So, we all agree the variable BP system is a bit odd.
I am reworking the Ogre stats but also considering the EQP Ogre (new one). There are a couple of posts about Ogre stats already, but no one was considering this.
In the remake, they reduced the BP of this ogre from 10 to 5, which is a good thing in my opinion, as it was really overpowered.
Also the ogre pictured on the new 2022 version of the card (in the EQP) is looking more like an Ogre Chieftain than an Ogre Warrior: same weapon, same hairstyle. He is missing the chainmailed spiked fist but he has a spiked shoulder plate attached with a chain. So much common points for me!
Also his stats are more similar to the Ogre Chieftain, with just the exception of a lower defense (4 dice instead of 6).
Going back to the ATOH questbook, we can notice the first (and only) Ogre Warrior in quest 1 has 4 Body Points; I set 4 as a starting reference value for Ogre Body Points. Progressing through the other quests, we can meet more Ogre Warriors featuring 2,3 or 4 Body Points. Occasionaly this value is 5 (but usually when there is a Champion or a Chieftain on the map) and even 1 single BP value occurrs sometimes. I was tempted to set an average score of 3 BP for the Warriors, but I left 4 instead because I still want them to be though monsters even if they are the lower level of the Ogre range. Anyway, I preferred to downgrade to 4 his attack value. This is because his rudimental weapon (just a big staff with a spike set on it) is surely less dangerous than the axe owned by the Ogre Champion. It creates a substancial difference beetween the Warrior and the Champion, which are identical in their original release.
I didn't change the stats for the Ogre Champion, and for the body points I set a value of 4 again. He looks like dressed as the warrior, not valid armor to justify an upgrade in his defence, but has a better weapon so he can preserve his 5 dice in attack.
Now, the Chieftain; as for the Champion, we didn't see any clear reference inside the questbook about his body points. But considering the ogre card in the Elf Quest Pack (as ayd before, it looks like a chieftain from ATOH), I think his BP are good at 5. He has the same weapon of an Ogre Champion but can count on his spiked ironfist too! So his attack value of 6 is well justified. I set BP at 5, as in the EQP, it is a good improvement for someone that passed from Champion to Chieftain. For Defence, I was considering both 5 or 6 values. I think I will use 5. It is higher than a Champion, it can be because of the chainmail around the left arm and also he has 1 more body point than the previous 2 ogres. It's the only different value I used from the EQP ogre but can be justified by his "chieftain" role in this pack too. Also I didn't want to make the Chieftain too much similar to the Ogre Lord. In the original questbook the only difefrence is made by Mind Points.
The Ogre Lord is left as the original, he has 5 Body points in the questbook and I didn't change it.
For movement, I left the original value to all of them. Chieftain and Lord are probably occupying a better position in the ogre society so they eat more food and are a little slower than the other two.
(The Total A in the table is the sum of all the character stats while Total B is not considering their movement.)
new ogre stats.jpg
And for reference, the new Ogre card from MOTM:
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