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Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Tuesday July 23rd, 2013 3:42pm
by TMU

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Tuesday July 23rd, 2013 4:55pm
by Daedalus
Someone wrote:私の悪い英語をお許しください。

Google Translate wrote:Please forgive the bad English my.
Somebody, remember to remind the TMU said that pooper of his party.

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Tuesday July 23rd, 2013 5:01pm
by TMU
Daedalus wrote:
Someone wrote:私の悪い英語をお許しください。

Google Translate wrote:Please forgive the bad English my.
Someone, remember to remind the TMU said that pooper of his party.

What the..?

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Tuesday July 23rd, 2013 6:47pm
by Daedalus
Sorry, TMU. Translation from Japanese is tricky, and I screwed up the original quote. This should make it clear:

Someone wrote:誰かが、TMUは、彼がパーティーの座をしらけさせる人だと思い出したことがある。

Google Translate wrote:Somebody, the TMU, may be reminded that it is people that he makes the seat apathetic party.

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Tuesday July 23rd, 2013 7:01pm
by TMU
Yes, that clears it all :lol:

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Saturday August 10th, 2013 2:04am
by knightkrawler
I just recalled:
You still need to get these on the homepage, drathe.
Reminding myself to remind you counts, doesn't it?

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Monday March 10th, 2014 2:03pm
by Sjeng
knightkrawler wrote:Oh, and drathe, Goblin-King was reminded by Sjeng to remind me to remind you you still need to get these on the homepage.

Hmmm, wasn't I supposed to remind someone of something?

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Monday March 10th, 2014 2:15pm
by knightkrawler
I can't exactly remember. Somebody, remind me or Sjeng of whom either of us was supposed to remind of something.

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Monday March 10th, 2014 3:17pm
by TMU
Does someone actually remember what was this thing that drathe was supposed to be reminded? :lol:

Re: HeroQuest's Many Languages... many!

PostPosted: Tuesday March 11th, 2014 11:42am
by knightkrawler
No. He needs to do... some... thing.
I can't remember for the life of me.