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What order should the quest packs be played?

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Monsterjaeger » Wednesday April 22nd, 2020 6:10am

Is there sth like a storyline that runs through all (official) expansions? I am not so deep into that whole HQ universe although I own 4 expansions (EU ones). :)
If there is no such thing I am eager to know why you consider playing them in a special order (level of difficulty?). For example why is the dark company last in line?
It would help to explain it to my friends.
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Pancho » Wednesday April 22nd, 2020 7:52am

Monsterjaeger wrote:Is there sth like a storyline that runs through all (official) expansions? I am not so deep into that whole HQ universe although I own 4 expansions (EU ones). :)
If there is no such thing I am eager to know why you consider playing them in a special order (level of difficulty?). For example why is the dark company last in line?
It would help to explain it to my friends.

There is a coherent storyline that runs through the 5 main UK sets. The Dark Company and the two US expansions have stories that don’t fit so obviously into the rest, and because they are all quite difficult, it makes sense to leave them to the end. Personally I go with the first five, then DC (replacing Hinsgrim with Ragnar as the villain, as they essentially the same character), then Elf pack, then finally Barbarian pack (because its the hardest).

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Monsterjaeger » Thursday April 23rd, 2020 4:49pm

Thanks for the clarification Pancho, sounds reasonable. Will do so. 8-) #thumbsup
I have to check this coherent storyline you mentioned. I guess the quest books are the way to go or is there a brief overview out there?
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby WarriorPrincess » Monday June 1st, 2020 10:12pm

I was not aware of playing these packs in order, thanks for sharing everyone. I am getting a small group of friends together here in Colorado and would like to be able to do it right. :D
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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby ChuckyMcNorris » Saturday July 18th, 2020 1:35am

I finally played a quest from the Barbarian Quest Pack and was pretty surprised by how hard it was. But the quest book actually suggests it's a good way for a latecomer to catch up with other players on gold and equipment--suggesting it could be played first in the order. I don't see how a brand new character could survive that first quest. Thoughts?

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Anderas » Saturday July 18th, 2020 4:04am

You're right. The BQP is a death trap. 97.5 percent chance for dying in the first quest. You can try 5 times and the last try, you just avoid the hardest rooms.


Take a look at the Barbarian Quest subforum. Wallydubbs suggests one method for survival I myself another one.

Both do we give some help to the player. I suggest adding mercenaries (how many: see there). He suggests adding potions. (Where and how many: see there)

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby ChuckyMcNorris » Sunday July 19th, 2020 3:44pm

Both are great suggestions. That's one of the things I'm really liking about exploring the HeroQuest community--you guys have figured out where the rules don't work or the game is imbalanced and suggested great improvements.

Keep up the great work!

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday July 19th, 2020 7:30pm

Monsterjaeger wrote:Is there sth like a storyline that runs through all (official) expansions? I am not so deep into that whole HQ universe although I own 4 expansions (EU ones). :)
If there is no such thing I am eager to know why you consider playing them in a special order (level of difficulty?). For example why is the dark company last in line?
It would help to explain it to my friends.

The overall storyline is vaguely explained:
Mentor's former apprentice Zargon or Morcar (depending if you're playing the EU or NA version) turned to the dark side becoming lord and master of evil. His armies were defeated long ago and he laid low for a while, gathering his strength.
The heroes of the past that defeated Zargon have long since died (apparently Mentor and Zargon no longer age) and Mentor has trained the new 4 heroes to save the Empire. This is where the game system starts off. The heroes starting out as mercenaries for the Emperor to prove themselves through the first quest book.
Most quests in the Game System are orders from the Emperor, as they deal with orcs and Chaos Warriors who have made transgressions against the Empire.
Then the heroes accidentally awaken the Witch Lord when retrieving the Star of the West so the Emperor can unite the lesser kingdoms against Zargon.

While the Emperor leads his armies against Zargon the heroes must retrieve the Spirit Blade and defeat the Witch Lord so he cannot attack the Emperor's armies from the rear.
The assault against Zargon was a failure and the Emperor holds up in Karak Varn. Keller's Keep is thus there heroes attempt to go through the ancient Dwarven City to rescue the Emperor.

Return of the Witch Lord is next as he hadn't died, so the heroes venture to the fallen city of Kalos to defeat the Witch Lord ance and for all. He would be too great a threat if he were to become allies with Zargon.

Against the Ogre Horde is next. The Emperor's assault on Zargon apparently dwindled his armies; although victorious at the Black Mountain Pass he doesn't have the armies to overthrow the Empire. So he sends Festral to form an alliance with Ogres. The story of Against the Ogre Horde is the heroes breaking that alliance, defeating Festral and the Ogre Lord. From there the heroes are allowed to lead the Emperor's armies.

From there Zargon (Morcar) gets really frustrated at the Chanpions of the realm and sends his 4 Wizards to deal with them in Wizards of Morcar. Though it's more so the heroes attacking them. I take this as the Empire winning back outposts held by Zargon/Morcar.

Frozen Horror, Mage of the Mirror and Dark Company don't necessarily fit in any order. Most players will do Mage of the Mirror next, followed by Frozen Horror and the Dark Company because of difficulty.
I actually prefer playing Frozen Horror after Wizard's of Morcar as it's more concentric with mercenaries. It's much more difficult, yes, but you can play this storyline as another attempt by Zargon to one-up the Empire. He's trying to resurrect the ancient evil known as the Frozen Horror way up in the North.
After that doesn't work he tries to take over the Elven Kingdom by means of Sinestra. The heroes here don't have mercenaries as they're no longer in the Empire, they're aiding a foreign kingdom, but it's relevant as Zargon would use this to extend his power.

Next it's Dark Company, which deals with a group of ordained knights that join forces with Zargon. The Champions are sent in to deal with these traitors. Dark Company doesn't have to go last if you wish to fit it somewhere in between. But due to the length and sheer difficulty it's a good way to end it all.

That's right, there's no quest the entails the actual defeat of Zargon.

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby slev » Thursday July 23rd, 2020 7:40am

When I recreated the game from the ground-up, I kept the original UK plot-line (core-KK-RotWL-AtOH-WoM) as described by walalydubbs, with some minor alterations. As in the original, the Core set ends with them being "Champions" of the Empire

I then had Mentor send the group to four different locations (BQP-EQP-DQP*-WQP*), to help the Empire's beleaguered allies, giving times for things to brew off-stage.

When they return, things are afoot in The Dark Company, which had a better background, before moving on to the Shadow Falls**, and the Knights of Chaos*. The latter sees Morcar driven off once more (so no longer a direct threat), and the players being raised to being "Heroes" of the Empire.

I feel if the players can complete a 108 Quest campaign, they deserve to defeat the big bad!

*home brewed

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby DragonLord1975 » Friday November 13th, 2020 3:11pm

I’m trying out the order of Quests downloaded in the large Quest Book stored on my iBooks.

The Maze
The Gathering Storm
Kellar’s Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde
Wizards of Zargon
The Frozen Horror
Mage of the Mirror
Master of Corruption
Lord of Dæmons
The Dark Company
Shadows of Chaos
Knights of Chaos

I gotta find the rules for certain rooms, traps, Monsters, Spells, Equipment and Artifacts if I’m to have the ULTIMATE HeroQuest session.
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