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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

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Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday November 9th, 2021 7:35pm

Hi everybody,

I am glad to take the action of opening this thread for the Inn's Community.

The scope of this thread is EXCLUSIVELY dealing with topics related to errata we could have found in the official HeroQuest material released by Hasbro / Avalon Hill. I will be in charge of editing as often as posible the full list of detected errata here, on the second post, according to the comments and discussions performed here by the Inn's members.

Due to may also exist people who are not too familiarized with previous versions of HeroQuest, and we are very pleased to also see them in the Inn, I think this list of errata should also include the misprints inherited from previous 1990 American version of HeroQuest that have not been (inexplicably) corrected in this 2021 remake version, in order to have all of them in the same place. I hope there are not too many of them, but unfortunately there are... This also reminds me this other thread, where many whishes for posible corrections of American version of HeroQuest were written...

Of course, I invite you to feel free to share your HeroQuest knowledges and provide the better fixes you think for the detected errata.

Please notice that, in order to cover all the released material THIS THREAD INCLUDES SPOILERS so, beware if you are not Zargon/Morcar.
Last edited by HispaZargon on Saturday January 8th, 2022 11:01pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday November 9th, 2021 7:36pm

Here is the updated full list of errata detected by Inn's members, short by released items in order to improve their traceability:

English language game version, by Hasbro/Avalon Hill - Last update: 26/Nov/2024 (last thread message covered by this summary is this one)

Due to excessing maximum post length limits, this list has been finally splited in two parts. To access the continuation of this list (Part 2/2), please check the next post of this thread.


Colours code:
Black: Blatant errata
Blue: It is most probably a clear errata but it has not the fully agreement of the Inn.
Red: Something that could be an errata but an official opinion from Hasbro would be needed to confirm it.

All new released questbooks and free online quests: Alchemist Bench symbol design corresponds to a symmetrical geometry of the related furniture miniature included in the Game System box.

GAME SYSTEM box content:

Rulebook (ref. "F3649 F3654", unless otherwise specified):
- Page 12, Hero Movement: It is not clarified if Heroes may pass through furniture during hero movement (doubt inherited from 1990 American version) - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officially confirmed that furniture should be considered impassible (see here).
- Page 12, How Zargon Reacts To Hero Movement: It is not clarified if monsters block line of sight when determining what is placed in the board during hero movement (doubt inherited from 1990 American version) - As Daedalus pointed here, during the Pulse campaign Avalon Hill was asked about placing monsters in a newly revealed corridor and they said (during the second panel) they intended to clarify that monsters don't block line of sight when determining what is placed. Unfortunately they have not finally included such explanation in the rulebook
- Page 12, How Zargon Reacts To Hero Movement: It is not clarified if furniture blocks line of sight when determining what is placed in the board during hero movement (doubt inherited from 1990 American version) - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officially confirmed that furniture does not block Line of Sight (see here).
- Page 14, Line of Sight figure: It's no longer clearly stated that the orc around the far right side upper corner is blocked from line of sight (see picture here). This may cause some confusion for new players who may be faced with a similar situation.- Fortunately, as explained here, Hasbro corrected the diagram in a later version of the Rulebook (ref. "F2847"), by adding the missing dotted line which confirms that the Elf cannot see the Orc placed at the upper right corner, like in the classic edition of HeroQuest.
- Page 14: Line of Sight diagram shows that the Elf can see an Orc by conneting their centers even if such line passes through the Wizard, which does not match with what is strictly written in the rules, as discussed here. (error inherited from 1990 American version) - There is not any official confirmation from Hasbro about how to interpretate the "A Good Rule of Thumb" rule. However, according to the Line of Sight diagram shown in the updated version of the Rulebook (ref. "F2847"), it seems that the "center to center" rule is no longer applicable at all, because the line looks that has been intentionally deviated upwards on this new version, probably to reinforce the idea of confirming the Orc in the middle is in the Line of Sight of the Elf.
- Page 21: The rulebook explains what happens a Hero whose Body Points are reduced to 0 (he dies) but it does not explain anything if Mind Points are reduced to 0. - The rulebook should had explained it since there are several official quests where Heroes could explicitly suffer several Mind Points reduction.
- Pages 4, 13, 14 & 22: The rules always mentions the armory but never mentions the Alchemist's Shop nor heroes can also buy potions, not only weapons or armour pieces. Moreover, the rulebook does not clarify if the heroes are able to purchase potions shown/included in the Alchemist's Shop of a different questpack than the one they are currently playing. - This is an inherited misprint from classic version of the rulebook but according to classic Elf and Barbarian American Quest Packs, it can be derived that heroes are able to purchase potions from the Alchemist's Shop of any questpacks the players own.
- Dedicated Multiple Attacks rules are missing in the rulebook, which may affect to the game mechanics of Orc's Bane artifact card and Heroic Brew treasure card, but fortunatelly Hasbro confirmed through its official 'Zargon' Twitter account (see twits here and here) that Multiple Attacks allowed by those cards may be played in a similar way as the Multiple Attacks rules described in The Frozen Horror expansion's questbook for Polar Warbears. Then, this afirmation would also fit with the Multiple Attacks rules described in The Rogue Heir of Elethorn expansion, which are the ones that should be applied as written there.

Equipment Cards deck:
- Handaxe: In contrast with classic EU hadaxe card, the remake handaxe does not restrict the Wizard to use it. - Fortunatelly, as SirRick pointed here, Hasbro/AH has officially confirmed here that Handaxe may not be used by the Wizard. Moreover, Rise of the Dread Moon expansion included an extra Handaxe card where it is explicitly said that it may not be used by the Wizard.
- Crossbow: It is not explicitly explained in the card if diagonal squares are also adjacent ones, however Avalon Hill has confirmed through their official Twitter account (see twit here) that diagonal squares just in contact with a square are not considerd adjacent to it. Threfore, this officially confirms the Crossbow may be also used against targets placed in the diagonal squares just in contact with the shooter.
- Bracers: It is not indicated in the card if Bracers can be combined with other armours like Chain Mail, but fortunatelly Hasbro confirmed it through its official 'Zargon' Twitter account (see twits here and here) that Bracers can't be combined with other armor, but can only be combined with Shield and Helmet. Additionally, Avalon Hill officials confirmed that the Bracers may be used by the Wizard (see here). - Unfortunatelly 'Zargon' did not say officially anything about combining it with the Wizard's Cloak, however their combination is probably allowed because the Wizard's Cloak could not be considered Armor, according to the interpretation explained by Nlinindoll in this post
- Shield: It is not indicated in the card if the Shield is made of metal or not, but fortunatelly Hasbro confirmed through its official 'Zargon' Twitter account (see twit here) that the Shield must be considered to be made of wood from rules standpoint.
- Helmet: It is not explicitly indicated in the card if the Helmet is made of metal, but fortunatelly Hasbro confirmed through its official 'Zargon' Twitter account (see twits here and here) that the Helmet is made of such material, as expected. Moreover, Rise of the Dread Moon expansion included an extra Helmet card where it is explicitly said that the Helmet is made of metal.

Game System questbook:
- Page 9: The sentence "Use the orc figure with the large sword to represent Ulag" does not make sense since such unique orc miniature does not exist in this edition of the game, in contrast to the classic ones.
- Page 9: Chest shown inside the small room with a pit trap next to it has no dedicated description in any map Note. (error inherited from 1990 American version) - It seems to be an absurd room design since without any note the Heroes will never search the chest, moreover, if a note "this chest is empty" was writen for this chest, probably they will never go adjacent to chest because it is not required according to the rules and the trap probably would be never activated. - Fortunately Hasbro has officially confirmed that if there's not a note about special treasure, you'll pull a treasure card just like any other room (see here).
- Page 33: Gargoyle monster symbol is missing. Hasbro corrected it in a later version of the questbook by adding the missing icon.


Kellar's Keep questbook:
- Page 1: Front cover art shows a so poorly edited version of the box art. The Dwarf and right hand Goblin original positions has been moved up which has caused some blatant editing mistakes like the double image of the right hand Goblin next to the Dwarf's axe blade for example.
- Page 2: Some players reported that 500 gold coins is a so expensive price for Potion of Restoration, considering its low benefits. - It seems that those players were right since Hasbro downgraded its price to 300 gold coins in Rise of the Dread Moon expansion cards.
- Page 12: The quest map shows four double square rock wall icons, however only two tiles should be available by players. Fortunately it is easy to be solved with the extra 1x1 tiles included in this expansion.
- Page 14: The quest map shows four double square rock wall icons, however only two tiles should be available by players. Fortunately it is easy to be solved with the extra 1x1 tiles included in this expansion.
- Page 21: The sentence "Use the orc with the large sword to represent Ograk" does not make sense since such unique orc miniature does not exist in this edition of the game, in contrast to the classic ones.


Return of the Witch Lord questbook:
- Page 1: Front cover art shows a so poorly edited version of the box art. The Barbarian original position has been moved to the right which has caused some blatant editing mistakes like the double image of Witch Lord's staff and left Skeleton's weapon for example.
- Page 2: Some players reported that 500 gold coins is a so expensive price for Potion of Restoration, considering its low benefits. - It seems that those players were right since Hasbro downgraded its price to 300 gold coins in Rise of the Dread Moon expansion cards.
- Page 24: There is a missing door in the right room with five skeletons. According to classic ROTWL American questbook, the missing door must be placed in the right corridor wall (picture here). - Moreover, Hasbro's Customer Care website has uploaded an updated version of the questbook in PDF format with this misprint corrected.
- Page 24: The quest map shows two cupboards although game box only includes one cupboard miniature. - This is an inherited misprint from classic versions of this questbook, but according to MB's classic EU version official errata flyer (more info here), one of the cupboards should be replaced by one bookcase.
- Page 26: The starting/stair room is missing a door. One door is present, but a second door should also be there, at left corridor. - This error was apparently present in the first printing of this quest packs, but was later corrected in subsequent printings of Return of the Witch Lord. Additionally 'Zargon' official Hasbro twitter account also confirmed the error and its solution. - Moreover, Hasbro's Customer Care website has uploaded an updated version of the questbook in PDF format with this misprint corrected.


Extra Characters: Bard, Warlock and Druid:
- No clear rules or guidelines are provided anywhere about how these new characters should be introduced in play (except maybe the Bard). Only minor notes are written in their Character Cards which seems to be insufficient.
- Bard special ability: Is the extra defence die for the Bard already counted in the 2 Defence Dice written in the character card or may be added another extra die? - There is a lot of discussion about this topic because the wording of the Hero card suggests that the Bard can only gain the special benefit of 1 extra Defend die if ONLY wearing a non-metal armor (Bracers) without Shield. This limits a lot how useful is this special ability for the Bard if we check the gold prices of armors and Shield, so probably it is a wording errata of the card and the extra die can be added to the 2 basic Defend dice, making a total of 3 starting defense dice since the Bard starts without any armor/Shield. -> Fortunatelly, Hasbro has already officially confirmed that this interpretation is correct as explained here. Therefore, the Bard Hero card should have better said that the starting Defend Dice of the Bard is 3, however they are reduced to 2 dice if wearing metallic armor or carrying a Shield.
- Warlock spells: Warlock is supposed to count as Wizard hero in terms of which weapons, artifacts and equipment they can use but, what about the spells? Can the warlock cast more than the 3 spells from her deck up to 9 as the Wizard? - Probably, the answer is NOT if character card content is strictly followed, but there is no clear explanation and 'Wizard' mention in the character card could be confusing. -> Fortunatelly, Hasbro has already officially confirmed that this interpretation is correct as shown here and here. Therefore, the Warlock Hero can only cast the three spells from the Warlock Spells deck.

Druid Spell Cards deck:
- Shapeshift: It is not clear in the card text if the spell gives to the Druid 1 extra die in Defence or the spell forces the Druid to defend with just 1 die, but fortunatelly Hasbro confirmed through its official 'Zargon' Twitter account (see twit here) that the Spell gives the Druid 1 extra Attack die AND 1 extra Defend die. Moreover, Hasbro has also confirmed through (see twit here) that the benefits gotten from Druid's Shapeshift Spell may be added to the Druid stats also considering the equipment she owns at that moment.

Warlock Spell Cards deck:
- Demonform: Does this spell also allow rolling 1 extra Attack Die when using the Wand to attack? - The answer is Yes. -> Fortunatelly, Hasbro has already officially confirmed it as shown here.

Equipment Cards deck:
- Wand: Some players reported that 125 gold coins is a so cheap price for the Wand considering its power, even noticing it may be only used by the Warlock. - However, according to later retail version of this quest pack it seems that Hasbro considers correct the price of 125 gold coins for the Wand.

Prophecy of Telor questbook (ref. "F3649"):
- Page 2: Potion of Healing and Potion of Magic cards are shown in this page but there is not any physical card included for those potions as for the rest of Alchemist Shop's items. - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack where dedicated cards were included.
- Page 2: The name of Potion of Healing could make confusion with other potions of same name, like the one included in the GS Treasure deck, so it should have been named differently. - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack where were listed two different potions (Potion of Lesser healing per 200 gold coins and Potion of Healing per 500 gold coins).
- Page 2: Potion of Healing cost of 200 gold coins apparently looks too cheap compared with the gold price of potions from Mage of the Mirror expansion Alchemist's Shop. - HispaZargon suggested on this post that Potion of Healing price should had been 350 gold coins instead of 200. - According to later retail version of this quest pack it seems that Hasbro considers correct the price of 200 gold coins for this potion, so no errata officially exists. However the name of the potion has been changed there to 'Potion of Lesser Healing'.
- Page 2: Potion of Magic cost of 400 gold coins apparently looks too cheap compared with the gold price of potions from Mage of the Mirror expansion Alchemist's Shop. - HispaZargon suggested on this post that Potion of Magic price should had been 450 gold coins instead of 400 AND the potion's power should be limited to regain just one spell, instead of three. - According to later retail version of this quest pack it seems that Hasbro considers correct the rules and price of 400 gold coins for this potion, so no errata officially exists.
- Page 4: Minor misprint in word "Scorcerer" at parchment text, it should had been written "Sorcerer". - Spelling corrected in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 6: Alone chest shown in room at right hand side of the map has no dedicated description in page 7 and it has a spear trap next to it. - It seems to be an absurd room design since without any note the Heroes will never search the chest, moreover, if a note "this chest is empty" was writen for this chest, probably they will never go adjacent to chest because it is not required according to the rules and the trap probably would be never activated. - Fortunately Hasbro has officially confirmed here that if there's not a note about special treasure, you'll pull a treasure card just like any other room. Moreover, the chest was replaced by a bookcase in the later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 8: There seems to be a wayward arrow pointing down at the bottom of the page that should not exist. - Arrow removed in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 9: Text indicates that Rod of Telekinesis must be taken from Equipment cards in the Armory instead from Artifacts deck, which is the correct one. - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack where it is said that the Rod is an artifact.
- Page 12: The room with letter D cannot be accessed in any way. - Fortunately Hasbro has officially confirmed here to Eudoxio that there is a missing door which should be placed in the map between rooms C and D, south of the fireplace. Moreover, the later retail version of this quest pack also includes such correction by showing the missing door in the map.
- Page 18: Talisman bearer rules in this page do not clearly explain if Mind Points gained by bearer due to Melar/Talisman effects through the missions can permanently increase the basic number of Mind Points or not until the Melar spirit leaves the Talisman in quest #10. - According to quest note G in page 27 "...and returns their Mind Points to normal.", it seems the basic number of Mind Points can be altered by Melar/Talisman effects through the questpack, but unfortunately this clarification was not earlier explained in page 18. However the later retail version of this quest pack does not still clarify it so maybe it should be assumed that "normal Mind Points" means "starting or basic number of Mind Points", including the extra Mind Point given by the Talisman in regular situations. Nevertheless, a confirmation from Hasbro about this rule would be appreciated.
- Page 18: It is indicated that heroes may visit the Armoury but it is not said they may also visit the Alchemist's Shop. - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack, where it is also indicated the Alchemist's Shop.
- Page 19: The name of "Archives at Andinus" is probably incorrect since later pages 21 & 23 call them as "Archives at Arborenis", so probably "Arborenis" is the correct name for the archives. - This correction has been confirmed in the later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 22: Letter A symbol for Note A of page 23 is not shown in the map. - According to the later retail version of this quest pack, letter A symbol should have be shown in the central room of the map.
- Page 23: Texts written in parchment, Note A and Note G seem to be incoherent. - Their content do not fit well together, since it has no sense. If the vial is broken in room A, is guessed that it cannot be used again because once it breaks, may be assumed that it breaks forever since it is made of crystal, so the vial could not be used again in room G to summon Telor, in contrast to what is explained in the parchment the players must do. However, suprisingly, without using any vial in room G, Telor's spirit is summoned anyway. - There are several discussions in this thread about how this plot flaw could be fixed or interpreted (starting post here), however an official feedback about this from Hasbro would be appreciated. Unfortunately the later retail version of this questpack does not seem to clarify it either.
- Page 25, Note C: For coherency with the rest of the text, the first sentence should have also included the following words in bold: "...only be accessed by a hero or monster moving on the stairs or jumping down from the gallery." - Unfortunately the later retail version of this questpack does not seem to add any similar clarification either.
- Page 25: According to the quest notes, it is not clear if the staiway tile can be used to access to the next quest since the beginning of current quest.- HispaZargon explained in this post that probably the intention of the quest designer was only allowing the access to the lower level after summoning the monsters in room C. Before that moment, the stairway may only be used to access room C from the gallery, but to nowhere else. - Unfortunately the later retail version of this questpack does not seem to clarify it either.
- Page 28: Letter F symbol for Note F of page 29 is not shown in the map. - Lestodante suggested here that letter F should have not existed since its text seems to be just a continuation of Note E text, but confirmation from Hasbro would be very useful - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack where letter G has been replaced with a letter F in the map and G section in the notes is now identified as F.
- Page 29: Misprint found in parchment text: "...dungeons below Turrek Tor". Correct text would had been "...dungeons below Turekk Tor", according to pages 9, 11 & 13. - Spelling corrected in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 33: Note E sentence "If water of healing is cast on any monster during Zargon's turn, they are hit. You may only call out one number to save them!" has no sense as written since players cannot make any action during Zargon's turn. - The correct sentence should had been the following one: "If water of healing is cast on any monster, they are hit, but during Zargon's turn, you may only call out one number to save them!". The corrected sentence represents that casting water of healing makes easier to defeat the monsters that embraced Zargon's Flame, as already suggested in parchment, since it would reduce to 1/6 the succesful defence probability of the monster, instead of standard 1/3. Otherwise the last sentence "You may only call..." would not have had any sense as written there. - Fortunately, the text has been moved to a new, standalone "Zargon's Flame" section in later retail version of this quest pack, which does not say anything about casting water of healing "during Zargon's turn".
- Page 35: The Artifact Reference on this page could be confusing since some Artifacts could be listed but not used, while others are found in the quest book but could not be in the Artifact Reference since it only has room for 10 items. More details provided by Kurgan in this post. - The later retail version of this quest pack only shows four spell scroll cards ('Lightning Bolt', 'Water of Healing', 'Heal Body' and 'Rock Skin'). It also references some artifacts and tells you to find their cards in the "HeroQuest Game System" box.
- Page 35: In Quest #11, Note G, the heroes find a Lightning Bolt Spell Scroll, however, there is no any dedicated card shown in this page for such magical item. Moreover, it does not exist any physical card for Lightning Bolt Spell Scroll, therefore the rules for this scroll may be unknown. - Of course, the rules for this spell scroll are the ones shown in page 27 of The Crypt of the Perpetual Darkness questbook but that is not the correct place for Telor's questpack. - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack where a dedicated card was included. This page was also corrected including the rules for this card too.
- Page 35: In Quest #13, Note D, the heroes find a Water of Healing Spell Scroll, however, there is no any dedicated card shown in this page for such magical item. Moreover, it does not exist any physical card for Water of Healing Spell Scroll. - Of course, the rules for this spell scroll should be the same as per Water of Healing Water Spell card - Corrected in later retail version of this quest pack where a dedicated card was included. This page was also corrected including the rules for this card too.

Spirit Queen's Torment questbook (ref. "F3649"):
- Page 4: The section "Controlling Allies" does not clarify if the orc-allies defend with Black Shields as the rest of regular enemies or with White Shields since they may be considered as heroes. - In the later retail version of this quest pack Hasbro did not added extra clarifications about this topic so it seems that Allies may defend like any other Hero, with rolling White Shields.
- Page 6: Squares of non-used upper corridors in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 8: It seems a double rock tile is missing in the upper double corridor, near the central room, like in the lower double corridor. It makes no sense allowing the heroes to access the rest of the map corridors since they cannot go anywhere, so such blocking double tile may be necessary. - Correction confirmed and included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 8: Squares of all the non-used rooms in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.- Maybe the previously mentioned missing double rock tile explains why all the shadow areas of this quest map are not correctly coloured. - Correction confirmed and included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 10: Squares of non-used left corridor in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 12: The two chests marked with letter C should had been coloured in orange since they contain traps. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 13, Note B: The rules about the three potions has no sense as they are written as explained here by Eudoxio. To clarify how to proceed with the potions, probably sentence "Shield: weak potion of healing,..." should had been written as "White Shield: weak potion of healing,..." and sentence "Any other result is poison, lose 1 Body Point." should had been written as "Black Shield: poison, lose 1 Body Point,..." - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack where the note clearly indicates the results based on white shield, skull, or black shield.
- Page 14: There is a missing door in upper right corner room. Teos Abadia, the questbook's author provided in this link the correct location for this door (picture here). - Correction confirmed and included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 14: Room left of the upper double corridor has an additional double blocked square - should be single blocked squares only - as the main game has only 2 (needed for the center double corridor). - Correction confirmed and included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 16: The three chests marked B should had been coloured in orange because they contain traps. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 18: Blocked Square in bottom left can be removed, it is not necessary as it is already a blocked off (and should be grey) hallway. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 18: Squares of non-used left and upper corridors in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 18: The mummy in room B should had been also coloured in orange following earlier precedents in this quest book, for the sake of consistency. Teos Abadia, the questbook's author kindly confirmed it in this Ye Olde Inn's post. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 20: There is a missing double blocked square in lower double corridor - hallway is shaded but not blocked off. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 20: There is a missing stone block icon to block shaded corridor at the lower right corner of the map. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 22: Squares of non-used upper corridor in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 23, Note B: The Heroes can find in the weapons rack a spear, however the Game System Equipment cards deck does not include any Spear card so its rules are unknown. The rules for the spear should be the same ones as in classic european version of the game (2 Attack Dice, Diagonal and Throwing Attacks allowed) and they should had been written in Note B or included as an Equipment card at the end of the questbook, even in the Game System box. As explained here, the spear weapon cost should be 300 gold coins. Teos Abadia, the questbook's author did not disagree with the solution approach said here (see her Ye Olde Inn's post here). - Nevertheless, in the quest notes of later retail version of this questbook the Spear found by the Heroes is replaced by a Crossbow.
- Page 24: The two secret doors are coloured in orange but they should not since they do not contain traps. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 28: The two secret doors are coloured in orange but they should not since they do not contain traps. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 30: Non-used squares of upper-right corner room in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 32: There is a missing door in center room. Teos Abadia, the questbook's author kindly confirmed in this Ye Olde Inn's post the correct location for this door. - Correction included in later retail version of this quest pack.
- Page 35: The Artifact Reference on this page could be confusing since some Artifacts could be listed but not used, while others are found in the quest book but could not be in the Artifact Reference since it only has room for 10 items. More details provided by Kurgan in this post. - The later retail version of this quest pack only shows six artifact cards ('Spell Scroll Courage', 'Spell Scroll Fire of Wrath', 'Spell Scroll Tempest', 'Dust of Disapearance', 'Anti-Poisson Quill' and 'Rabbit Boots'). It also references some artifacts and tells you to find their cards in the "HeroQuest Game System" box.

The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness questbook (ref. "F3649"):
- Page 9: Vander stats are missing. This character is supposed to be an elf but it is not clear if he has the same stats as the Elf hero or must have other ones. - If Vander had the same stats as the Elf hero, he should need at least a Short sword to be able to have such stats. Another approach would be consider Vander rules the same as prisoner Sir Ragnar from Game System questbook as Eudoxio pointed here. An official feedback about this from Hasbro would be appreciated.
- Page 10: Chest in the room connected to note B has no dedicated description in any map Note. - Fortunately Hasbro has officially confirmed that if there's not a note about special treasure, you'll pull a treasure card just like any other room (see here).
- Page 11: The swamp hag knows the Escape spell, which allows the spellcaster to escape to a previously designated place on the quest map. However, there is no such designated place on the map. - One good option could be defining such place in the room with the stairs as suggested here but it is just a speculation. An official feedback about this from Hasbro would be appreciated.
- Page 11, Note A: MightySlayer720 pointed here that sentence "Zombies crawl out of the secret passage revealed by the new moon's light!" should had been better included on Note B since Zombies and secret door are there. Maybe it is not an errata but official confirmation from Hasbro about this would be appreciated.
- Page 12: The top and bottom chests marked C should had been coloured in orange because they contain traps.
- Page 13: Note B says this about the two spell scrolls found by Heroes: "Randomly determine which scrolls they receive from the available spell scrolls", however, full spell scrolls cards deck for this questpack is unknown since it is not defined anywhere. - In page 27 of this questpack are only shown two spell scroll cards which could be enough but in such case a "random" selection has o sense since there are only two different cards and the heroes find just two. Most probable, the questpack is refering to a full deck including all the spell scroll cards included in the other two Mythic Tier questpacks and probably also including KK and ROTWL expansions ones, but again, it is not explained anywhere so a clarification from Hasbro of what cards are they refering to in Note B would be welcome.
- Page 14: Chest in a room on the left side (with the Abomination and the Bookcase) has no dedicated description in any map Note. - Fortunately Hasbro has officially confirmed that if there's not a note about special treasure, you'll pull a treasure card just like any other room (see here).
- Page 14: The map shows areas at fireplace and alchemist bech coloured in orange. This colour is only used in the rest of official maps to identify traps and in this case they are not. - They should have not been coloured to avoid confusion.
- Page 15: The goblin queen Buubhealxea knows the Escape spell, which allows the spellcaster to escape to a previously designated place on the quest map. However, there is no such designated place on the map. - Probably the designated square may be the one identified with an "X" like in Balur's quest of basic Game System but there is not any explanation about it in Note X text.
- Page 17, Note C: It is not explained what type of Potion of Healing find the Heroes - Maybe we should assume the one they found is the same as the ones from the Treasure deck of Game System because this questbook does not describe any Potion of Healing in the Alchemist's Shop page. A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 21, Note F: It is said that the chair must be slided down to reveal the secret passage, however there is no room in the quest map to slide down the Throne model because it would 'hit' a wall. - The easiest and better solution for this is just removing the throne from the board.
- Page 25, Note A: Same errata as on page 17 Note C, it is not explained what type of Potions of Healing find the Heroes. - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 25: In Magical Darkness in Venin's Lair rules description, the correct text should have been "-1 the second time they attack" instead of "-2 the second time they attack" - Heroes who cannot see in magical darkness should have -1 attack dice the second time they attack instead of -2 since otherwise the text has no sense as it is written. If first and second times dice reduction had been -2, it should have been explained in a single sentence, not two. Additionally, I guess that heroes' eyes adaptation to darkness should be gradual so, an intermediate reduction of only 1 dice instead of 2 may have more sense. An official feedback about this from Hasbro would be appreciated.
- Page 27: The Artifact Reference on this page could be confusing since some Artifacts could be listed but not used, while others are found in the quest book but could not be in the Artifact Reference since it only has room for 10 items. More details provided by Kurgan in this post.
- Page 27: A Lightning Bolt Spell Scroll card is shown in this page but there is not any physical card included in the Mythic Tier box nor Game System box for Lightning Bolt Spell Scroll as for the rest of Spell Scrolls.
- Page 27: The Lightning Bolt Spell Scroll description does not say it crumbles to dust after use like the rest of spell scrolls, implying it can be used again and again, clearly an oversight.


Extra Character Warlock:
- No clear rules or guidelines are provided anywhere about how this new character should be introduced in play. Only minor notes are written in its Character Card which seems to be insufficient.
- Warlock spells: Warlock is supposed to count as Wizard hero in terms of which weapons, artifacts and equipment they can use but, what about the spells? Can the warlock cast more than the 3 spells from her deck up to 9 as the Wizard? - Probably, the answer is NOT if character card content is strictly followed, but there is no clear explanation and 'Wizard' mention in the character card could be confusing. -> Fortunatelly, Hasbro has already officially confirmed that this interpretation is correct as shown here and here. Therefore, the Warlock Hero can only cast the three spells from the Warlock Spells deck.

Warlock Spell Cards deck:
- Demonform: Does this spell also allow rolling 1 extra Attack Die when using the Wand to attack? - The answer is Yes. -> Fortunatelly, Hasbro has already officially confirmed it as shown here.

Prophecy of Telor questbook (ref. "G0052"):
- Page 6: The quest map shows three Bookcases by mistake since there are only two models included in the Game System box. - Due to the Cupboard shown in the quest map is mentioned in text of quest note C, HispaZargon suggests to replace the alone Bookcase by a Fireplace model to get the same effect without running out of any furniture models.
- Page 18: Talisman bearer rules in this page do not clearly explain if Mind Points gained by bearer due to Melar/Talisman effects through the missions can permanently increase the basic number of Mind Points or not until the Melar spirit leaves the Talisman in quest #10. - According to quest note G in page 27 "...and returns their Mind Points to normal.", it seems the basic number of Mind Points can be altered by Melar/Talisman effects through the questpack, but unfortunately this clarification was not earlier explained in page 18. HispaZargon suggests that maybe it should be assumed that "normal Mind Points" means "starting or basic number of Mind Points", including the extra Mind Point given by the Talisman in regular situations. Nevertheless, a confirmation from Hasbro about this rule would be appreciated.
- Page 23: Texts written in parchment, Note A and Note G seem to be incoherent. - Their content do not fit well together, since it has no sense. If the vial is broken in room A, is guessed that it cannot be used again because once it breaks, may be assumed that it breaks forever since it is made of crystal, so the vial could not be used again in room G to summon Telor, in contrast to what is explained in the parchment the players must do. However, suprisingly, without using any vial in room G, Telor's spirit is summoned anyway. - There are several discussions in this thread about how this plot flaw could be fixed or interpreted (starting post here), however an official feedback about this from Hasbro would be appreciated..
- Page 24: The map shows three Bookcase icons by mistake because only two Bookcase models were included in Game System box. - Upper right icon should have been a Cupboard one according to Mythic Tier version of this questbook.
- Page 25, Note C: For coherency with the rest of the text, the first sentence should have also included the following words in bold: "...only be accessed by a hero or monster moving on the stairs or jumping down from the gallery."
- Page 25: According to the quest notes, it is not clear if the staiway tile can be used to access to the next quest since the beginning of current quest.- HispaZargon explained in this post that probably the intention of the quest designer was only allowing the access to the lower level after summoning the monsters in room C. Before that moment, the stairway may only be used to access room C from the gallery, but to nowhere else.
- Page 25, Note D: It is not clarified by mistake which room of the map goes to the Arena of Misildia. - According to the Mythic Tier version of this questbook, the correct sentence should have been "Go beneath the altar room to the Arena of Misildia".
- Page 27, Note G: Sentence "No spells, artifacts, or equipment may be used in the arena." makes no sense because it suggests that the Heroes must fight completely unarmed inside the Arena, however no rules for unarmed fighting are supplied (like we see in the base game quest 6) and it doesn’t make sense for the lore/story of the Arena. The Arena is supposed to make magic inert, not steal your weapons. Then the sentence looks incorrect as written. - According to the Mythic Tier version of this questbook, the correct sentence should have been "No spells, magic weapons, armor, or equipment may be used in the arena.".
- Page 32: Room marked D shows the Alchemist's Bench back to front, as in the front of the table is facing the wall, however the table should be placed onto the board rotated 180º as shown in the Mythic Tier version of this questbook.


Extra Character Bard:
- Bard special ability: Is the extra defence die for the Bard already counted in the 2 Defence Dice written in the character card or may be added another extra die? - There is a lot of discussion about this topic because the wording of the Hero card suggests that the Bard can only gain the special benefit of 1 extra Defend die if ONLY wearing a non-metal armor (Bracers) without Shield. This limits a lot how useful is this special ability for the Bard if we check the gold prices of armors and Shield, so probably it is a wording errata of the card and the extra die can be added to the 2 basic Defend dice, making a total of 3 starting defense dice since the Bard starts without any armor/Shield. -> Fortunatelly, Hasbro has already officially confirmed that this interpretation is correct as explained here. Therefore, the Bard Hero card should have better said that the starting Defend Dice of the Bard is 3, however they are reduced to 2 dice if wearing metallic armor or carrying a Shield.

Spirit Queen's Torment questbook (ref. "G0053"):
No errata reported. (related check in post here)


Equipment Cards deck:
- The art of Equipment cards back is zoomed compared with same cards deck from Game System box. - Fortunately, this aesthetical deviation should not affect to regular gamming experience.


Extra Character Rogue:
- Bandolier: It is not clear if the Rogue Hero also starts owning a Bandolier or only owning a Dagger. Additionally, it is not explained anywhere if Ice Gremlin monsters from Frozen Horror expansion can steal this item. - Fortunately, Hasbro officials have confirmed that the Rogue starts with a Bandolier and it can be stolen by Ice Gremlins, as shown here.

Rogue Skill Cards deck:
- Opportunistic Striker: It is unclear if the Rogue can add the extra attack die when performing a ranged attack to the monster. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that this skill may be also used if performing a ranged attack (more info here).
- Opportunistic Striker: It is unclear if the Rogue requires a Bandolier or one extra Dagger to use this Skill because he/she gains 1 extra attack die without performing any additional attack like in card "Ambidextrous", but the card art shows a Rogue wearing a Badolier AND throwing 2 Daggers. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that this skill may be used without owning a Bandolier or an extra Dagger (more info here).
- Opportunistic Striker: It is unclear if being "next to another Hero" also includes being diagonally adjacent to the attacked monster, or just adjacent to it. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that card text "next to another Hero" just means "adjacent to another Hero", not diagonally adjacent (more info here).
- Ambidextrous: The text looks incomplete because it assumes the Rogue will always own a Bandolier to have an extra Dagger available, however could be situations when the Rogue has not any Bandolier, nor an extra Dagger to perform the second attack. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that this skill may be used just owning one weapon, without Bandolier nor any extra Dagger. It is assumed the two attacks are performed with the same weapon (like Orc's Bane artifact) (more info here).


Extra Character Monk:
- Unarmed Attacks: The Hero card of the Female Monk should have also shown an asterisk " * " in the Attack stat like the male monk's Hero card. Moreover, Hasbro has officially confirmed that Monk Heroes (Male and Female) starts unarmed, so he/she starts rolling 2 Attack Dice instead of 1 as stated in their card. More information here.

Elemental Style Cards deck:
- Elemental Styles: According to Hasbro officials (see here), once per turn, the Monk player can choose one technique to activate. After using such technique, that Elemental Style is exhausted. If there are no monsters in your line of sight at the start of your turn, recover all exhausted Elemental Styles. Additionally, Hasbro confirmed (see here) that you must use any style in the same turn it is activated, you may not bank powers using the Monk. And also confirmed (see here) that the Monk is not obligated to activate a style on their turn.
- Twisting Torrent: According to Hasbro officials (see here), once per turn, most of the Monk’s techniques are usable only on their turn but Twisting Torrent can be activated on a monster’s turn because the ability specifically allows you to, “Activate this technique when you take damage”. For example, on the monk’s turn they could activate Speak with Stone to search for secret doors and traps as one action. Later on a monster’s turn, that same Monk could use Twisting Torrent to defend against an attack. Once per turn is the key here - If a future product introduced a potion to recover a style, you still couldn’t use it twice on the monks turn.
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday November 9th, 2021 7:37pm

English language game version, by Hasbro/Avalon Hill - Last update: 26/Nov/2024 (last thread message covered by this summary is this one)


Several flaws existing in the rules of this questpack, inherited from its classic version from 1992, were fortunately fixed by Hasbro in ONLINE QUEST 02 'INTO THE NORTHLANDS', as mentioned here. Those officially revised rules affect to Yetis, Large Monsters, Monsters with Multiple Attacks, Mind Points, Ice Tunnels and Animal Allies. Moreover, such online released quest also provides four new artifacts to be given to the heroes as extra help through The Frozen Horror questpack in order to balance its high difficulty by Zargon player, if required.

However, the following misprints from classic questpack, declared by Kurgan member in several threads of the Inn, unfortunately still exist in 2021's remake edition:

The Frozen Horror questbook:
- Pages 9 & 39: The Multiple Attacks against the same opponent rule for Polar Warbears does not work exactly as the Multiple Attacks against the same opponent rule as described in The Rogue Heir of Elethorn expansion. Does this mean the rule is different if the Multiple Attack is performed by a monster or a hero? - An official clarification from Hasbro about this would be appreciated.
- Page 16: L shaped arrangement of spear traps around the treasure chest in the upper right corner of the board has no sense. - This is not how traps work. The chest itself should be colored orange, labeled with a spear trap that does 1-2 BP damage if not disarmed before searching and the orange spear trap squares in this room removed. Searching for treasure would reveal and gain the contents of the Chest without triggering any of the traps, and no mechanic exists in the NA rules requiring the Hero to "walk up" adjacent to the Chest to either search it or gain its contents. Thus the traps don't pose any real threat to the heroes, thwarting their obvious intention.
- Page 20: This quest calls for 23 open (!) doors, plus the iron entrance door AND the wooden exit door. The game system only includes 21 doors (16 of them open, 5 closed). So you will run out of open doors playing this one. - Even counting the entrance/exit door models included in the box, you will still run out of opens and have to re-use them to finish out the quest. If don't own more door models, you will be probably forced to mime them opening to the side I guess (and remove the doors from the start of the quest to use them at the end) or substitute a secret door tile if you want.
- Page 22: The quest map shows two Sorcerer's Tables by mistake since there is only one model included in the Game System box. - Inspired by Kurgan and Eudoxio comments, assuming the table placed in Vilor's room is thematically correct, and also assuming that a 3x2 furniture should be placed in the same location as the Sorcerer's Table in the left hand room, that second table can be replaced by a Torture Rack model since it is the only furniture model non used in this quest with the same size. This solution ensures the original quest map is not practically altered.
- Page 24: This quest calls for 18 open doors (not counting the entrance and exit doors). - Similar issue as described for page 20.
- Page 26: This quest calls for 22 open doors (not counting the entrance and exit doors). - Similar issue as described for page 20.
- Page 28: This quest calls for 18 open doors (not counting the entrance and exit doors). - Similar issue as described for page 20.
- Page 30: This quest calls for 19 open doors (not counting the entrance and exit doors). - Similar issue as described for page 20.
- Page 36: A note below Mercenaries stats chart says the Crossbowman uses a broadsword to attack adjacent enemies. This afirmation was also writen in the classic Frozen Horror quest book from the 90s and would give 3 Attack dice to the Crossbowmen in close combat, but it seems to be wrong for coherency with Halberdier hiring cost (75 gold coins, the same as Crossbowman, although it would be stronger in the board) and other monsters like Elven Archers from Mage of the Mirror expansion, who could attack adjacent heroes but rolling just 1 die instead of 4 if using their bow, assuming they wield a weapon similar to a dagger in those cases, a very smaller one than a broadsword. - As suggested solution, a better text should say that the Crossbowman attacks with a shortsword (or a dagger) to adjacent enemies, instead of a broadsword, which would give him 2 (or 1) Attack dice to adjacent enemies instead of 3. Then, an official confirmation from Hasbro about it would be appreciated.


The Mage of the Mirror questbook:
- Page 6: Princess Millandriell name is writen by mistake at its tile's description title as "Millandriel".
- Page 8: Rule described in section "5. Elven Riches" is unnecesary since cannot be found any unmarked treasure chest through anyone of the quest maps of this expansion.
- Page 23: Wandering Monster for this quest indicates "3 zombies", however it is not posible placing 3 zombi miniatures onto the board at the same time if the players only own this expansion and the Game System box. - As Kurgan pointed in this post, probably as posible solution according to game's official rules, the third zombi must be replaced by Zargon player by any other monster with an available miniature of the same miniature colour (a Skeleton or Mummy in this case).
- Page 24: Lower right room shows 3 zombi icons, however it is not posible placing 3 zombi miniatures onto the board at the same time if the players only own this expansion and the Game System box. - As Kurgan pointed in this post, probably as posible solution according to game's official rules, the third zombi must be replaced by Zargon player by any other monster with an available miniature of the same miniature colour (a Skeleton or Mummy in this case).
- Page 26: Room marked D shows a treasure chest icon highlighted by mistake in orange color. - The treasure chest does not contain any trap, so its icon should have not been highlighted in orange. This is an inherited misprint from classic versions of this questbook.

Elf Spell Cards deck:
- Twist Wood: The spell card (nor the questbook) explains what happens if a monster has no weapon. What can they do? How an unarmed monster attacks? etc.

Dread Spell Cards deck:
- Reanimation: It is not clear how this spell works since all the spell casters of this expansion who knows this spell are found in rooms where none undead monsters must be placed by Zargon player, according to the quest maps. Then, which undead monsters are supposed to be reanimated by casting this spell? Only if those undead monsters come from other room AND are previously defeated in the same room where the spellcaster is? Or can the spellcaster reanimate undead monsters placed at other rooms?
- Restore Dread: This expansion does not include any monster nor spellcaster with 7 or more Body Points, therefore it is technically imposible to use the full power of this spell in this expansion.

Artifact Cards deck:
- Elven Bow of Vindication: This artifact is a weapon, so like other Artifact weapons, it should have indicated "Weapon -" at the begining of its card text, however those words are missing by mistake.


Extra Character Knight:
- No clear rules or guidelines are provided anywhere about how this new character should be introduced in play. Only minor notes are written in its Character Card which seems to be insufficient.

Rise of the Dread Moon questbook:
- Page 17, Note H: The Heroes finish this quest in a hideout of the underground city, so it looks unclear if the Heroes may visit any shops at the end of this quest. - Probably they cannot because the official App shows a message at the end of this quest saying "Heroes may not visit any shops after this quest", however an official clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 18: Exists the risk of running out of closed doors in this quest since Game System box only includes five models. As Kurgan pointed, there is an instance in which the hero will pass a hallway and reveal up to 8 closed doors at one time (of course Zargon can add the iron and wooden doors from this expansion but he will still be one short until a door is opened, unless he has multiple expansions). This same quest also has the potential for even more closed doors if the heroes don't go around opening/knocking on each one.
- Page 21: The Notes does not clarify if the Heroes with magical abilities start the quest with their spells or not. - Probably they don't because the official App shows a message at the beginning of the quest where it is explained that they cannot cast their spells until they find the rest of their equipment and valuables, however an official clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 21: Note B: There is only one door in the room, not several doors, so "doors" should not be plural.
- Page 21: Note F: typo "hands of the Heroes".
- Page 23, Note D: It is not explained what type of Potions of Healing find the Heroes - Maybe we should assume the one they found is the same as the ones from the Treasure deck of Game System because this questbook does not describe any Potion of Healing in the Alchemist's Shop page. A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 31, Note A: Same errata as on page 23 Note D, it is not explained what type of Potions of Healing find the Heroes. - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 34: Skulmar name is writen by mistake as "Skullmar".
- Page 39: Text incorrectly says "Alchemist's Bench" instead of "Sorcerer's Table" next to its icon.

Alchemy Cards deck:
- Potion of Superior Restoration: The card incorrectly shows the artwork of Potion of Recall.
- Ogre Grog: It seems there is something missing in the text. Who would pay gold for this kind of potion which does not give any benefit?? Maybe its effects were intended to be active during a full turn of the Hero? or until it the Hero is damaged? Or just the intention is including a no powerful potion inside the deck for those cases when Heroes may take one randomly?. - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.


Extra Character Druid:
- No clear rules or guidelines are provided anywhere about how this new character should be introduced in play. Only minor notes are written in its Character Card which seems to be insufficient.

Against the Ogre Horde questbook:
- Page 4: Swinging Blade Trap rules looks to be a direct copy of the same rules from classic European AtOH questbook, so as explained here by HispaZargon, it could generate doubts about how correct is allowing the Dwarf to automatically disarm this trap, since perhaps it is a too powerful ability compared with the regular disarming rules described in the Game System Rulebook. - Fortunately, Hasbro has officially confirmated (see here) that this special rule for the Dwarf has been intentionally introduced for these special traps.
- Page 4: Rule for detecting Swinging Blade Traps looks confusing as written because could be understood by mistake that all adjacent white blade icons should be also contained in the same room as the golden icon one to be able to be detected the trap, and this approach makes no sense because if true the blade layup of Quest 4 (and maybe also Quest 6 in the lower left corner room) could not be detected anymore because white icons are not in the same room/corridor as golden icon. - In the classic European AtOH questbook, the blade trap can be discovered just in the room or corridor where the golden blade icon is placed, without mentioning anything about the white blade icons because it is not necessary.
- Page 27, Note D and Parchment: An iron gate is mentioned to refer to the upper left corner door which gives access to the Ogre Fortress, as also mentioned on page 29 parchment, however the expansion box does not include any one-square door... except the plastic ones made of stone, so calling for an 'iron door' makes no sense. - According to the classic European AtOH questbook this door should have been just called as the "gateway" to avoid this problem and let using any regular closed door from the Game System box.
- Page 27, Note D: The iron gate is supposed to be the upper left corner door which gives access to the Ogre Fortress, so saying that the Orc statue is guaring the 'iron gate' of the Ogre Horde is confusing because the iron door cannot be seen from Orc statue location. - Classic European AtOH questbook does not mention that this statue is guarding any door/gate and avoids any related confusion.
- Page 29, Note C: Saying that the Heroes must be the sole occupants of the room during "one hero's full turn" looks incorrect because if Zargon has not any opportunity to enter the room with other monsters from outside, the rule of trying to keep the central room free of monsters makes no sense because it would happen mostly automatically, just after defeating the last monster of the room. - Classic European AtOH questbook just said the Heroes should occupe the room for just "one turn", however a official clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 29, Note C: It is not explained what type of Potion of Healing find the Heroes. In the classic European AtOH questbook they found a 1-6 BPs potion of healing, so maybe we should assume the one they found is the same as the ones from the Treasure deck of Game System because this questbook does not include any Alchemist's Shop page with more information, and those are the rules defined on page 5 for the potions of healing found inside Supply Crates. However, the official Hasbro App gives the Heroes a 4 BPs healing potion. - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 30: The map shows four treasure chest icons, however it is mistaken because Game System box only includes three models. - Classic European AtOH questbook does not show any treasure chest in room marked D, so probably eliminting this chest from the map would be the best solution because it does not introduce any relevant change in the game according Quest Note D.
- Page 31, Note D: Same errata as on page 29 Note C, it is not explained what type of Potions of Healing find the Heroes. - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 33, Note C: Same errata as on page 29 Note C, it is not explained what type of Potions of Healing find the Heroes. - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 38: The map shows five icons of Pit of Darkness trap, however only four tiles are included in the box which are not enough because these traps cannot be disarmed. This is an inherited errata from the calssic European AtOH questbook - A clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great to know which one of those five pits of darkness must be removed from the quest map.
- Page 43: Map icons for Double-square Doors, Stone Doors, new tiles and Ogre Throne should had been also showed here to make your own maps, but unfortunatelly not.


Jungles of Delthrak questbook:
- Page 2: A sentence indicating that "These potions may be purchased only between quests" is missing. - This sentence use to be written on page 2 of all questbooks which include an Alchemist's Shop, so it looks like to be an errata in this case because according to the quest notes of some quests, the questbook assumes that the Alchemist's Shop may be visited by the Heroes between quests except the contrary is indicated.
- Page 8: It is unclear how Allies are considered according to the available levels of difficulty. - Fortunately, Hasbro has officially calrified that in most cases, Allies could be treated as Heroes for effects such as the difficulty modes special rules described in this expansion. (more info here)
- Page 12: Though improbable, according to this map design, it exists the potential risk of running out of Closed Door models playing this Quest.
- Page 14: Though improbable, according to this map design, it exists the potential risk of running out of Closed Door models playing this Quest.
- Page 16: Though improbable, according to this map design, it exists the potential risk of running out of Closed Door models playing this Quest.
- Page 17: It is not clear which Movement has the Deathspinner because its stats chart shows "6 dice". Additionally it is not clear if Deathspinner also has the same abilities as a regular Blightcrawler. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that Deathspinner also have the abilities Spawn, Agile and Venomous like any other Blightcrawler, and that its the correct Movement is "6 squares" (more info here).
- Page 22: The map shows up to two 2x1 tile icons which are not described nor named anywhere in the questbook, so it can be easily confused with other unknown tiles shown in the same quest map. Moreover, the quest notes on page 23 talks about these tiles as if they where previously known by Zargon player, which cannot be true for the same reason mentioned. - Fortunatelly, checking the tiles included in the cardboard sheets of these expansion, the name of one of those two tiles could be derived: The 2x1 tile which art shows a big hammer represents the "forge" of room marked C, but the 2x1 tile which art shows a kind of mining peak is the one to be used in room marked B, however the name of this last tile is unknown. The third 2x1 tile represents a Golem, but it was already described in Note A.
- Page 22: Though improbable, according to this map design, it exists the potential risk of running out of Closed Door models playing this Quest.
- Page 23: The Quest Notes ending text "Proceed to Quest 9 on page 29" makes no sense according to the storytelling, looking to be incorrect. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that the correct sentence is "Proceed to Quest 8 on page 27" (more info here).
- Page 24: Though improbable, according to this map design, it exists the potential risk of running out of Closed Door models playing this Quest.
- Page 25: At the beginning of the Quest Notes, the text refers to the 'Zombies' of Quest 7 as the remains of endemic fauna, however the quest map on page 24 only shows 1 Zombie icon. - Probably the intention was actually refering to the 'Skullblight' monsters since there are much many shown in the map (7) and their background described on page 49 perfecly fits with the idea of being former fauna creatures of the jungle. Moreover, Skullblight monsters could be also understood as a kind of zombies, however the word "Zombies" is written in capital letter, so according to the wording style in HQ, it could be understood as the designer is explicitly refering to Zombie monsters, so "Zombies" should have been better written as "zombies" OR "undeads" OR just said "Skullblights" for the best accuracy.
- Page 26: Though improbable, according to this map design, it exists the potential risk of running out of Closed Door models playing this Quest.
- Page 29, Note C: The text mentions a chest, however the central room of the board does not contain any chest. - As The Admiral suggested, probably the simplest solution is just considering that gold and potion are found in the existing statue, like in Quest 4, however an official clarification from Hasbro about this topic would be great.
- Page 35: The intro notes says the Heroes starts the quest in the "waterfall" tile, however nowhere in the questbook are described nor named the tiles included in the box, so it can be confused with other unknown tiles shown in the same quest map. - Comparing with other quests of the same questbook it seems that the Waterfall tile has 4x4 squares size and is the one located in the lower area of the map on page 34. The artwork of this physical tile shows a group of stones surrounded by water, probably just after falling onto the board through a waterfall.
- Page 35: The quest notes mention a "rift" tile, however nowhere in the questbook are described nor named the tiles included in the box, so it can be confused with other unknown tiles shown in the same quest map. - Comparing with other quests of the same questbook it seems that the Rift tile has 2x2 squares size and is the one located in the upper area of the map on page 34. The artwork of this physical tile shows a magical purple elipse, probably full of dread magic.
- Page 35: It is unclear if Gretzl Demonspider and Gretzl Demonape are able to use all the abilities of Greztl the Blightspeaker. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that Gretzl can use their abilities in all forms (more info here).
- Page 39: Same errata about the unknown "rift" tile as on page 35.
- Page 43: Same errata about the unknown "rift" tile as on page 35.
- Page 48: It is not clear where is located a Spawnling monster on the board when it is attached to a Hero for combat purposes, after placing its Spawnling tile onto the Hero card. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that they must be considered located at the same square as the Hero for combat purposes, even if the Hero moves through the table, so for combat purposes they must be considered adjacent to the Hero it clings to. Additionally Hasbro also clarified that each Spawling attached to the Hero (if there are more than one at the same time) must be attacked one at a time as if they were different monsters, so a Hero cannot damage two Spawlings at the same time with just one attack (more info here). Moreover, Hasbro has also officially confirmed that Spawnlings will be attached to a Hero until the Hero dies, before being put again onto the board in the nearest available spaces of the already death Hero (more info here).
- Page 48: It is unclear if the damage of a Hero by the action of a Spawnling must be executed after or before the special Spawn actions like creating a new Spawnling or moving Spawnlings of a creature with the Spawn ability - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that Monsters with the special ability of Spawn can create a new Spawnling or move all the Spawnlings of their own type INMEDIATELLY AFTER the end of each Hero's turn. Therefore, the Spawnlings action of damage a Hero must be solved at the end of the affected Hero's turn, JUST BEFORE the Spawnlings have been moved or one new Spawnling has been created by a creature with such abilities. (more info here).
- Page 51: There are a lot of missing icons in this page about most of all the new tiles included in the cardboard sheet of this expansion, so they cannot be correctly identified in the quest maps. Some examples are the "rift" 2x2 tile, the "waterfall" 4x4 tile, the "forge" 2x1 tile, and many others.

Explorer Skill Cards deck:
- Danger Sense: It is not clear if the benefit of this skill also applies with "Wandering Monster" cards from Treasure deck. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that this skill only affects to Treasure cards titled as "Hazard!", i.e. not "Wandering Monster" ones (more info here).

Alchemy Cards deck:
- All cards of this deck correspond to the potions of the Alchemist's Shop shown on page 2 of the questbook, however their back art corresponds to the "Alchemy" deck included in Rise of the Dread Moon expansion instead of the regular "Equipment" art shown in the rest of expansions for this purpose. - It can be assumed that this change is not a mistake because the rules described in the cards looks to be fully compatible with the ones included in the Alchemy deck of Rise of the Dread Moon expansion, however unfortunately, it has not been explained anything about this change in the questbook, so many questions arise: Can be also used the Alchemy cards from Rise of the Dread Moon, and their crafting rules described in its questbook page 9, when playing Jungles of Delthrak? Does it also mean that Treasure cards included in Rise of the Dread Moon should be also included in the Treasure deck when playing Jungles of Delthrak? If Yes, page 6 does not tell anything about these Treasure cards should be also introduced in the game... A clarification from Hasbro about how to proceed with these Alchemy cards would be appreaciated.

Artifact Cards deck:
- Sapphire Skull: It is not clear if this artifact must be considered as a Weapon and if it consumes an action when used. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that it is not a weapon and it must be only used as an action (more info here).

Monster Cards deck:
- Spawnling: It is not clear at all how these monsters move onto the table. - Fortunatelly, Hasbro officials have confirmed that they may move like any other monster because they have Movement score (more info here).

FREE MINI-EXPANSION - ONLINE QUEST 'ROGAR'S HALL' quest map: (official download here)

Several errata were found in first editions of this mini-expansion (thread here) but they were fortunately corrected by Hasbro in the final version of this quest.

FREE MINI-EXPANSION - ONLINE QUEST 00 'NEW BEGINNINGS' quest map: (official download here: page #1, page #2)

No errata reported. (thread here)

FREE MINI-EXPANSION - ONLINE QUEST 01 'FORSAKEN TUNNELS OF XOR-XEL' quest map: (official download here)

Some errata were found in the first edition of this mini-expansion (thread here) but they were fortunately corrected by Hasbro in the final version of this quest.

FREE MINI-EXPANSION - ONLINE QUEST 02 'INTO THE NORTHLANDS' quest map: (official download here)

Some errata were found in the first edition of this mini-expansion (thread here) but they were fortunately corrected by Hasbro in the final version of this quest.

FREE MINI-EXPANSION - ONLINE QUEST 03 'KNIGHT FALL' quest map: (official download here).

- Attending to general rules seen in most of the quest packs, the statue icon representing in the quest map the Gargoyle statue should be coloured in light blue colour since it is an undetectable trap, however the icon is not coloured.
- Skulmar name is writen by mistake as "Skullmar" in an early version of the Quest, however this mistake was fortunatelly corrected in the curent version.


- Furniture symbols shown are too big to fit well with squares' size of the blank quest map shown in the same page. The symbols would require a size reduction to be correctly superposed in the map.
- Alchemist Bench symbol design corresponds to a symmetrical geometry of the related furniture miniature included in the Game System box.
Last edited by HispaZargon on Friday February 4th, 2022 4:39pm, edited 20 times in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday November 9th, 2021 8:33pm

Following the same criteria as per previous post, here is the updated full list of errata detected in non-English editions of the game, short by language and released items in order to improve their traceability

Please, notice this list only includes exclusive misprints from other languages. If any found misprint is also mentioned in the above English errata list, it will not be mentioned again here in order to avoid dupplicities.



Last update: 26/Nov/2024 (last thread message covered by this summary is this one)


The following paragraphs are written in Spanish for better checking by Spanish readers:

SISTEMA DE JUEGO (GAME SYSTEM), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Reglas (Rulebook), ref. "0621 F2847 105" si no se indica lo contrario:
- Página 4: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el "Potro de Tortura" (Torture Rack) ha sido por error traducido como "Estante".
- Página 5: El texto indica por error que la primera misión se titula "El Juicio" pero debería decir "La Prueba", que es como está titulada en el Libro de Misiones. - Afortunadamente, esta errata fue corregida en la edición actualizada de este Libro de Misiones (ref. "0422 F2847 SS0").
- Página 6: La ilustración de la carta del Mago indica por error que su arma inicial es la "Espada Ancha" en lugar de la "Daga". - Afortunadamente, esta errata ha sido corregida en la edición actualizada de este Libro de Misiones (ref. "0422 F2847 SS0").
- Página 9: El texto indica por error que la primera misión se titula "El Juicio" pero debería decir "La Prueba", que es como está titulada en el Libro de Misiones. - Afortunadamente, esta errata fue corregida en la edición actualizada de este Libro de Misiones (ref. "0422 F2847 SS0").
- Página 14: El diagrama de Línea de Visión tiene las mismas erratas encontradas en la primera edición en inglés del Libro de Reglas, sin embargo, estas erratas fueron corregidas en la edición actualizada de este Libro de Misiones (ref. "0422 F2847 SS0").[/i]
- Página 19: El texto del apartado Cómo los héroes (excepto el Enano) Desactivan una Trampa sin Kit de Herramientas indica por error "Si sacas una Calavera, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo 1 Punto de Daño Corporal", cuando atendiendo al texto original en inglés, la traducción correcta de esta frase debería haber sido: "Si sacas una calavera, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo Daño Corporal".
- Página 20: El texto del apartado Cómo el Enano desactiva una trampa tindica por error "Si sacas un Escudo Negro, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo 1 Punto de Daño Corporal", cuando atendiendo al texto original en inglés, la traducción correcta de esta frase debería haber sido: "Si sacas un Escudo Negro, has caído en la Trampa, sufriendo Daño Corporal".

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):
- Página 33: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el "Potro de Tortura" (Torture Rack) ha sido por error traducido como "Estantería".

Cartas de Héroe (Character cards): (Afortunadamente, la solución oficial de Avalon Hill para estos errores puede encontrarse en su sitio web)
- Enano (Dwarf)*: Se indica por error que su arma inicial es la "Espada Ancha" en lugar de la "Espada Corta".
- Elfa (Elf)*: Se indica por error que su arma inicial es la "Espada Ancha" en lugar de la "Espada Corta".
- Mago (Wizard)*: Se indica por error que su arma inicial es la "Espada Ancha" en lugar de la "Daga".
* Téngase en cuenta que la segunda edición de la versión española del juego fue publicada en 2022 ya incluyendo una versión corregida de estas cartas.

Cartas de Equipo (Equipment cards):
- Brazalete (Bracers): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Blazalete" no es correcto y debería ser en plural, "Brazaletes".
- Hacha Enana (Handaxe): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Hacha Enana" no es correcto porque puede generar confusión al ligar el nombre del arma con la raza enana, ligadura que no se pretende hacer en ningún caso en la edición original en inglés. El título de la carta debería haberse traducido como en la edición clásica del juego en español para evitar confusiones, que es "Hacha de mano".

Cartas de Artefacto (Artifact cards):
- Varita de Celeridad (Wand of Magic): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Varita de Celeridad" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Varita Mágica".
- Capa de Archimago (Wizard's Cloak): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Capa de Archimago" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Capa del Mago".
- Báculo Mágico (Wizard's Staff)): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Báculo Mágico" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Bastón del Mago".
- Armadura de Borin (Borin's Armor): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el texto "Esta legendaria y misteriosa vestimenta creada de un metal mágico..." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido de forma más precisa como "Esta mágica vestimenta acorazada...".
- Armadura de Borin (Borin's Armor): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés y a la carta de Equipo "Coraza", el texto "A diferencia de la Armadura normal, esta Armadura no perjudica al movimiento." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "A diferencia de la Coraza normal, esta misteriosa y ultraligera Armadura no ralentiza a quien la lleve puesta.".

Cartas de Hechizo de Fuego (Fire Spell cards):
- Valentía (Courage): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "En los siguientes turnos del Héroe, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "La próxima vez que el Héroe ataque, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate.". De lo contrario podría entenderse erróneamente que el Héroe puede tirar 2 dados extra tanto en Ataque como en Defensa después de lanzar este hechizo. Además, la ambigüedad que había en la carta clásica en inglés de este hechizo sobre cuántos turnos podía beneficiarse el héroe de los 2 dados adicionales, ha permanecido en el remake de dicha versión en inglés, así que también permanece así en la versión española del remake.

Cartas de Hechizo de Aire (Air Spell cards):
- Ráfaga (Swift Wind): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "... lanzar el doble de Dados Rojos en su próximo turno." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "... lanzar el doble de Dados Rojos la próxima vez que se mueva.". Así esta carta debe jugarse ligeramente diferente a como está escrito en la misma.
- Genio (Genie): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero, mostrando todo el contenido de la Habitación (incluido Trampas)..." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero (mostrando lo que hay más allá)...". De lo contrario, se podría entender de forma errónea que este hechizo no puede usarse para abrir puertas que den a un pasillo, lo cual no es correcto. Además, decir que "las trampas pueden ser reveladas por el Genio" es una licencia de traducción que excede el significado original, supongo que por error, comparando dicho texto con el original en inglés, donde no hay mención alguna a las trampas. Así esta carta debe jugarse diferente a como está escrito en la misma.

Cartas de Hechizo de Agua (Water Spell cards):
- Agua Milagrosa (Water of Healing): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Agua Milagrosa" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Agua de Curación".

Cartas de Hechizo del Terror (Dread Spell cards):
- Dormir (Sleep): La siguiente frase debe eliminarse de la carta ya que no aplica en el caso de un Hechizo del Terror ni se dice en el texto original en inglés de esta carta: "No puede utilizarse contra Momias, Zombis o Esqueletos".
- Oxidación (Rust): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "Este Hechizo hace que cualquier metal de una Espada o Yelmo se vuelva tan frágil e inútil..." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Este Hechizo hace que cualquier Espada o Yelmo metálico se vuelva tan frágil e inútil...".
- Oxidación (Rust): La última frase de la carta, "Sólo aplicable al Equipo de Batalla", no ha sido traducida correctamente a partir del texto original en inglés y puede generar confusión. Debería haberse traducido como "No es efectivo contra Artefactos".
- Miedo (Fear): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "... sólo pueda utilizar un Dado de Combate." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "... sólo pueda utilizar un Dado de Combate para atacar.".
- Bola de Llamas (Ball of Flames): El título de la carta es correcto si atendemos a una traducción literal del mismo desde el original en inglés, pero debería mejor haberse traducido como "Bola de Fuego" por coherencia con cómo fue traducido dicho término en la edición clásica del juego y por cómo ha sido traducido en la carta de Pergamino de Hechizo de mismo nombre de la expansión La Torre de Kellar.
- Rayo Mortífero (Lightning Bolt): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Rayo Mortífero" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Rayo Eléctrico" , "Rayo Luminoso" o "Relámpago".

Expansión LA TORRE DE KELLAR (KELLAR'S KEEP), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):
- Página 15, Nota E: El texto indica por error que el cofre está vacío, sin embargo, éste en realidad contiene una de las partes del Mapa de Grin, tal y como explica el mismo texto.

Cartas de Artefacto (Artifact cards):
- Pergamino de Hechizo Valentía (Courage Spell Scroll): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "En los siguientes turnos del Héroe, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "La próxima vez que el Héroe ataque, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate.".
- Pergamino de Hechizo Genio (Genie Spell Scroll): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero, mostrando todo el contenido de la Habitación (incluido Trampas)..." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Abrir cualquier Puerta del Tablero (mostrando lo que hay más allá)...".


Libro de Misiones (Questbook):
- Página 7: El texto indica por error Kessandra cuando debería poner Kessandria.

Cartas de Artefacto (Artifact cards):
- Pergamino de Hechizo Valentía (Courage Spell Scroll): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés de esta carta, el texto "En los siguientes turnos del Héroe, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "La próxima vez que el Héroe ataque, éste podrá tirar 2 Dados extra de Combate.".

Expansión EL HORROR CONGELADO (THE FROZEN HORROR), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):
- Página 19, Nota E: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el texto "Gothar queda bajo el control del Bárbaro y se mueve tras él." no es una traducción precisa del original, el cual debería decir "Gothar queda bajo el control del Bárbaro y se mueve después que él.", que no significa lo mismo en cuanto a mecánicas de juego.
- Página 37: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el texto "Cada vez que el Yeti ataca a un Héroe, éste pierde al menos 1 Punto Corporal y el Yeti se aferra al Héroe con un brutal abrazo." no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Cada vez que el Yeti cause al menos 1 Punto Corporal al atacar a un Héroe, el Yeti atrapará al Héroe con un brutal abrazo.", que no significa lo mismo en cuanto a mecánicas de juego.

Cartas de Héroe (Character cards):
- Bárbara (Female Barbarian): El encabezado de la última columna de la tabla tiene un error. Pone por error "Puntos" cuando debería poner "Mentales".

Cartas de Tesoro (Treasure cards):
- Poción de Resistencia Mágica (Potion of Magic Resistance): La frase "... anula los efectos de cualquier Hechizo que te cause daño." está incompleta de acuerdo al texto original en inglés, por lo que debería decir: "... anula los efectos de cualquier Hechizo que te cause daño lanzado contra ti."

Cartas de Artefacto (Artifact cards):
- Amuleto del Norte (Amulet of the North): El texto "Este antiguo Artefacto mágico fue fabricado para los reyes bárbaros de antaño." no es una traducción precisa del original en inglés, ya que debería decir "Este antiguo objeto mágico fue fabricado para los reyes bárbaros hace siglos."

Cartas de Hechizo del Terror (Dread Spell cards):
- Escalofrío (Chill): El texto "... a cualquier Héroe o Monstruo Adyacente a quien se lance ..." no está bien escrito, debería decir "... a cualquier Héroe o Monstruo Adyacente a quien lo lance ..."

Expansión LA MAGA DEL ESPEJO (THE MAGE OF THE MIRROR), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):
- Página 2, Poción de Restauración: El nombre de la poción no está correctamente traducido de acuerdo al título de la carta original en inglés (Potion of Superior Restoration). El nombre correcto de la poción debería ser "Poción de Restauración Superior". Además, la ilustración de la carta muestra por error la ilustración de la Poción del Recuerdo, cuando debería mostrar otra imagen.
- Página 2, Poción de Velocidad: El texto "... en vez de tirar el Dado Rojo." tiene un error de redacción ya que debería decir "... en vez de tirar los Dados Rojos." Además, el texto "Podrá además atacar dos veces por turno." no es una traducción totalmente precisa del texto original en inglés, y que debería decir "Podrá además realizar 2 ataques por turno."
- Página 2, Poción de Visión: El texto "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas (marcadas en ..." no es una traducción completa del texto original en inglés y debería decir "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas normales (marcadas en ...".
- Página 8, Sistema de Hechizos Actualizado, segundo párrafo: El texto "Si la Elfa no elige las Cartas de Hechizo Élfico actualizadas, ..." es incorrecto y debería decir "Si la Elfa elige las Cartas de Hechizo Élfico actualizadas, ...""
- Página 11, Transformar Héroes en Hombre Lobo: De acuerdo a los comentarios anteriores, en el último párrafo debería decir "Poción de Restauración Superior", en lugar de simplemente "Poción de Restauración".
- Página 29, Nota C: El Hechizo de Terror "Orden Imperiosa" no existe, sino que de acuerdo al texto original en inglés debería ser el Hechizo del Terror "Dominación".
- Páginas 12 y 34, palabras de Mentor: Aunque no se trata de una errata estrictamente hablando, sí que creo que merece la pena indicar lo siguiente: La versión española de estos textos no distinguen entre el Reino de la Reina Terellia y el Reino del Rey, pues habla de ambos indistintamente a pesar de que son distintos reinos, ya que tanto "Kingdom" como "Realm" pueden traducirse a español como "Reino". Sin embargo, la edición original en inglés de estos textos sí que establece dicha distinción, por lo que el sentido de los textos en español en realidad debería ser ligeramente distinto. Esto por su puesto es una herencia de la edición clásica de esta expansión, donde en realidad no había un Rey y un Reino, sino un Emperador y un Imperio, así que en el texto clásico no había lugar a error, y se podía deducir que el Reino de los Elfos formaba de alguna manera parte del Imperio, o quedaba claro que al menos eran aliados de este.

Cartas de Equipo (Equipment cards):
- Poción de Restauración (Potion of Superior Restoration): El título de la carta no está correctamente traducido de acuerdo al título de la carta original en inglés. El título correcto de la carta debería ser "Poción de Restauración Superior". Además, la ilustración de la carta muestra por error la ilustración de la Poción del Recuerdo, cuando debería mostrar otra imagen.
- Poción de Velocidad (Potion of Speed): El texto "... en vez de tirar el Dado Rojo." tiene un error de redacción ya que debería decir "... en vez de tirar los Dados Rojos." Además, el texto "Podrá además atacar dos veces por turno." no es una traducción totalmente precisa del texto original en inglés, y que debería decir "Podrá además realizar 2 ataques por turno."
- Poción de Visión (Potion of Vision): El texto "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas (marcadas en ..." no es una traducción completa del texto original en inglés y debería decir "... las Puertas Secretas y Trampas normales (marcadas en ...".

Cartas de Hechizo Élficos (Elf Spell cards):
- Regresión (Flashback): El texto "... primer turno del Héroe e cancelan." tiene un error tipográfico y debería decir "... primer turno del Héroe se cancelan."
- Madera Torcida (Twist Wood): El título de la carta no está correctamente traducido de acuerdo al título de la carta original en inglés. El título correcto de la carta debería ser "Retorcer Madera" o "Torcer Madera".
- Fuego Hipnótico (Hypnotic Blaze): La frase "Una si una figura saca una puntuación igual o menor que sus puntos mentales, la ilusión no la afecta." está mal redactada y tiene errores tipográficos y de estilo, por lo que debería decir "Una figura que saque una puntuación igual o menor que sus Puntos Mentales, no se verá afectada por la ilusión."

Cartas de Hechizo del Terror (Dread Spell cards):
- Estallido Mental (Mind Blast): El texto "... tira 1 Dado Rojo por cada Punto Mental que tenga." no es una traducción correcta del texto original en inglés, que debería haberse traducido como "... tira 1 Dado Rojo por cada Punto Mental que tenga en ese momento.", que no significa lo mismo. Además, el texto "... Línea de Visión del Monstruo que o lance." tiene un error tipográfico y debería decir "... Línea de Visión del Monstruo que lo lance"

Expansión LA LUNA DEL TERROR (RISE OF THE DREAD MOON), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):
- Página 4, apartado "Mesa de Hechicero": De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, donde pone "... puede restaurar 1 Punto Corporal perdido y 1 Punto Mental perdido si busca en una Habitación que contenga una Mesa de Hechicero ..." debería en realidad poner "... puede restaurar 1 Punto Corporal perdido y 1 Punto Mental perdido si busca Tesoros en una Habitación que contenga una Mesa de Hechicero ..."

Cartas de Artefacto (Artifact cards):
- Garra de Cuervo (Raven's Talon): El texto "... podrás volver a tirar 1 Dado de Ataque en el que haya salido un Escudo Negro..." no es una traducción precisa del original en inglés, ya que debería decir "podrás volver a tirar cualquier Dado de Ataque en el que haya salido un Escudo Negro...".

Cartas de Hechizo del Terror (Dread Spell cards):
- Canaliza el Terror (Channel Dread): El texto "... que haya junto al lanzador..." no es una traducción precisa del original en inglés, ya que debería decir "que haya adyacente al lanzador...". De lo contrario, podría interpretarse que también aplica a Monstruos colocados en casillas situadas en diagonal.

Cartas de Alquimia (Alchemy cards):
- Poción de Restauración (Potion of Superior Restoration): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Poción de Restauración" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Restauración Superior". Este es un detalle 'divertido' porque se ha replicado aquí el mismo error de traducción realizado en la versión española de La Maga del Espejo para esta poción. Más aún, esta nueva carta en su versión española muestra la ilustración correcta en esta expansión pero no monstraba la ilustración correcta en la expansión de La Maga del Espejo (similar a como sucede ahora con la carta en inglés de esta poción de La Luna del Terror).
- Poción de Restablecimiento (Potion of Restoration): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Poción de Restablecimiento" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Restauración". De nuevo, aquí tenemos otra decisión de diseño 'divertida'. Sorprende este error porque esta poción fue correctamente traducida a español en la Tienda de Alquimista de las expansiones de La Torre de Kellar y El Retorno del Señor de los Brujos.
- Poción de Combate (Potion of Battle): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Poción de Combate" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Batalla". Sorprende este error porque el título de esta poción fue correctamente traducido a español en la Tienda de Alquimista de las expansiones de La Torre de Kellar y El Retorno del Señor de los Brujos.
- Poción de Furia de Combate (Potion of Battle Rage): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Poción de Furia de Combate" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Furia de Batalla". Sorprende este error porque el título de esta poción fue correctamente traducido a español en la Tienda de Alquimista de la expansión de El Horror Congelado.
- Celeridad (Potion of Celerity): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Celeridad" es incompleto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Celeridad".
- Poción de Curación (Potion of Healing): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, donde pone "... que emite un leve resplandor y cuyo sabor evoca..." debería poner "... que emite un brillante resplandor y cuyo sabor evoca...". Parece que la palabra "leve" fue heredada por error del texto de la carta "Poción de Curación Menor".

Cartas de Equipo (Equipment cards):
- Hacha Enana (Handaxe): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Hacha Enana" no es correcto porque puede generar confusión al ligar el nombre del arma con la raza enana, ligadura que no se pretende hacer en ningún caso en la edición original en inglés. El título de la carta debería haberse traducido como en la edición clásica del juego en español para evitar confusiones, que es "Hacha de mano".

Expansión LA PROFECÍA DE TELOR (PROPHECY OF TELOR), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):

- Página 2, Poción de Restablecimiento: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Poción de Restablecimiento" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Restauración". Como también sucede en la carta homónima de Alquimia de la expansión de La Luna del Terror, sorprende este error porque esta poción fue correctamente traducida a español en la Tienda de Alquimista de las expansiones de La Torre de Kellar y El Retorno del Señor de los Brujos.
- Página 2, Poción de Curación: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, donde pone "... que emite un leve resplandor y cuyo sabor evoca..." debería poner "... que emite un brillante resplandor y cuyo sabor evoca...". Parece que la palabra "leve" fue heredada por error del texto de la carta "Poción de Curación Menor", como ya sucedió en la carta homónima de Alquimia de la expansión de La Luna del Terror.
- Página 35, Pergamino de Hechizo Agua Milagrosa: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título del hechizo "Agua Milagrosa" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Agua de Curación".
- Página 35, Pergamino de Hechizo Rayo Mortífero: De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título del hechizo "Rayo Mortífero" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Rayo Eléctrico" , "Rayo Luminoso" o "Relámpago".

Cartas de Hechizos de Hechicero (Warlock Spells cards):

- Por alguna razón, la trasera de todas las cartas de este mazo han sido identificadas como "Hechizo de Hechicero", en lugar de "Hechizo de Hechicera" que parece que habría sido a priori más correcto, salvo que Hasbro tenga pensado sacar un Héroe masculino Hechicero en el futuro.
- Forma de demonio (Demonform): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, donde pone "... termina cuando sufres cualquier tipo de daño." debería poner "... termina cuando sufres cualquier cantidad de daño.". De lo contrario podría por error entenderse que también se terminaría el hechizo si la Hechicera sufriera daño Mental.

Cartas de Equipo (Equipment cards):

- Poción de Restablecimiento (Potion of Restoration): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título de la carta "Poción de Restablecimiento" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Poción de Restauración". Como también sucede en la carta homónima de Alquimia de la expansión de La Luna del Terror, sorprende este error porque esta poción fue correctamente traducida a español en la Tienda de Alquimista de las expansiones de La Torre de Kellar y El Retorno del Señor de los Brujos.
- Poción de Curación (Potion of Healing): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, donde pone "... que emite un leve resplandor y cuyo sabor evoca..." debería poner "... que emite un brillante resplandor y cuyo sabor evoca...". Parece que la palabra "leve" fue heredada por error del texto de la carta "Poción de Curación Menor", como ya sucedió en la carta homónima de Alquimia de la expansión de La Luna del Terror.

Cartas de Artefacto (Artifact cards):

- Pergamino de Hechizo Agua Milagrosa (Water of Healing Spell Scroll): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título del hechizo "Agua Milagrosa" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Agua de Curación".
- Pergamino de Hechizo Rayo Mortífero (Lightning Bolt Spell Scroll): De acuerdo al texto original en inglés, el título del hechizo "Rayo Mortífero" no es correcto y debería haberse traducido como "Rayo Eléctrico" , "Rayo Luminoso" o "Relámpago".

Expansión LAS JUNGLAS DE DELTHRAK (JUNGLES OF DELTHRAK), contenido de la caja:

Libro de Misiones (Questbook):

- Página 47: La habilidad de la Serpiente debería haberse escrito como "Engendrar" en lugar de "Engendro", por coherencia con su carta de Monstruo y el resto del libro.
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Last edited by HispaZargon on Wednesday November 10th, 2021 10:22pm, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby HispaZargon » Tuesday November 9th, 2021 8:35pm

Hi, these are the errata I have already detected in a first overview, please correct me if I am wrong before writing them in the list:

- All new five released questbooks: Alchemist Bench symbol design corresponds to a symmetrical geometry of the related furniture miniature included in the Game System box.

- Game System questbook, page 9: Chest shown inside the small room with a pit trap next to it has no dedicated description in any map Note. (error inherited from 1990 American version)

- Prophecy of Telor questbook, page 6: Alone chest shown in room at right hand side of the map has no dedicated description in page 7. - I think in this case the chest should be considered empty.

- Prophecy of Telor questbook, page 17: The warning text "Following this quest the heroes may visit the armory and alchemist's shop." at the end of the page like is missing. - I think this warning should be there in this case since box text of page 18 assumes that Heroes have been already purchasing in the armory, however nobody has told them they can to do it, as clearly indicated in other quests of same the book.

- Prophecy of Telor questbook, page 22: Letter A symbol for Note A of page 23 is not shown in the map. - I think letter A symbol should have been shown in the center room of the map.

- Prophecy of Telor questbook, page 28: Letter F symbol for Note F of page 29 is not shown in the map. - Lestodante suggested here that letter F should have not existed since its text is just a continuation of Note E text

- Spirit Queen's Torment, page 6: Squares of non-used upper corridors in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.

- Spirit Queen's Torment, page 8: Squares of all the non-used rooms in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.

- Spirit Queen's Torment, page 10: Squares of non-used left corridor in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.

- Spirit Queen's Torment, page 18: Squares of non-used left and upper corridors in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.

- Spirit Queen's Torment, page 22: Squares of non-used upper corridor in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.

- Spirit Queen's Torment, page 30: Non-used squares of upper-right corner room in the map should had been coloured in shadows' dark grey.

- The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness, page 10: The map shows at the mine's entrance the "Cliff Corridor" tile from Kellar's Keep Expansion, however the notes in page 11 do not include any description about it. - I think the use of this tile should be considered just for aesthetical or ilustrative purposes but saying nothing about it in the quest notes could make the use of this tile confusing.

- The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness, page 25: In Magical Darkness in Venin's Lair rules description, the correct text should have been "-1 the second time they attack" instead of "-2 the second time they attack" - I think heroes who cannot see in magical darkness should have -1 attack dice the second time they attack instead of -2 since otherwise the text has no sense as it is written. If first and second times dice reduction had been -2, it should have been explained in a single sentence, not two. Additionally, I guess that heroes' eyes adaptation to darkness should be gradual so, an intermediate reduction of only 1 dice instead of 2 may have more sense.

If you have detected more don't hesitate to report it here and they will be checked by the Community and included in the list if there is sufficiently agreement.
Last edited by Kurgan on Saturday December 4th, 2021 3:30am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby elvyler » Wednesday November 10th, 2021 1:22am

The line of sight diagram in the new book is slightly more vague than in the original.

I think this should be clarified. It's no longer clearly stated that the orc around the far corner is blocked from line of sight. This may cause some confusion for new players who may be faced with a similar situation.


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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Daedalus » Wednesday November 10th, 2021 1:40pm

Kurgan wrote:. . . It is unclear (though one could say implied) about whether the Treasure deck needs to be shuffled every single time a Hero searches for Treasure or just once at the beginning of each new Quest (before the first search, in other words).

Assuming the AH edition is worded the same as the NA Instruction Booklet:

NA Instruction Booklet, p.16 wrote:(Found under How A Hero Searches For Treasure)

If there is no special treasure called out to Zargon in the Quest Book, you, as a Hero, must draw a random card from the Treasure Card deck and read it allowed.. . .

Be careful! Almost half of the Treasure Cards contain Wandering Monsters and Hazards! These "bad" Treasure Cards ARE returned to the treasure deck and may be re-drawn in the next treasure search. IMPORTANT! The Treasure Cards must be reshuffled before a Hero draws one from the deck.

I suppose it's OK to not shuffle after "good" cards are drawn as the entire treasure deck is already randomized from a previous shuffle.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Nlinindoll » Wednesday November 10th, 2021 4:39pm

In "Return of the Witch Lord" in Quest 10, the starting/stair room is missing a door. One door is present, but a second door should also be there. This error was apparently present in the first printing of this quest packs, but was later corrected in subsequent printings of Return of the Witch Lord.

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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby lestodante » Wednesday November 10th, 2021 4:50pm

Good job HispaZargon!!!
Should some graphic also be mentioned?
This card says "may not be worn by the wizard." but the image represents the wizard wearing the chain mail! :mrgreen:
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Re: Hero Quest 2021 Remake: Errata Compilation

Postby Kurgan » Wednesday November 10th, 2021 7:01pm

Thank you for this!

The new game retains the provision that a Hero inside a Pit can search that Pit as if it were a separate room... For SECRET DOORS, despite this being a really strange mechanic that is never used in any official quest.

As explained here Quest 3 introduced an error in the NA edition 1990 (not present in the EU editions) wherein there was a Pit trap placed next to a chest. But the mechanic for searching furniture for treasure in this edition does not require the Hero to move up to the chest. Instead, the chest itself probably should have had a trap on it in the first place (Game System quest book). This was not corrected in 2021.

The 1990 Instruction Booklet mentions the Wizard being able to buy very few items from the Armory and suggests he would be wise to save his money for future expansions, where he is promised "powerful magical items" will be available. These were never released. The line is still there telling the Wizard to be wise in saving his gold, but no reason is given as to what he should be saving for, they simply removed the next sentence. I guess he could save for potions, but they are not something unique to his character alone.

The new Prophecy of Telor's quest book contains some issues as others have pointed out...

Quest 4
Note C fireplace is seemingly meant to be the secret door.

Quest 8
Note A missing on map, should be in center room.

Quest 11:
Letter F missing from the map for a treasure search result in notes, continuation of note E,
the boss room.

Also it is never clarified whether a Crossbow can shoot the four closest diagonal squares or if there has to be a space between these squares and the target. If interpreted the first way, then the Crossbow greatly diminishes the unique utility of the diagonally striking Longsword, which is the same price. There is no rule saying either weapon is "two handed" preventing the shield use (only the Staff and Battle Axe do this).

It is not explained in the Remake what happens if the Warlock (who can use Wizard items) and the Wizard are fighting over the Wizard's Cloak artifact (taken literally, the Wizard should always get it, if he's playing).

Some of these things are just vague, but another new error was introduced.

In the quest book (Game System) it says "Use the Orc with the Large sword to represent..." but there is no unique Orc figure included (unless one uses the "Bard hero") this time. The Game System included the single Orc with a notched sword (another copy of this Orc appeared in Kellar's Keep).

It is unclear (though one could say implied) about whether the Treasure deck needs to be shuffled every single time a Hero searches for Treasure or just once at the beginning of each new Quest (before the first search, in other words). [Edit 8/28/24. I have since admitted that reading the entire booklet leads to the conclusion that a shuffle before every Treasure search is the intended way to play since it was written.]

Regarding the Treasure draw, I know some people would spread out the deck (like a stage magician) and have the person draw one, but I think the clear intention since the EU edition was to draw the top card. I guess I always played with drawing the top card too, in the NA edition.
Last edited by Kurgan on Wednesday August 28th, 2024 10:55am, edited 1 time in total.

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