throughout the base game (Gathering Storm) quest book, Kellar's Keep, and Return of the Witch Lord.
--Then there are the Healing-2 potions, called "Half-filled" in the base game, or "Potions of Lesser Healing" starting with the Prophecy of Telor retail release. Eight of the nine Healing-2 Potions are all found in PoT, with the remaining one being the "Half-Filled" potion found in Quest 5 of the Gathering Storm.
--Finally we have a Healing-ALL potion, called an Elven Potion of Healing in Quest 12 of Prophecy of Telor, which restores *all* lost BP to the Hero who drinks it.

So, *why* do I think these unspecified Potions of Healing in Crypt of Perpetual Darkness should be of the Healing-4 variety instead of the Healing-1d6 variety? Well, Healing-1d6 potions are *never* found in any of the quests I've come across so far (but *may* be present in FH, MotM, or RotDM that I haven't specifically checked yet...I'm getting there though). Also, in Quest 2 of CoPD, the Heroes may find "two Potions of Healing. Each Potion restores up to 4 lost Body Points." Those are called "Potions of Healing" here. Later they are *also* called "Potions of Healing" but without the description. So, I have to assume that they are the same type of Potion of Healing.

And as for Hispa's quote above, again, I don't own the Against the Ogre Horde remake yet, but from what I've seen, the Heroes *never* find Healing-1d6 potions in chests or quest notes. Those only come from the Treasure deck. So, I think those should be of the Healing-4 variety as well.


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby CavemanLogic » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 3:32am

Another possible Errata item that is not currently listed on page 1 of this thread: Crypt of Perpetual Darkness, Quest 8: Forge of the Mountain King. I was going to place it in Spoiler tags, but since this *whole thread* is one big spoiler, I decided against using them...

Here's an image to see what I'm talking about below.


Page 21, Quest 8, Note F says: "If a hero searches the room for secret doors, slide the chair down to reveal the secret passage." Where exactly is the Throne (called a chair in the text) supposed to slide to? The room is already pretty cramped with the Alchemist's Bench and Throne taking up seven of the 15 room squares, and needing to leave free passage to two doors plus the secret door amongst the remaining eight squares. If the Throne slides down one space, it moves through a solid wall into the next room below it. You could instead possibly maneuver it into the little nook occupied by the leftmost Skeleton on the Quest Map, or the space occupied by the topmost Skeleton, or you could remove it completely. But there is no place to slide it by following the text explicitly.

I suppose another option is to rotate the Alchemist's Bench 90 degrees counter clockwise, placing it in the Northeast corner of the room with its back against the North wall. Then the Throne could instead slide *up* (instead of down) one space to reveal the secret door. This would require moving the upper Skeleton to a new starting location in the room though (possibly to the now vacant space to the right of the "F").

Am I missing something here, or is this another instance which needs an errata?


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday May 1st, 2024 10:41am

If we were talking about the EU editions then a quote note referencing "potion of healing" (or "healing potion") with no further details would refer to a +4 since that's what exists in those editions in card form. In the remake game system (again based on NA edition), the cards are all 1d6 healing (one red die) so if no other details were provided, I would use that as their intention. The retail versions of the new expansions assign other names to the variation ("potion of lesser healing"). File it under possible errata that have a very likely solution.

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