"HeroNext" (working title) - A game design study
I want to discuss with you the major game design problems of HeroQuest and how to solve them. Yes, we DO love HeroQuest, but if you played modern board games, you know board game design has come a long way in the last 30 years. Hint: play Descent 2nd Edition.
Since Hasbro is releasing the game without any significant rule change, let's talk about how to modernize HeroQuest and bring it to the 2021 standards. This post will start small but with your feedback it will grow to a more complete text. PS: I find important to keep the reviewed rules compatible with all existing quests.
THINGS I'M CHANGING: (I will add more items later)
1- [DONE] No dice for hero movement. Let's face it: rolling dice for movement is bad. It takes away strategy and unnecessarily makes longer game sessions. What about replacing them with a fixed number?
2- [DONE] Just one treasure search for each room. It's hard to know who and how many searches were done in a room. And why lose at least 4 turns in a room? This is counterproductive. When revealing the room, Zargon/Morcar can just put a 1x1 tile ("treasure token") anywhere in that room, which is removed after the first treasure search. One room = one treasure only.
3- [DONE] No money (at least in treasure cards). Less treasure search = better cards in the treasure deck. Why can't the heroes just find the equipment searching for treasure? Just remove all gold related cards and put weapon (all of the armory) and potion cards in the treasure deck. Here is my new treasure deck:
https://www.deviantart.com/odanan/art/HeroQuest-Weapons-as-Treasure-cards-8808333074- [DONE] "Evil Power" cards. This was done magnificently by Chaotic Prime/The Road Warrior/Sjeng - and it needs to be a standard in the game. It brings that sensation of danger to the heroes and more fun/customization to the enemy player. And makes game sessions faster (heroes will want it to end faster). Get them here:
http://www.deviantart.com/odanan/art/HeroQuest-Evil-Power-cards-8827776895- Body and Mental damage tokens. We removed the money, let's remove the player's sheets too. You really don't need to use paper and a pencil anymore: you have your weapon and equipment cards. Received 1 damage? Get 1 Body damage token and put over your hero card. See how elegant the game is becoming?
6- [DONE] Generic Search action. When you search without specifying which type of search (treasure, secret doors or traps), the enemy player will follow this sequence: trap -> secret door -> treasure. No more wasted time with an action that doesn't do nothing.
7- [DONE] We are remaking the hero cards, right? (because of the movement) Why don't we make them more unique? This is what I though: Barbarian = when attacking, black skull counts as a skull; Dwarf = when defending, black skull counts as shield. Elf= no change (already strong, in my humble opinion). Wizard: 4 spell groups instead of 3. Here is my take of the classic 4 heroes, including the fixed movement:
https://www.deviantart.com/odanan/art/HeroQuest-classic-Heroes-enhanced-8833593398- [DONE] More tactical combat. There should be some monsters that make diagonal or ranged attacks. This makes positioning more important (for both the heroes and monsters). I'm adding some "monster upgrade" cards to my "Evil Power" deck, so the enemy player can transform his regular skeletons, for instance, in skeleton archers or skeleton spearmen (I do have 3d printed minis for those). This is done in a way we can have new monsters without changing the existing quests.
9- [DONE] New tiles that *really* change the board. Double corridors, very big open spaces - all to make the game feel fresh and more tactical. Of course, we will need quests made with these tiles in mind. Some of them done:
https://www.deviantart.com/odanan/art/H ... -88639431010- A box and brief manual to contain everything. EDIT: or, I could just incorporate everything here: