Speculation, revised slightly...
Kurgan wrote:IF was ever a retail CoPD box, similar to the SQT/PoT retail releases what would it look like? Of course it would have that shiny hologram/foil box surface...
It would include the (10) quest book of course (with errata fixes and text reformatting, map art adjustment like the others)...
Dragon figure (maybe a different sculpt than the Mythic one, maybe a different color other than Gray)
Transparent monster figures (following the pattern set by the other two with 15 or 16 of them. what color? blue? red? purple?)
6 translucent dice to match the above color. Some suggested the figures should all be gray this time (smoky gray dice could be interesting, but the others are too boring, in the world of miniatures, "gray" reminds too many people of "generic needs painting" and not all fans paint, so a whole box of gray shouldn't seem very attractive)
Not sure the exact distributions, but at least one Hero could be included (in this case the Druid, perhaps with a "bear form" mini in red plastic, some suggested a Polar Warbear would do the trick, but an original mini wouldn't be out of the question as it would fit a lot better)
All of the GS monsters are used, and there are a few prominent uses of the Dread Sorcerer figure ("swamp hag" and a skeletal minotaur being another). Maybe transparent gray would be nice after all? Some were suggesting you could mix it in to the other packs to create the "stone" characters that way. Keep in mind of course this could all be adjusted as it never actually calls for any more monsters than were included in the GS at a time (unless I missed some place) with the sole new addition being the Dragon in the final quest (spoilers!). As before we wouldn't expect to see any special rules added for the Druid.
Using the mythic sculpts once more (18 total minis):
2x orcs
2x goblins
2x abominations
2x skeletons (one quest calls for 6 skeletons at once... and Joe assumed you'd have ROTWL since you owned the Mythic set so there)
2x zombies
2x mummies
1x dread warrior (in keeping with the slim distribution of them in the other two sets, although I wish it were two in each)
1x gargoyle
1x dread sorcerer
1x dragon (maybe with a better balance this time)
1xDruid Hero (in shiny red, to match the other retail Mythic re-packaging releases)
1x red character for use as the "bear form" of the druid? (some were suggesting a polar warbear figure here in that shiny red)
12 "acid trap" tiles (the originals were double sided with the same image on both sides)
6 "flaming skull" tiles (same image on both sides)
6 "grasping vine trap" tiles (same image on both sides)
1 large "tavern/temple" (double sided) tile.
1x each Short Stairway, Long Stairway, Cliff Corridor (all repeats from KK)
Magical Throwing Dagger (2x),
Spell Scroll: Lightning Bolt,
Spell Scroll: Tempest,
Dragon Spear, Crown of Shadows
Spell Scrolls (copied from KK/ROTWL):
Courage (2x)
Fire of Wrath (2x)
Ball of Flame (2x)
Heal Body (2x)
Rock Skin
Possibly not needed "unique" items:
Spell Ring (with Fire of Wrath Spell in it)
Skeletal Key
Oil of Acid Immunity potion
Potion of Dexterity (with revised lower price?), Potion of Restoration (1/1), Potion of Battle, Venom Antidote
1x Druid Hero Card
3x Druid Spell cards
I would have said entrance and exit doors (the same as KK/ROTWL) but they chose not to include those in the other two packs so probably wouldn't see them here.
Would it all fit in the box? The other two packs included dice, but saved space by not having any tiles and excluding figures on either side (like having only one abomination or not gargoyle). Then again both KK and ROTWL had more minis (17 and 16 respectively plus each having two doors) and actual tiles (though neither had extra dice). There appears to be space inside the SQT/POT boxes that they could use more efficiently to fit all that in there.