Kurgan wrote:SPOILERS:
List of Artifact Locations for this quest book:
Quest 1: Ring of Return (repeat from GS)
Quest 1: Magical Throwing Dagger (repeat from KK/ROTWL)
Quest 4: 2 Random Spell Scrolls (could include Lightning Bolt or Tempest but presumably any from the Mythic tier decks should be used to draw from*)
Quest 6: Spell Scroll: Lightning Bolt (also exists in Prophecy of Telor but there was no physical card)
Quest 6: Spell Scroll: Tempest (repeat from KK)
Quest 8: Dragon Spear
Quest 9: Crown of Shadows
* this would mean 14 total cards including: Courage (2x), Fire of Wrath (2x), Ball of Flame (2x), Heal Body (2x), Tempest, Rock Skin, Pass Through Rock, Genie and Sleep. There is no actual card for Lightning Bolt but you could substitute any one generic artifact to stand in for this ability when doing the "random draw."
Prophecy of Telor Artifact Locations
Spirit Queen's Torment Artifact Locations
Crypt of Perpetual Darkness Artifact Locations
More potential Spoilers..
While not Artifacts, those who are wondering what other assets (beyond what's in the Game System) are called for in CoPD, I found references to:
Potion of Dexterity (KK/ROTWL; appears in modified form in ROTDM Alchemy deck)
Potion of Restoration (KK/ROTWL - at least this one is explained in the notes, so the card is not necessary; appears in modified form in ROTDM Alchemy deck)
Tiles: Short Stairway, Long Stairway, Cliff Corridor (all from KK; these are aesthetic decoration)
Is it my imagination or do the "Grasping Vine Traps" and "Dread Skull" tiles never actually get used in this pack? Are they just intended to be inserted by Zargon as he wishes? I see that the Tavern tile is only used once (and the Temple on the reverse side only once) and the Acid Traps appear in one quest (their use is explained in detail in that particular quest).
The unique CoPD tiles having the same image on both sides I guess makes them easier to pick out from an (ever growing) pile of tiles when it's time to put things back into their respective boxes. Too bad this one isn't slated to come to retail. If it did they could follow the pattern of the last two maybe making the dice and monsters transparent purple, blue (a different shade than Frozen Horror's combat dice) or red... The Dragon could remain gray or be transparent (people love transparent dragons! transparent "smoky gray?"). There would be 11 cards (5 Artifacts, 6 Equipment) but they could also throw in additional Spell Scrolls (to make the "random draw" a little better than just drawing from a "stack" of 3 cards... for reference KK calls for "random" spell scroll draws and had 8 scrolls, FH did as well and included 6 scrolls... so probably they would want to throw in a minimum of 3 more scrolls.. maybe Courage, Heal Body and Ball of Flame?). The Tavern/Temple tile is BIG but it is still just the right size to fit inside a KK/ROTWL sized box (and the second tile sheet would include the other single square bits, probably with less wasted space). The retail versions of SQT & PoT won't include the fancy Entrance/Exit doors from KK/ROTWL despite them being called for (not explicitly, you could always re-use a regular closed door for these if you didn't have any other expansion boxes with these special doors) so I would expect the same if they did re-release this (or maybe they'd fix it and give us a bunch more doors?).
Of course they said this won't be coming out, but I'm just saying...