So this isn't an original quest from the game system, but apparently it might be part of the new release. Looking over it at first glance, it seems nearly impossible. Mentor's notes
are comforting in emphasizing hopelessness. This would suggest that those who created the quest were fully aware of the likely failure.
I can't blame anyone if they choose not to read through all of this, so fell free to skip to the bottom with the final report.
I'm gonna give it a run through here with the 4 original heroes with their starting equipment (and lack there of). The Elf will have Water Spells and Wizard gets the other 3. In my heart I just can't include the Bard, Druid and Warlock, they don't seem to fit. The Fimir is replaced by some Dagon-like Fish man, but I'll still be using the Fimir just because the stats are the same and we have no Dagon icon, yet. So we'll see just how terrible it is:
We start off right after Menor gives his speach.

up first, searches for traps, finding none.

looks for secret doors, spotting the 1.

makes a treasure search, finding Jewels (50 gold).


, heading out the secret door to have a look around, seeing the

, having enough movement to reach him, passing the

in the hall, swinging his Broadsword:


Suddenly 4

s appear from the stairwell and press an attack against the 3 heroes in the room.

took 2 damage from 1


was lucky and the 1

that attacked him rolled

lost 1BP to the first

and managed to block the 2nd's attack.

lost 2BP from the

's attack. The


took a pathetic attack against the

, rolling

Almost equally pathetic, the



, a very terrible start, I must say.

attacing the


, which the

managed to block.
When the monsters attacked again,


both lost 1BP. The

got really lucky as the 2

s attacking him both flopped.

managed to block the

's attack, but the

delivered 2

's, landing both.

managed a

in his attack, which the

failed to block. First successful hit and kill goes to the

, who didn't use a spell.

's attack was blocked
But the

managed to take out his nemesis.

attacked with

, again, but the

blocked it yet again.

moved away from

to attack the

, but the attack was blocked
However the

lost 2 more BP whis his opponent rolled

(he blocked 1)
Although the



was able to block both hits. The

failed to roll a


managed another

and killed another


managed 2

s and took out the last

cast Veil of Mist on

, so he could get back in the room and avoid another double attack.

flopped his attack with

and moved through the

into the room.

moved into the room to attack

, rolling


rolled the same and blocked the attack.

could not get in the room as the

would not allow him to pass.(Greenskins and undead don't mesh well in my book).

cast Heal Body on

, restoring him to full health.

attacked the

, but failed to roll a


too flopped his attack



only blocked 1.

charges in, attacks the

, landing 2 hits.
From here the

opted to not use his turn or cast a spell, confident that the 3 heroes focusing an attack on the

would surely be successful!



failed to block and was killed.

stepped through the secret door and searched for traps, spotting the pit trap.

opting not to waste his turn, rolled

and decided to check the Northern door, discovering the 2

s. Attacking one with 1

, but it blocked.
And so,

was yet again sandwiched between 2 monsters. The first landed 3 hits, but

managed to block the 2nd attack.
Seeing the

through the door,

cast Fire of Wrath, hoping one of the other heroes would finish it off. A

was rolled,

lost 1BP.


, not having enough movement to reach the

, he headed through the trap door to disarm the trap, rolling


, so couldn't help the

and opted to look for Secret doors, finding none.

made an attack for 1

, but it was blocked.
Once again,

was faced with a double attack. Both

s rolled


, the first one

only blocked 1 and dropped to 1BP. He failed to block any from the 2nd attack and was killed.

still had movement and stalked towards the

as the other feasted on the

's flesh.

mustered the courage to attack, rolling

, but the

blocked it.

only rolled

, so was unable to reach the


reached him, only to flop his attack.

then inflicted 2BP of damage on

, dropping him to 1BP.
The other one, who just ate the

, attacked the



failed to block, dropping to 2BP.


in attack

attacked with

as well.


, finishing off the 1st

, and danced away from the other on.
The remaining

went after



blocked 1 hit, but also took 1 damage

stepped forward with a

, that was blocked.

flopped again

charged back in and managed to inflict 1 damage on the


went after

, but it was blocked

rolled a

, but it was blocked


flopped attacks.

continued after the

, who blocked again.
This time the

failed, while the


both rolled a

, however the

blocked both attacks.
It then attacked the

for a

, but

maintained an adequate defense


, that was blocked


, which was blocked


too, but finally finished off the

The heroes then decided to try the secret door path

was the first to make it to the door, having enough movement to reach the

. He rolled

, killing the



lagged in the rolls.

entered room F and was congratulated by Mentor. He searched for traps one Mentor was gone, finding none.

was next to enter and searched the chest, finding Borin's Armor

entered last, casting Water of Healing on himself, although the

had 1BP left, he was told to stay out of physical battle and concentrate using his spells from a distance

walked into room E, seeing the

, he immediately casts Genie, rolling


failed to block and takes 2 damage. For a moment the

feels a sense of hope.

runs in to continue the attack, but his 1

was blocked.


in his attack and managed to finish off the
Note: note E says to shuffle all the Dread (Chaos) cards
before the Gor-Garak's turn. It is not specified whether he should cast this during the hero's turn, as soon as the door is open or whatnot. So I took it to mean directly before his turn. However, since he was killed before having a turn, no spell will be cast.

would then enter and search for traps, finding none

looked for secret doors, none

drew a Potion of Healing from the treasure deck and gave it to the

Onto the next room,

only rolled enough movement to get to the door, he casts Rock Skin on the


runs in, rolling

, taking out the first


had poor movement and was just able to get into the room, but couldn't reach the

, so he cast Sleep against it.

was rolled, taking hold.


, staying asleep
This allowed the

to casually walk in and stab, rolling


finished the

off with

Leaving the

to search for traps.

found no secret doors

drew a Hazard from the treasure deck, falling into a pit, losing 1BP, down to 3.


, wasn't even able to make it to the next door.

was the first to go in, taking a chance, he circled the

before attacking, he landed a

, killing the

Next was the

, rolling

, killing the other

made it in, searching for traps, finding none.

searched for treasure, finding a Potion of Strength.

made the secret door search, not finding any, and then walked over to check the next room. Seeing the 2

s and a Torture Rack.

used a non-action to pass his Potion on Strength to the

, who ran in, using it to attack the fist


, this

was not as good on defense and crumbled to dust as the

delimbed it.
The other

walked around the torture rack, unable to reach the



, unable to pass the

to enter the room.

stepped up to attack the

, but flopped his roll

' up next, circling to attack the

from behind, rolling


attacks the


With Borin's Armor


, taking 1 damage


, unable to help his friends attack the

, so he cast Tempest against it, knowing that these

s are difficult to kill.

landed 1 hit and the


loses its turn, cycling back to the

who aids with an attack:


, finishing off the

checks for traps.

searches for treasure, but it's a hazard, he drops to 0BP and drinks the Potion of Healing, rolling

, restoring 4BP.

goes out the door, seeing 4

s in the hall. He jumps one from behind and knocks its head off.

follows his lead, bot flops with the attack.

s fight back, but both failed to roll a


has no way to help, so he searches for secret doors.

managed a

, but it was blocked.

had better luck, taking out a 2nd

2 left. The first attacks the


. Despite having Rock Skin, the

only rolled 1

, taking 1 damage.
The other rolled a

too, but couldn't beat Borin's Armor.

walked to the door and skipped his turn while the


finished off the 2


went out into the hall and found no traps

ventured down the hall, seeing a


, but was mindful enough to know they wouldn't be able to reach them with their movement, so stayed a few spaces back

searched for secret doors before joining the



moved down the hall, closing in, but not enough distance to mount an attack.

stepped to the end of the hall and Cast Ball of Flame against the

, who rolled


, taking 2 damage.

tried to finish off the

, rolling

, but it was blocked

rolled the same against the

, but that too was blocked

attacks with

defends with

reigns down on



, taking 1 damage down to 1BP

calls a "Fall Back", retreating

flops and does the same, but only rolls

too misses and stands by the



but the

defended with a

rolled 2

s, but the

rolled 2


heads back to the room with the book case.
Despite rolling

, the

failed to kill the

, he blocked both. Again, rolled

in retreat.


was blocked as well.
Although the

only rolled 1

, the

rolled 4

s in defend and was killed.

managed to get 1 hit on the

, rolled

, side-stepped, grabbing Borin's Armor from the

's corpse and ran like hell.

continued running

stood his ground, attacked the

, failed.
He then got surrounded and lost 2BP for their attacks

runs back into Room E (Where the Gargoyle was), cast Pass Through Rock on himself

manages to kill the

and runs from the

, but not far enough.

lands 2 more hits on the

, dropping him to 1BP.
Under the effects of Pass Through Rock,

also casts Swift Wind on himself, rolling

, he took this opportunity to check inside the 3 rooms on the North East quadrant of the board, spotting the

s and

s, ending his turn in the Northern alley.
Meanwhile the

finally took out the

, he worked his way back to find the

. They meet up in room F,

tells him about a 2nd chest guarded by a

, it would be easier if they went up through the eastern hall and avoid all the other monsters.
It took them several turns to get there,

having rolled

chances the Eastern hall without checking for traps. He fell in the pit trap, losing 1BP
They work their way up to Room D with the chest and


ends his turn in front of the door,

runs in, opening the door and casts Courage on the


charges the

, attacking with

didn't roll any

, but 2hits wasn't enough to kill him.
He attacked back but with only 1


managed a block with Borin's Armor.

chanced it and stabbed the

, delivering the 3rd BP of damage.

checked for traps while

searched the chest, finding the Spell Ring, allowing the

to regain a spell. He picks Heal Body and casts it on the

Heading back down the east hall, the

jumps the pit, but the

fell in.
The go down the Southern hall and up the West. Although the

spotted the pit trap he failed to jump it.
They both make it to the 3rd chest.

surprised the

, barging in and stabbing him with a


followed him in and managed a

as well. Both times the

failed to block

checked for traps

found the secret door
In the chest the

found the Wizard's Cloak. Checking through the secret door he saw all the

s, but also a door leading to the middle hall, which, he prayed, led back to the starting room. He ran through the door and saw the door to the middle room at the end of the hall, but ran out of spaces.

tried to follow him out but couldn't make it through the door.

ganges up on the

, he managed to block 2 of their hits, but ended up taking 2 damage.


was just enough to get the

to the stairwell. But he alerted the 2

guarding that hall

also rolled

, making it into the middle room, but 1 space away from the stairs

s gave chase but couldn't catch him. The2

s, however made an attack, but with Borin's Armor he was able to fend them off and make his escape.
Final Report:
So this was bad... dare I say it,
Dreadful. It took several hours to complete and the first few minutes were absolutely horrendous when confronted with an unmitigated amount of monsters. It's a big reminder of how difficult it is to kill a monster with 2Body Points when you only have a short sword; and yet how easy a gargoyle can be killed. It also shows that 2 combat dice most certainly isn't a formidable defense.
The quest reminded me of difficulty as such to the Frozen Horror. The sheer number of monsters leads the Wizard to go through spells rather quickly.
I don't think this quest was actually necessary, if the heroes succeed they get a big boost through quests like Sir Ragnar, which isn't really needed. 3 artifacts that take away from the steady growth the heroes undertake. Yet it's understandable why such an insanely hard quest would allow such a reward.
Perhaps, though, it was a little cheap on my part, allowing the Elf to steal Borin's Armor off of a freshly dead Dwarf, or Wizard scouting a whole section of the board with Swift Wind and Pass Through Rock, or the 2 remaining heroes to flee with their loot without exploring all the rooms. If that was the case, the Elf and Wizard most certainly wouldn't have survived. So it did feel like cheap victory.
The redeeming quality is that the heroes aren't expected to win. But what was the lesson heroes are expected to learn from this. The lesson about splitting up is was well recieved in The Trial. Meanwhile there's no lesson here as even if you do everything you're supposed to do, you still only have a 92% chance of dying.