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Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 21st, 2024 12:08am

It might soon be time to start a new thread for this one. Rumor has it, that it IS finally, really coming to retail...

See here for more info. Yes, and Wizards of Morcar is ALSO coming out (as if we couldn't guess!). HeroQuest's adventure is far from over...
Last edited by Kurgan on Saturday December 21st, 2024 4:19pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby HispaZargon » Saturday December 21st, 2024 3:02pm

Form the Australian websites it seems that CoPD expansion's Hasbro product code will be G1798.

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Postby Kurgan » Saturday December 21st, 2024 4:58pm

I don't see any issues with CoPD fitting into the same size of box (and price point) as SQT or PoT. If they follow that route, the big tavern/temple tile can fit alongside the duplicate tiles from KK and the special tiles that Joe's quests call for. They might have to re-tool the punch outs a little better but they can fit just fine and they don't have to re-do the artwork (but they might alter it slightly, I could see that).

The minis could be a crapshoot. I think his quests call for a few extra skeletons, zombies, and Abominations, but otherwise nothing needs to be in there except the dragon. Making it translucent plastic makes a certain amount of sense (maybe smoky gray this time with dice and other monsters to match), but it could also be the silvery-metallic gray used for the First Light Dragon. That would be pretty cool.

As for a hero included in the box, it could be one (or more!) of the sex-swapped heroes from the Mythic tier for all we know. Seekhashem suggested a female Dwarf (and then a female Wizard for WOM remake). Or this could be an opportunity to put the Mythic sculpt of the Druid into the box, though we already got two of those recently so maybe not? It could also be an opportunity to bring the Rogue back, since the stock and print runs seem to be running out on that one in a lot of places (I would be fine if they just renewed it again though and gave us something else, but otherwise put him in!).

The cards will be no big deal, as they are comparable to the cards put into SQT/PoT. The quest book is thinner (being only 10 quests instead of 13-14) so those tile sheets (which were not in the other boxes) will fit just fine.

The only question I have is the distribution of other monsters. It might be there will be fewer of them to make room for that huge dragon. Then again if they shrink the wasted space on the punch boards and candy trays (get Adam Glick on the case, that dude is awesome!) maybe they can make it all fit and feel as full and "complete" as the other two boxes, with a similar kind of holographic shimmer to the cover so you can have a matched set of all three.

How cool would it be if they threw "Mentor" "Sir Ragnar" and "Witch Lord" in there too? You could spin Mentor as an alternate wizard again (maybe that would be the hero) and Sir Ragnar as the prisoner from quest 2. Witch Lord could be for any Sorcerer boss.

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Postby Kurgan » Friday December 27th, 2024 4:12pm

Okay I'm probably going to be wrong, as these things are hard to guess, but I'm going to predict that CoPD will follow the model of SQT/PoT retail... it'll have the holographic finish on the box and be the same size. We'll get the tiles identical to the Mythic set except they'll be on punch boards that are conformed to the size of this smaller box. They'll include on that tile sheet copies of the cliff edge and stair segments the same as the retail version of KK. The cards will consist of (possible re-word, type re-set but mechanically identical) Crown of Shadows and Dragon Spear, plus the four Alchemist Shop potions and a handful of Artifacts that were borrowed from KK/ROTWL (Equipment, Artifacts).

We'll get the same sculpt from 2021 of a silvery gray Dragon (matching the plastic color of first light). IF we get combat dice they could be any color but I'm going to guess some kind of gray color (in keeping with the theme of the dragon). The monsters (using again the Haslab stretch goal sculpts) will be some kind of transparent color, maybe a smoky gray or even silvery plastic like the dragon and we'll see at the very least 2 skeletons, 2 zombies, at least one abomination. The "hero" in the box will be cast in silvery red plastic and either be the Haslab female Druid, or the Rogue (maybe with a hood and cloak so you can't quite tell if it's male or female; otherwise just the male and female copied straight from the Hero Collection #2), and if we're lucky, all three. We might see a silvery red plastic "Sir Ragnar Prisoner" figure in here too. That would not be a guess I would have made in the past, but I'm thinking now they would go with this, since they were okay re-releasing the most proprietary and exclusive Joe's Dragon and pack already.

The quest book will have the errata tweaked (but as always there might be one or two things they missed) and be done in the slightly revamped style of the other retail SQT/PoT boxes.

Even though entrance/exit doors are called for, I bet they won't include plastic sculpts for those (they should be the same as KK/ROTWL) because SQT/PoT didn't have them, I guess because they ran out of room and hoped you'd have some from some other expansion. Here you'd just use a regular closed door and then remove it once everyone is through (you could use an open door for the exit, if needed).

And best of all we'll finally get to see CoPD added to the Companion Ap (sometime before December 30th, 2026! hopefully they'll extend that too... Doug hopes it will be around indefinitely, which they could do, the Hasbro Pulse app doesn't have an expiration date on it, but pretty much all of their other apps do, which means they get delisted completely and only fans could keep them alive) AND finally translated to other languages to set many more people enjoy it that couldn't before. I'm not saying CoPD is great by any means (compared to the other packs released) but even those who are not specifically fan followers of Mr. Manganiello surely felt they had "missed out" on this and would love another chance to have a crack at it. And who wouldn't want those new tiles and another monster to mess around with and create their own stuff inspired by it?

I will close by saying that's what I expect to see, but especially if they really are wrapping up the franchise with these two releases (this and WOM) as some speculate (unproven rumor) they this is their opportunity to just release it all. Between Wizards of Morcar and CoPD retail they could put out the last of the formerly "exclusive" Haslab items... Sir Ragnar Prisoner, the Witch Lord, "Mentor" wizard, the female Barbarian/Wizard/Dwarf and the other male Elf. Release them all, and if you have to give them new names (or no names) and cast them in a different color plastic to appease collectors, so be it. If that means that the CoPD box will be the bigger size and price point, so be it.

I was lucky to own the Mythic set at the original price and I would buy them again to show my support (and have something to paint since I didn't want to paint up my "rare" originals, heh). Good luck AH! |_P

Wonder how long we have to wait?

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Postby CrushYourEnemies » Wednesday January 8th, 2025 4:23pm

To anyone who's had the opportunity to fight Venim, how did you fare against the dragon? Its arsenal of spells look terrifying to deal with!
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Postby wallydubbs » Monday January 20th, 2025 11:42am

The introduction to this quest pack is probably the dumbest as the heroes hometown is occupied by Orcs and goblins, but instead of fighting or leading a liberation army they decide to go on a quest after coming across an ancient map. I found it difficult to take this one seriously.

I partially understand, protect the map, don't let it fall into the wrong hands, but what about the occupation of your hometown? The heroes never return to that.

But inevitably the heroes defeat Kendrick Gilbane and come into possession of the Crown of Shadows, which is apparently an important artifact, linked somehow to the Obsidian Tower. The epilogue emphasizes that this is an important artifact. But all it does for the Wizard is give him an extra defense dice. It doesn't say the Wizard can't wear it, so I take it the Wizard and Warlock can. I'm thinking the Monk is the only hero that can't wear it.

It also had the adverse effect to see in darkness, but there's very few quests that incorporate Darkness: Foresaken Tunnels of Xor-Xel, Spiral Passage in Keller's Keep, and at least 2 quests in Crypt of Perpetual Darkness. Over reading the artifact card, however, it says "allows you to see normally in darkness, both Magical and nonmagical."
This final statement leads me to speculate if the Crown of Shadows can see through the Cloak of Shadows in WoM. I know this spell will need to renamed now, but the old Spell of Darkness from WoM creates a shroud of Darkness that the heroes can't attack or cast spells in, presumably because they can't see. If in this Darkness wearing the Crown of Shadows the hero can see and therefore should be able to attack.

There's been some speculation that the Obsidian Tower and this particular artifact may come into play in the Wizard's of Morcar quest pack, if they do indeed remake it. It's possible Wizard's of Morcar would be reconfigured to be the final quest pack or squeezed between AtOH and FH. Crypt of Perpetual Darkness, despite my misgivings on how the quest pack starts, would need a sequel to make sense of the ending. The Crown of Shadows seems like it would be an artifact similar to the Talisman of Lore, that has a quest pack dedicated to the heroes handling the cursed artifact. But then again, Hasbto's hesitance to publish CoPD in its own quest pack calls into question whether they still accept this quest book as canon and maybe they'd like to forget it.

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Postby SirRick » Monday January 20th, 2025 2:40pm

I was surprised the heroes (and Zargon’s known enemies for a number of quests) are just allowed to roam freely through the town with their weapons. And yes, instead of trying to free the town, I believe they just go to the bar instead.

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Postby Kurgan » Wednesday January 22nd, 2025 3:13am

CrushYourEnemies wrote:To anyone who's had the opportunity to fight Venim, how did you fare against the dragon? Its arsenal of spells look terrifying to deal with!

The heroes were pretty powerful, so the Dragon wasn't so tough, but thankfully when we played as Zargon I had some cards stashed, so after he died, he was reborn as a mini-King Ghidorah, and then as a mini-Godzilla.

I think if you play this expansion with a fresh party of heroes it would be a little more challenging, as written. The difficulty is higher than most, but not nearly what MOTM and FH were (and I prepared my heroes well for those expansions).

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Postby Kurgan » Wednesday February 5th, 2025 9:33pm

What if Joe not only went in to fix the errata in his pack, but wrote extra quests (rounding it out maybe to 14?) for the retail version?

What if instead of just some color swapped monsters we've already seen before in retail, and some colorful dice, we actually got some more (maybe all) of the remaining Haslab "exclusives"?

CoPD seemed to be the last and most proprietary piece. They KNOW the fans want it. So if Venim is in there in all his glory, and the tiles, and the booklet... what's stopping them from putting Sir Ragnar, Witch Lord, "Mentor," and the four alternate heroes in there too?

And what if it didn't stop there? What if we got a brand new character.. maybe a DRAGON BORN HERO? How cool would that be?

I'm only expressing wishful thinking of course, I have no proof or even a rumor suggesting that these things could come true. I just hope they do! We'll find out in 4-10 months...

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Postby Kurgan » Thursday February 6th, 2025 7:50pm

I'm going to put my wishful thought out there that ALL of the remaining Haslab materials that are left out of retail will finally appear in this new box.

Would the Mythic design of the Druid appear? We already got two alternate sculpts of the Druid hero inside ATOH remake.

I 100% believe the dragon will appear. Will it be revised at all? What if the base was slightly better? Plain gray is pretty boring. Joe referred to it as a "black dragon" in his promo video, while the Mythic box art and quest booklet depict it as green.

Getting a box of "gray figures" back in the day might have been cool (to go with the "white" box in ROTWL and the "green" box of KK), but today gray screams "unpainted!"

There may end up being a lot of red in this box. But making the Dragon black, translucent green (different shade than SQT) or smoky gray see through... or even the metallic gray of First Light's Dragon, would all be cool choices. If there were dice to match, I would not object.

No real explanation is needed as to why to include the various Haslab extras in this box, but if you need some...

Sir Ragnar could stand in for another Prisoner, Vander, the Elf (maybe he has pointed ears under all that wild hair?).

Mentor could be himself in "cutscenes" but he and the Witch Lord could stand in for the various Dread Sorcerer bosses presented in the various quests.

The extra skeletons, abominations, zombies, etc. would get their use via the standard map layouts.

Open/closed doors would be nice, KK/ROTWL style, but since SQT/PoT got away with not including them, maybe this one could too.

The tile sheet would be slightly greater than that of the original because you're including some extra tiles from KK. The cards are few (10-14). The Dragon is big, but not THAT big, that he'd take up the whole box. Even a SQT/PoT sized box could everything you "need" with room to spare.

I would be fine with it not including new dice, if we got the four alternate sculpted heroes (these could be used to sub in for the existing ones easily enough if desired) in the shiny red (or other color) plastic.

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