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Heroquest remake by Hasbro - The BIG discussion thread

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby phoenixcinder » Monday September 14th, 2020 3:48pm

Hmm seems like a good time to raid this forum of all the files I haven't grabbed yet. Got a bad feeling if this is a total re-release hasbro is going to be targeting this site not soon after.
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Thor-in » Monday September 14th, 2020 3:52pm

phoenixcinder wrote:Hmm seems like a good time to raid this forum of all the files I haven't grabbed yet. Got a bad feeling if this is a total re-release hasbro is going to be targeting this site not soon after.

That has crossed my mind also.
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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby lestodante » Monday September 14th, 2020 5:15pm

I also thought so... and ebay also for people selling repros!
Anyway, some hints suggest there will be a crowfunding onn their HasLab platform at the end of countdown.
So not sure we will be able to see someting concrete in September yet.
HasLab link here: https://hasbropulse.com/collections/haslab
Or this can be just a new Betrayal version or Monopolu with a HeroQuest theme, who knows?
If they will re-release the real game I guess it will be totally re-designed, including miniatures and I hope they will not be the same style of the Wizards of the Coasts figures. :?
Games Workshop just collaborated with the game providing some pieces (miniatures), unless the rights expired I don't see any problem in using the same Fimir or Chaos Warriors names.
Finger crossed for one week more or less.

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Wouldn't be a bad idea...

Postby Kurgan » Monday September 14th, 2020 5:29pm

If this truly is going to be the end of the forums, I just want to say it was an honor to spend time with such excellent Dwarves, Elves, Wizards, Barbarians, Goblins, Orcs, Fimirs, Chaos Warriors, Gargoyles, Skeletons, Mummies, Henchmen, Ogres, various icy creatures and assorted Sorcerers (whether Good, Evil, or neutral). The creative juices and fun here was truly a blast! If they can put out a product good enough to "put us out of business" perhaps the Inn could return just as a fandom for that. Hoping for the best! If not, we'll all be back here in a couple of weeks or so, surely...

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby lestodante » Monday September 14th, 2020 6:53pm

It will not be the end of the forum. Maybe they could just claim for copyrights of downloadable contens asking the official files to be removed.
But there is no law that deny us to discuss about our favourite game.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Anderas » Tuesday September 15th, 2020 2:09am

That Witch Lord looks too standard, but ok. I'll take Thanto's Witch Lord then. :-) If this is real, I am in of course, but I will still mention the generic look and feel from time to time!

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday September 15th, 2020 3:28am

lestodante wrote:It will not be the end of the forum. Maybe they could just claim for copyrights of downloadable contens asking the official files to be removed.
But there is no law that deny us to discuss about our favourite game.

This :idea:
And even then... what a great way to revive a game, to piss off your entire targeted playerbase, by purging the internet. I'm not seeing it happening.

Anderas wrote:That Witch Lord looks too standard, but ok. I'll take Thanto's Witch Lord then. :-) If this is real, I am in of course, but I will still mention the generic look and feel from time to time!

To be honest, the original HeroQuest miniatures are generic AF :roll:

Anyways I am pretty excited, but the artstyle of the witchlord is nothing compared to the great art of Les Edwards, which gives me a bit of a bad feeling.
Can't wait till next Tuesday |_P

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby monnock777 » Tuesday September 15th, 2020 8:12am

I think my issue is if game work shop isn't on board then yes there will not be chaos warriors. Okay so they change the figure which seems like no big deal. Except all the lore that comes with it. Except Heroquest is based on warhammer lore and you lose that.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Mophus » Tuesday September 15th, 2020 11:12am

Goblin-King wrote:
Anderas wrote:That Witch Lord looks too standard, but ok. I'll take Thanto's Witch Lord then. :-) If this is real, I am in of course, but I will still mention the generic look and feel from time to time!

To be honest, the original HeroQuest miniatures are generic AF :roll:

Anyways I am pretty excited, but the artstyle of the witchlord is nothing compared to the great art of Les Edwards, which gives me a bit of a bad feeling.
Can't wait till next Tuesday |_P

I totally agree. The style looks similar exchangeable like the anniversary game someone was trying to produce a few years ago. On the other hand, the cover of Heroquest was back in the days only a, hence sophisticated, manifestation of a similar rpg cover style, too.

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Re: Well well, what do we have here? Official news maybe?

Postby Anderas » Tuesday September 15th, 2020 1:16pm

monnock777 wrote:I think my issue is if game work shop isn't on board then yes there will not be chaos warriors. Okay so they change the figure which seems like no big deal. Except all the lore that comes with it. Except Heroquest is based on warhammer lore and you lose that.

GW abandoned the old world. The four gods were never in HQ. What stays is the generic fight order against chaos, which you can license from Michael Moorcock, or good vs evil, which is generic.

Yes the old world had style. Hopefully they can do something about that.

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