by Cael Darkhollow » Monday November 15th, 2021 1:27pm
I get that using the Chaos Warlock/evil sorcerer figure substituted as whatever NPC (Sir Ragnar) or evil baddie the quest called for was HQs modus operandi back in the day, but it really seems that both substitute "big bads" in this one should have had their own figures. Especially since it was an exclusive Quest Book anyway. Maybe three exclusive figures and new tiles for a fundraiser goal quest book that wasn't even reached is too big of an ask. A Swamp hag and a death knight are a dramatic departure from the basic generic evil magic user usually depicted by this figure in quests. On top of that you have a minotaur skeleton to fight. Where is that figure? I promise you that Game Masters everywhere will actually be using or purchasing Reaper figures for them. Good job Hasbro.
I super dislike that Zargon's forces have swept and overrun the area and are controlling it.
So much for Zargon and his forces being a threat to the "kingdom"... they already defeated it apparently. Why would the heroes (and tavern owner) be cool with that and nonchalantly be having/serving drinks while orcs and goblins are in charge of the place? Instead of doing something about it, they opt for a drunk gnome rambling about a treasure quest map...but need a translator to read the map who is stuck in a Zargon troops run jail. What kind of heroes would let their town be overrun by forces of evil and only attack them because they need a map and to spring a elf translator from the pokey?
This storyline feels very unHQ epic heroes saving the realm to me.
once actually on the treasure quest it starts to shape up and overall it is dramatically better than Spirit Queen's Torment. It is at least playable (I will have to modify it, especially the start.)
The black dragon figure and lair are cool. Acid pool traps are cool. New room tiles are cool.
Some of the presumptuous text smacks of vainglorious narcissism. "Every great adventure a tavern." "Congratulations! You have just completed your most difficult quest to date. It did not appear pretty at times, but luckily style points are not being awarded here." SMH What is this dross I am reading...
One last gripe is the stupid dread skull flying laser-eyed skull traps and the grasping vine spiky traps. I wrote better stuff at 12 years old for my made up dungeons, this isn't a video game it's a board game, dude.
By Crom I'll split you crown to crotch to see if your guts are yellow as I think they are nithing BARBARIAN Ulrich
The last music you shall ever hear will be my bowstring as your forehead sprouts a feathered shaft, pity ELF Cael Darkhollow
Tomes grimoires manuals atlas formularies compendiums codexes bestiaries folios scrolls... Am I missing anything before we leave? WIZARD Eldritch Heironymous KigamMagister
Some quick axe work an' we can count the coins and gems DWARF Wulfram Magnussen