Okay I'm probably going to be wrong, as these things are hard to guess, but I'm going to predict that CoPD will follow the model of SQT/PoT retail... it'll have the holographic finish on the box and be the same size. We'll get the tiles identical to the Mythic set except they'll be on punch boards that are conformed to the size of this smaller box. They'll include on that tile sheet copies of the cliff edge and stair segments the same as the retail version of KK. The cards will consist of (possible re-word, type re-set but mechanically identical) Crown of Shadows and Dragon Spear, plus the four Alchemist Shop potions and a handful of Artifacts that were borrowed from KK/ROTWL (Equipment, Artifacts).
We'll get the same sculpt from 2021 of a silvery gray Dragon (matching the plastic color of first light). IF we get combat dice they could be any color but I'm going to guess some kind of gray color (in keeping with the theme of the dragon). The monsters (using again the Haslab stretch goal sculpts) will be some kind of transparent color, maybe a smoky gray or even silvery plastic like the dragon and we'll see at the very least 2 skeletons, 2 zombies, at least one abomination. The "hero" in the box will be cast in silvery red plastic and either be the Haslab female Druid, or the Rogue (maybe with a hood and cloak so you can't quite tell if it's male or female; otherwise just the male and female copied straight from the Hero Collection #2), and if we're lucky, all three. We might see a silvery red plastic "Sir Ragnar Prisoner" figure in here too. That would not be a guess I would have made in the past, but I'm thinking now they would go with this, since they were okay re-releasing the most proprietary and exclusive Joe's Dragon and pack already.
The quest book will have the errata tweaked (but as always there might be one or two things they missed) and be done in the slightly revamped style of the other retail SQT/PoT boxes.
Even though entrance/exit doors are called for, I bet they won't include plastic sculpts for those (they should be the same as KK/ROTWL) because SQT/PoT didn't have them, I guess because they ran out of room and hoped you'd have some from some other expansion. Here you'd just use a regular closed door and then remove it once everyone is through (you could use an open door for the exit, if needed).
And best of all we'll finally get to see CoPD added to the Companion Ap (sometime before December 30th, 2026! hopefully they'll extend that too... Doug hopes it will be around indefinitely, which they could do, the Hasbro Pulse app doesn't have an expiration date on it, but pretty much all of their other apps do, which means they get delisted completely and only fans could keep them alive) AND finally translated to other languages to set many more people enjoy it that couldn't before. I'm not saying CoPD is great by any means (compared to the other packs released) but even those who are not specifically fan followers of Mr. Manganiello surely felt they had "missed out" on this and would love another chance to have a crack at it. And who wouldn't want those new tiles and another monster to mess around with and create their own stuff inspired by it?
I will close by saying that's what I expect to see, but especially if they really are wrapping up the franchise with these two releases (this and WOM) as some speculate (unproven rumor) they this is their opportunity to just release it all. Between Wizards of Morcar and CoPD retail they could put out the last of the formerly "exclusive" Haslab items... Sir Ragnar Prisoner, the Witch Lord, "Mentor" wizard, the female Barbarian/Wizard/Dwarf and the other male Elf. Release them all, and if you have to give them new names (or no names) and cast them in a different color plastic to appease collectors, so be it. If that means that the CoPD box will be the bigger size and price point, so be it.
I was lucky to own the Mythic set at the original price and I would buy them again to show my support (and have something to paint since I didn't want to paint up my "rare" originals, heh). Good luck AH!
Wonder how long we have to wait?