Veil of Mist spell card wrote:This spell may be cast on any one Hero, including yourself. On the Hero's next move, he may move unseen through spaces that are occupied by monsters.
Veil of Mist allows two things: movement through monster spaces and remaining unseen. Of the two, movement through monsters is primary. Remaining unseen has no mechanical game effect other than not blocking LoS during the Hero's move (not considered in terms of passing an Ogre.)
Ogre Background, p.4 wrote:. . . Ogres are not evil as such. Just permanently hungry and frighteningly violent.. . .
Ogres in HeroQuest, p.5 wrote:All Ogres occupy one space on the HeroQuest gameboard. No other figure may pass through the same space as the Ogre figure, whether they are good or evil. Once an Ogre blocks a corridor, it stays blocked until he moves or is killed.. . .
The size of an Ogre is assumed to be in play here, but specific physical restrictions aren't included anywhere in the rule.The restriction merely states that no other figure--whether good or evil--may pass through. This could mean that an Ogre is physically capable of allowing another figure to pass, but isn't inclined to do so due to its independent nature (and mass to back up his disposition.)
Since Veil of Mist allows a Hero to pass through monsters despite being "good" in Ogre terms, it still functions and he can ignore the Ogre's (a monster) intent to block all comers. At least, that's one way of judging it possible.
As a house rule, it could be cool (but more complicated) to instead allow the Ogre to roll one red die for each of its Mind Points. If a 6 is rolled, the spell is broken and the Hero is blocked.
This thread makes me wish there was an Ogre icon for the Inn. Oh well, it probably wouldn't fit anyway.