Ok, couple notes.... and SPOILER ALERT!!!
The Crown is awesome. I dont know if anyone remembers but in more than one of the old expansions there are rooms that are Dark.
There is even one that that sais in the description that you can not see even by magical means. But more importantly the fact that when you are in this situation
you are minus 2 attack and -2 defense, cant run, cant do ranged attacks.... See a pattern

Dark is Bad. haha
In this scenario, when you get to the Dragon it is protected by magical Darkness, but it only affects your Attacks, -2 for first couple rounds. Still nasty.
Anyway, Next note - The Dragon.
First thing is the base. We already have more than one miniature in previous expansions that sets the precedent for large creatures.
The Dragon should ne on a 4 square sized base.
Second. The Stats..... Not all bad, but......
We have Monsters with 10 hit points in older expansions, and all the Dragon gets is 5?
If you use a typical Barbarian, Elf, Dwarf, and Wizard. The only Hero with less hit points is the Wizard. Now lets look at advanced heroquest and the conversion
of a Dragon back to basic Heroquest. The 6 Attack and 6 Defense make it at least an Adult Dragon, which makes sense as the main Protagonist for the Quest. So this is Ok....
But that means it should have a minimum of 18 Body.
Second is its Mind of 4. They are old, wise, and cunning creatures with knowledge beyond a mere Heroes comprehension and the only hero its smarter than is the Barbarian?
It should be a 5 or 6, depending on age. Either works here and its Spell capability is where it should be.
Now the second part that is bad, Its non Spell Attacks. We have several examples of creatures like the Polar Warbear that can attack with two claws for 4 / 4.
If this was a direct conversion, its Attack Base would be 5 (not 6), and it would Attack with two Claws for 5/5, a Tail Attack of 4 (Tail is at -1 Att with range = 1/2 Attack and max targets = 1/2 Att
Dragons have a head... They can talk, they can cast Spells, they have Breath Weapons, and they have Teeth. And in addition to Claw/Claw/Tail, they get one Action with their head.
and if it chooses to Bite instead of using its Breath Weapon or casting a Spell, then its Bite Attack is +1 or 6 ATT (So at least one attack is right...) And actually its Breath Weapon
is pretty much good to go as well.
Next, real quick is the Spear. It is an Artifact, but it should still work like a Spear. So Yes, both Diagonal and Throwable.
Again if you take example from the conversion of Advanced Heroquest, then its not simply everything you throw you lose.
Even Arrows have a small chance of being recovered on 10 plus (2d6) (Hand Crafted / Crude Fletched Arrows always break)
Typical Throwing Items like Knives and Axes on a 7+, more durable weapons like a short sword thrown by a large character an Ogre perhaps... on 5+
Magical on 4+, Artifacts on 3+. Obviously anything can be broken so even an artifact would be lost on good ole Snake Eyes.
Anyway, obviously most of this is not officially heroquest since it is based on the Advanced Heroquest conversion tables.
But seriously, Ive used a Dragon before in custom games, and even at 18 Health, a decent group can take out a Dragon by itself with ease.
I actually doubled the Body pts for all Dragons in my games because they should be deadly even to a group of Knightly Heroes with the best equipment.
Poor venom can be killed by a single blow from the Spear with the right potion. Thats not right....