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Elf Spells..

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Elf Quest Pack: The Mage of the Mirror.

Elf Spells..

Postby moundbz » Saturday September 23rd, 2023 10:26am

Which are your favorite elf spells to pick in this expansion? Spells that you will definitely use. You know, not having any left at the end of the quest.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby Kurgan » Saturday September 23rd, 2023 1:54pm

So far we're seeing the Elf Spells used for the first time in our campaign. Hypnotic Blaze is a powerful spell! Paralyze potentially all monsters in the room for three turns (plenty of time for a party to slaughter them with no defense). We've used Double Image which lasted awhile to protect the Elf. FlashBack seems pretty powerful to re-do a bad turn (usually somebody getting killed). The lack of healing always gets me but in a way you can avoid a killing blow that way for yourself or another hero. Time Stop also seems useful if you treat it as a free action - meaning you (or your ally) have a second turn.

Twist Wood to me seemed kind of weak but the way the App treats it is similar to how "Rust" is treated in the EU edition, you don't quibble about what the weapons are made of, it just automatically reduces the monster's attack to 1 die (harder to explain if it's a Mummy I suppose). But like it even made the Frozen Horror a wimp in combat instantly.

The way I'm doing it is not the official way (Elf picks three) but using a "Champion" Elf who has completed many quests gets his set of one element and then picks one of the Elf Spells per quest of his choice.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday September 26th, 2023 6:18pm

moundbz wrote:Which are your favorite elf spells to pick in this expansion? Spells that you will definitely use. You know, not having any left at the end of the quest.

Some of these spells are extremely powerful but it also matters how Zargon allows you to play them, they're very situational:
Deep Sleep is most powerful when the Elf is first in turn order, you essentially give all the other heroes a free a shot with lack of defense for the monster, this spell is best used against a Chaos Warrior or Doom Guard, especially in Dark Company, the Advanced Quest when 1 :blackshield: can block all hits. Otherwise the spell is useless if the Elf is last in turn order.

Disappear is good for scouting, and it also depends if Zargon will allow this spell for the Elf to pass through monster spaces. It capitalizes on what Invisibility from WoM should have been. But it's not too powerful.

Double Image is a good one, I've seen this spell save the Wizard when the heroes found themselves in a precarious position. You pretty much get a 50/50 shot on taking damage. It'll help preserve body points in a big battle, this would probably in my top 3.

I've seen Flashback come in handy in the Frozen Horror, essentially saving the Barbarian's life as she slipped over the edge of the bottomless chasm. So this spell can save a life, but the Elf will often hold onto this spell unsure if there'll be a more opportune point to use it. It's good for letting a hero redo his turn at the least, but it severity varies and the Elf doesn't need to waste an action to cast this
So this would be another for top 3.

Hypnotic Blaze is exceptionally powerful, but it's also a double-edge sword. This spell does not specify the difference between monsters and heroes. I find this almost too overpowering if you play it with no effect of the other heroes. Barbarian and Dwarf need to be weary of this spell. I think that's the way it's supposed to play, the only hero that doesn't need to roll is the Elf who cast it, if the Wizard is at full mind points he has nothing to worry about. It's risky but I like the risk factor, plus Barbarian and Dwarf could just use a Potion of Magic Resistance if such a potion is available. Most heroes would rather be cautious then use this spell.
And personally, as Zargon, I restrict this spell from having effects against the Undead, for the same reason Sleep doesn't effect them.

Slow is also very powerful, if you're up against a Giant Wolf and have a Crossbow, slow him down to 1 movement, dance around the room, turn him into a pin cushion. Even an Ogre or Chaos Warrior is vulnerable to this and they can't attack diagonal, so if the heroes keep their distance they could prevent attacks from some heavy hitters, giving them 1 less attack and Defence Dice is also useful putting the monster down.

Time Stop is ok, essentially the Elf gives up his turn for another hero to attack twice. It's a waste of a spell if the Elf were to cast it on him/herself, but if the Dwarf or Barbarian have a better attack weapon, I can understand the use of this spell. It's not the best but nor is it the worst.

Twist Wood is a poor excuse for a spell, the wording isn't specific on which monster it works on as monsters attack dice is not defined by their weapons. I think the spell was specifically put in for Elven Archers, but in Mage of the Mirror they're the least used monster and only appear in 2 quests! For other quest packs such as the Advanced Quest or Frozen Horror with Crossbowmen, this spell can be useful. I think the wording he needs to fixed.

So to answer your question I'd say the top 3 are Double Image, Flashback and Slow. I'm among some of the inn members that divide these spells into 3 groups: Spells of Illusion (Disappear, Double Image & Hypnotic Blaze); Spells of Time (Flashback, Slow & Time Stop); and Nature Spells (Deep Sleep, Faerie,
& Twist Wood). The Faerie spell was essentially made up as a healing spell added to this group to make it more powerful. Personally, I prefer breaking these spells into groups to keep spell classes more thematic.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby moundbz » Friday September 29th, 2023 1:00am

Great responses Kurgan and Wallydubbs! I'm gonna get into what I've done in my current MOTM adventure. My elf is in pretty good shape. He wears the ring of fortitude and spell ring. Also has artifacts and potions, so he's ready to go.

Previous to MOTM, I've had Elf use Earth spells. I feel Rock skin is a top 2 or 3 spell, especially if the hero has purchased upgraded armor, the heal body is obviously great. I've never really used Pass through Rock so whatever.

For the 1st 3 solo MOTM quests I kept the Earth spells, because of Rock skin, giving elf 6 defense for a time or two. That's the spell I had in the spell ring because I had a few healing potions going into MOTM. I also had the help of that great wolf Snowdasher to come along for the ride.

For the 4th quest it was down to Timestop, Double Image, Hypnotic Blaze, Slow and Flashback. I choose Double Image because I thought it would come in handy if one of the heroes comes across a wondering monster space. Assuming they fend off the initial space discovery assault. I also choose Slow in case I came across a Giant Wolf because they are bada**! I finally choose Hypnotic Blaze in case I came across a room with 4-5 or more monsters, I would send the Elf in solo and cast it. Elf currently goes 3rd behind Barbarian and Dwarf.

I used Hypnotic Blaze almost as anticipated and it really helped out(Center room is where I used it). Same with Double Image, my dwarf went across a wondering monster space and fended off the initial attack so I could cast it on him and eventually finish off those monsters. I never used Slow

For quest 5 I think I will sub out Slow for Timestop. During quest 4 there were a couple times when I could have used another turn for Elf. Whether it was for a weak movement roll or just another chance to swing that battle axe!

That's how I'm gonna play it, see what works and see if another could have come into play. As of now, Hypnotic Blaze might be the pick of the litter.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday September 30th, 2023 1:11am

I haven't gotten there yet. I recently played The Great Gate with an Elf, Druid, Warlock and Knight, when they got to the Center Room with the 3 Goblins, 3 Orcs and an Abomination, the Elf cast Hypnotic Blaze, which hypnotized all monsters but two goblins.
The way I play it the Blaze lasts for 3 turns, so once entering all heroes are subjected to its effects. The Knight was hypnotized too, leaving the room to be cleared out by the Elf, Druid and Warlock.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby Aki » Tuesday October 3rd, 2023 3:25am

At this point of discussion I think my opinion is useless, Kurgan and Wallydubbs gave the best answers, but never mind.....
1) Hypnotic Blaze
2) Flashback
3) Deep Sleep, Time Stop or Slow

Remember: is better than Elf is the first player of the party ;)

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby The Admiral » Tuesday October 10th, 2023 6:01am

Aki wrote:At this point of discussion I think my opinion is useless, Kurgan and Wallydubbs gave the best answers, but never mind.....
1) Hypnotic Blaze
2) Flashback
3) Deep Sleep, Time Stop or Slow

Remember: is better than Elf is the first player of the party ;)

Yes, three of those five. I would always have Hypnotic Blaze and Time stop and then one of Deep Sleep, Flashback or Slow.

Deep Sleep is powerful, but only if there are plenty of Heroes/mercs to follow.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday October 10th, 2023 10:07am

My group doesn't normally pick Hypnotic Blaze because they find it too risky.
Just wondering, since everyone else picked it, do you guys only play it to work on monsters or all figures (heroes too)?

I suppose even if you do it that way you can work around it, send the Elf in first, cast the spell then bring in the rest of the heroes. I personally find it overpowering without the risk factor of effecting other heroes, so I play it that the Blaze is active for 3 turns, causing the hypnotism, so even if the Barbarian runs in after the Elf he'll still have to roll. The Wizard and Elf practically get a pass when using it, the Dwarf and Barbarian can always use a Potion of Magic Resistance to negate the effects.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby The Admiral » Tuesday October 10th, 2023 6:20pm

I play only those in the room when cast can be affected. Poweful spell, but the more powerful monsters tend to have higher mind points.

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Re: Elf Spells..

Postby wallydubbs » Tuesday October 10th, 2023 8:28pm

The Admiral wrote:I play only those in the room when cast can be affected. Poweful spell, but the more powerful monsters tend to have higher mind points.

Tell that to the Giant Wolf. Lol!

Also, do you allow Hypnotic Blaze to work on undead?

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