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SirRick wrote:Looking at the Elf Spell cards, I have noticed some things now that I have actual cards, and not looking at PDFs or printouts.
Timestop: This spell seems useless at first. You are basically trading one attack you could make to allow someone else to make an attack instead. I feel the spell has some situational value to a creative player. The spell could be used in cramped conditions or if the Elf cannot move far enough to attack something, you could give someone else a turn in your place. Another possible use could be casting this spell while using the Wand of Magic. I’m sure there are a lot of weird combos that could come about. Maybe Hypnotic Blaze, then Timestop, after which the Elf could attack or do something else.
Disappear: The target of this spell wearing regular Plate Mail could have the spell last indefinitely, since you cannot roll high enough for the spell to fail. You could scout out the entire map without fighting or triggering traps. I’m not sure how useful this would be, since each room revealed would then be active, and most quests require you to kill a particular target, or search and find a particular item, and escaping alive. Its like a Rescue or Sir Ragnar situation except that all the monsters will still be alive when you choose to end the spell.
wallydubbs wrote:I really feel they should've divided the spells into sets of 3:
Time Spells: Flashback, Timestop & Slow
Illusion Spells: Hypnotic Blaze, Double Image & Disappear
Nature Sells: Deep Sleep, Twist Wood & (add a healing spell)
g00 wrote:has anyone already gotten a copy?
g00 wrote:has anyone already gotten a copy?
HispaZargon wrote:Just to inform you that Mage of the Mirror expansion is already available to be played with the official Hasbro App.
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