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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Monday February 13th, 2023 10:52am
by Stoner81
Here is what I am doing currently (though subject to change);

Game System
-This has The Maze, New Beginnings and The Trial as the first 3 quests. In addition to this I have added Rogar's Hall in after Legacy of the Orc Warlord (due to somebodies suggestion though I can't remember for the life of me who it was).

Forsaken Tunnels of Xor-Xel
Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde
Wizards of the Lord of Chaos (Morcar)
The Frozen Horror Prelude - Into the Northlands
The Frozen Horror
The Mage in the Mirror
The Halls of Durrag Dol
They Eyes of Chaos

That it where I have gotten up to so far in making my quest book. I will be adding the Dark Company from Pancho's re-write I just need to sit down with it and sort out all the quest notes etc for it. If I can ever get my hands on the Mythic tier ones then I will add those to my book somewhere, most likely after Dark Company. I have also yet to add in Running the Gauntlet, A Growl of Thunder, Inn of Chaos, Revenge of the Weather Man and Plague of Zombies so above list may well change depending on the stories that those quests tell so I might slot them in somewhere but I don't know yet.

Oh I also don't run any of the quest as "solo" quests, I am not a fan of that at all so all the quests will be played with at least 4 Heroes but my monsters are also considerably stronger too :goblin:

|_P |_P |_P |_P


EDIT - I am going to the Plague of Zombies in straight after the conclusion of Kellars Keep and before Return of the Witch Lord so it acts like a prelude so to speak.

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Sunday July 9th, 2023 10:15am
by MoreWoodenDice
This is my take based on the new "official" order, story line, difficulty and possibly publication date. These include all published quests in White Dwarf and perhaps the magazines not affiliated with Games Workshop. "# (AH)" is Avolon Hill's official order, the number after is ours/mine. Quests that are italicized have been inserted, those with their title centered are open to movement. I am looking for suggestions on where to put the remainder of quests and any changes to current order. Let's finally work this out!

official Title Note
1 The Maze (Original 1st Quest)
1 (AH) 2 New Beginnings (Online Quest)
2 (AH) 3 Rogar's Hall (Online Quest)
3 (AH) 4 HeroQuest Base Game (The Gathering Storm) Gathering Storm, Xor-Xel, Kellar's Keep- linked by story
4 (AH) 5 Forsaken Tunnels of Xor-Xel (Online Quest) Gathering Storm, Xor-Xel, Kellar's Keep- linked by story
5 (AH) 6 Kellar's Keep (Expansion) Gathering Storm, Xor-Xel, Kellar's Keep- linked by story
7 The Dark Company
6 (AH) 8 Prophecy of Telor (Exclusive Mythic-pack Quest) Maybe swap with Dark Company as a break?
7 (AH) 9 Spirit Queen's Torment (Exclusive Mythic-pack Quest)
8 (AH) 10 Return of the Witch Lord (Expansion)
11 Against the Ogre Horde Placed before WoM/Z for difficulty
12 Wizard's of Morcar/Zargon Placed before FH for difficulty
9 (AH) 13 Into the Northlands (Online Quest) Into the Northlands, Frozen Horror- linked by story
10 (AH) 14 The Frozen Horror (Expansion) Into the Northlands, Frozen Horror- linked by story
11 (AH) 15 The Mage of the Mirror
12 (AH) 16 Knight Fall (Online Quest)
13 (AH) 17 Rise of the Dread Moon
14 (AH) 18 The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness (Exclusive Mythic-pack Quest)

Working into the fold:

The Dark Company Advanced Quest 1989 HQ Advanced Quest
The Plague of Zombies 1990 Adventure Design Kit
Rise of the Chaos God / Legend of Neef Island 1991 Japanese HQ
Running the Gauntlet 1992 Screaming Spectre Novel
Halls of Durrag-Dol 1991 Feb White Dwarf No134
Revenge of the Weather-Man 1991/92 Marvel Winter Special
Eyes of Chaos 1992 Jan White Dwarf No145
A Growl of Thunder 1993 Tyrant's Tomb Novel
Against the Ogre Horde 1993
Wizard's of Morcar/Zargon 1993
Inn of Chaos 1994/95? Adventures Unlimited No5
Rescue of the Princess / The Princess's Rescue 1995 April Dragão Dourado Vol 2 No5
Slave City 1995 July Dragão Brasil Vol 1 No4
The Rescue 1995 Sep Dragão Brasil Vol 1 No6
Creature Hunt 1995? Só Aventuras Vol 1 No1
Attack of the Sleeping Wizard 1995/96 Dragão Brasil Vol 1 No8

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Saturday July 15th, 2023 4:14pm
by MoreWoodenDice
Just added Knight Fall (Online HeroQuest Day Quest).

Happy 1st (hopefully annual) HeroQuest Day everybody!

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Friday July 21st, 2023 1:12pm
by Bareheaded Warrior
I've been wondering where "The Gathering Storm" name for the Game System Quest Book originated from and why, and I think it may have been Phoenix
way back on January 31st, 2010, 2:35 am on this very thread...

And only today I spotted the reference that I suspect sparked this great idea

Epilogue of the Second Edition Game System Quest Book wrote:Dark clouds gather at the Empire’s borders…

2 trivia points awarded... :2cents:

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Friday July 21st, 2023 3:59pm
by Kurgan
Yeah it's a fan made name (It's also a name for one of the MOTM quests from 1992). "Potion of Superior Restoration" was also a fan name for something that became official in the remake era...

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Sunday July 23rd, 2023 4:33pm
by j_dean80
Saw this on Facebook even though I’m not on there…

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Monday July 31st, 2023 12:35pm
by HispaZargon
Yeah, that's the official order defined by Hasbro/AH up to now.

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Wednesday January 10th, 2024 12:36am
by Naniyue
New to the forum, sort of the Inn, but definitely not the game!

I know about the Mythic tier now, but I was unaware that a remake of Hero Quest even existed until about a year ago.

I'm playing them in order of release to the general public via Amazon:

Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
The Frozen Horror
The Mage of the Mirror
Rise of the Dread Moon
Prophecy of Telor
Spirit Queen's Torment

I suspect they will release The Crypt of Perpetual Darkness soon enough.

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Wednesday January 10th, 2024 1:23am
by Kurgan
KK/ROTWL came out at the same time but it seems you could buy ROTWL before KK (unless the latter was just sold out for awhile).
Spirit Queen and Prophecy of Telor were also released at the same time.

I would play them in difficulty order... GS, KK/ROTWL, PoT/SQT, ROTDM, MOTM, FH. then again you can modify them to make them ramp up in other ways.
In actual practice I played GS, ROTWL, then KK back in the day. then we re-played a few quests from GS and KK (with new heroes), then played the first 4 or 5 ATOH quests in NA format, and first 4 or 5 Japanese quests (again converted to NA format), then Frozen Horror (with new heroes, taking a break to play a few GS quests with new heroes, and New Beginnings a few times with new heroes), then Mage of the Mirror, and a side quest with Rogar's Hall while alternately playing ROTDM with a new party of heroes.

Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

PostPosted: Wednesday January 10th, 2024 9:25pm
by Daedalus
Bareheaded Warrior wrote:I've been wondering where "The Gathering Storm" name for the Game System Quest Book originated from and why, and I think it may have been Phoenix
way back on January 31st, 2010, 2:35 am on this very thread...

Slev claimed credit for first using that title for the MGS Quests. Early references are likely lost to Old Scratch's HeroQuest Forum. Maybe Slev's site contains a clue--check HeroQuest Revised Edition..

From the Inn