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Making a modern HeroQuest font

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Monday November 9th, 2015 9:34am

slev wrote:But the icon you used does allow that?

The laser does, but not the arrow. If you play it differently, I think I have a sufficiently wide variety of icons now to allow for pretty much everything. And as I said, for fringe or special cases you don't need a keyword or special icon.

Actually, the system I was using used the weapon symbols themselves as representative of their ranges. This is not as self-explanatory as I would like, so I'll be switching things up pretty soon I think. Maybe I'll make a thread for my armory next...

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Monday November 9th, 2015 11:14am

I'm not explaining myself properly.
An icon where adjacent squares, orthangoan AND Diagonal, cannot be targeted.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Monday November 9th, 2015 1:04pm

slev wrote:I'm not explaining myself properly.
An icon where adjacent squares, orthogonal (FTFY) AND Diagonal, cannot be targeted.

OhhhhhhHHHHHHhhh. Ok. I get it now.

And my solution:

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Monday November 9th, 2015 1:14pm


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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Thursday November 12th, 2015 5:55am

Have been working with this font quite a bit now. It is VERY useful.

I'm wondering if it is worthwhile making a second font of vector monster icons, to match Heroscribe? Of would this break Mohawk?

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Anderas » Thursday November 12th, 2015 6:11am

I don't think so. You need these icons only in graphical mode, in Heroscribe or photoshop or PowerPoint. So no need for a font there, at least not for me.

I was also working a bit with it. The only thing that I miss is the old isometric white die. The new one has double lines which make him a little bit bigger than his filled pendant,

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Thursday November 12th, 2015 7:20am

Anderas wrote:I don't think so. You need these icons only in graphical mode, in Heroscribe or photoshop or PowerPoint. So no need for a font there, at least not for me.

Useful for popping it onto cards in photoshop, or onto wandering Monster notes on teh Quest Books.

Anderas wrote:I was also working a bit with it. The only thing that I miss is the old isometric white die. The new one has double lines which make him a little bit bigger than his filled pendant,

So we one one point of reduction on that character?

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby clmckay » Thursday November 12th, 2015 7:55am

Not to step in out of turn, but for putting monster icons into the QuestBooks I had all the US icons in HeroScribe converted from EPS to EMF. I can use those in my MS Word QuestBook template without any pixelating or fuzziness. You can see the results in the 3 quest books i have posted here at the inn. I've not tried them in photoshop, so I'm not sure they'd work for use on cards.

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby Count Mohawk » Thursday November 12th, 2015 8:43am

slev wrote:
Anderas wrote:I was also working a bit with it. The only thing that I miss is the old isometric white die. The new one has double lines which make him a little bit bigger than his filled pendant,

So we one one point of reduction on that character?

The iso black die and the iso white die are actually the same size. I added the second outline to the inside of the glyph. I could -1px them if you think they're still too tall.
slev wrote:I'm wondering if it is worthwhile making a second font of vector monster icons, to match Heroscribe? Of would this break Mohawk?

There are something like 1,000 different monster icons you know! I'm actually not sure if I have enough room in any font to add that many custom glyphs. It would have to be HeroDings for sure!

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Re: Making a modern HeroQuest font

Postby slev » Thursday November 12th, 2015 8:54am

Would break you then. Got it!

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