iKarith wrote:Kurgan wrote:It's easier with Blasting Powder, but then there are always those pesky cave-ins...
Blasting powder … Dwarf may place the stuff into a tripped rock trap as his action. Mark this space. On his next or a subsequent turn, he may light the fuse if he is within 1 square of it (action or free action?), at which point he's advised to haul ass to safety. Roll 1CD, on


, the space is cleared and anyone within 5 squares line of sight takes a 2CD attack. (flying rocks) Defend as usual.

the EWP places a new fallen rock tile on the board adjacent to where the blasting powder was used, preferably the square the dwarf used the powder, after resolving attacks as above.
Cost? Like 350GP. May be used as a projectile weapon (no need for a turn to set it) in which case it makes a 2CD attack on a single target up to 5 squares away. Similar to wizard's ball of flame except physical attack, limited range, and doesn't send rocks or other things flying at nearby targets.
Could non-dwarves use it? As a projectile, sure. To clear a rock fall, maybe they fail if they roll either shield?
Blasting Powder should be used in a single turn, as an action.

Ciritial Failure (Failure for Dwarf);

Failure (Success for Dwarf)

Success (Critical Success for Dwarf).
CF: Cave In - Add 1d6+1 extra Fallen Rock tiles, each adjacent to the target Fallen Rock tile, or if not possible, adjacent to any other Fallen Rock tile placed by this effect. All characters in affected squares are affected as if they had triggered a Falling Rock trap in their space.
F: Blast - Everyone within 5 squares of the target Fallen Rock tile takes a 1 CD attack.
S: Cleared - Target Fallen Rock tile is cleared, but everyone within an adjacent square to the tile takes a 1 CD attack.
CS: Expert Job - Target Fallen Rock tile is cleared.
Principle: Only Dwarf can use Blasting Powder safely, and knows enough to avoid causing extra cave ins...
I would complement this with the Pick, which takes an action, and can remove a Fallen Rock tile on a

(:skull: for Dwarf;

for Wizard).
Principle: digging with the Pick WILL succeed, but takes time, represented by the variable chance of success.