HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!
Posted: Monday April 13th, 2009 6:26pm
In seeking out all the possible resources for Ye Olde Inn, I've been able to confirm with the help of many people that HeroQuest was released in the following languages, with the following confirmed expansions:
If anyone knows of any others, please let me know. Thanks.
- Dansk/Danish
- Game System
- Kellar's Keep
- Deutsch/German
- Game System + Master Edition
- Karak Varn
- Die Rückkehr Des Hexers
- Gegen Die Ogre Horden
- Morcars Magier
- Ελληνικά/Greek
- Game System
- Kellar's Keep
- English
- Game System + Advanced Quest Edition
- Kellar's Keep
- Return of the Witch Lord
- Against the Ogre Horde
- Wizards of Morcar
- Adventure Design Kit
- English-American
- Game System
- Kellar's Keep
- Return of the Witch Lord
- Mage of the Mirror
- The Frozen Horror
- Español/Spanish
- Game System + Edicion Renovada Y Ampliada
- La Torre De Kellar
- El Retorno Del Lord Brujo
- Contra La Horda De Ogros
- Los Hechinceros De Morcar
- Kit de Diseño de Mazmorras
- Français/French
- Game System + Nouvelle Édition
- Karak Varn
- Le Retour Du Sorcier
- Les Sorciers de Morcar
- Kit Forteresse
- Italiano/Italian
- Game System + Le Nuove Imprese
- La Rocca Di Kellar
- Il Ritorno Del Signore Degli Stregoni
- L'Orda Degli Ogre
- I Maghi De Morcar
- 日本語/Japanese
- Game System
- Nederlands/Dutch
- Game System
- Kellar's Kerkers
- Terugkeer Van De Heksenmeester
- De Magiërs Van Morcar
- Opdrachten Ontwerp-Set
- Norsk/Norwegian
- Game System
- Português (Brasil)/Portuguese (Brazil)
- Game System (North American Edition with paper miniatures)
- Kellar's Keep (North American Edition with paper miniatures)
- Return of the Witch Lord (North American Edition with paper miniatures)
- Suomi/Finnish
- Suuri Seikkailu
- Kellarin Linnake
- Noitaherran Paluu
- Svenska/Swedish
- Game System
- Kellar's Torn
- Den Onde Herrens Återkomst
If anyone knows of any others, please let me know. Thanks.