gravaillon wrote:Thanks for interest to my work, but I have made this kellar's keep remastered a long time ago, and for now I'm working hard on the remastered edition of all the game by heroquest france. See it on my blog on the "Edition 2011" section.
Keep working, we're looking forward to it. I still have a bit more editing to give you to complete the English version of Kellar's Keep. When your project schedule allows for it, you can always get back to Kellar's Keep Remastered- English version. We can wait.
When my contribution is complete, I'll compile all the changes into a single document and send it to you. Then you will have it in a more accessible form until you are ready to finish this project.
gravaillon wrote:The 2011 edition is a remake of all the quests, precision on the rule system, no major changes in comparaison with the original one, just more logical things. Thanks to heroquest france. Actually, I have made all the Game system and its 14 quests and I'have just finished Kellar's keep. This edition 2011 also includes a very great solo mode which has already been translated by drathe (but now it's a new version 2011-2012)
Actually, I'm working hard on RETURN OF THE WITCH LORD 2012 and also on a personnal SKAVEN QUEST PACK...
So, if you want an english version of this edition 2012, you have to translate it, and you've got a lot of work ! But it would be very great ! Send me the text and I will remastered it ! I promise
Unfortunately I'm not able to translate French into English. That task must fall to another. Should the translation require some English polishing, however, I or another could help out.
And now, for some more suggested changes...
- Consider labeling each Quest with a number as the original Kellar's Keep does for easy reference. For example, on p. 9:
Quest 1
The Great Gate
(But perhaps you are satisfied with your numbering of Quests on your new character sheet. In that case, just go with what you already have.)
- In the Parchment Text section, change "...I shall watch over your progress and aid you when i can." to I shall watch over your progress and aid you when I can.
- In the Parchment Text section, change "Beyond, you will find the Warrior Halls, ancient passage-ways where all of the great Dwarven warriors were honored." to Beyond, you will find the Warrior Halls, ancient passageways where all of the great Dwarven warriors were honored. (The hyphen was originally used for a break in the word that was written on two lines. Your use can simply use the compound word.)
- In note A, change "They were used centuries ago to test the fightiing skills of Dwarven Warriors." to They were used centuries ago to test the fighting skills of Dwarven Warriors.
- In note A, change "Place the round boulder tile on the square marked 'A'." to Place the round boulder tile on the square marked "A." (I know it looks strange, but American grammar places the period inside of the quotation mark, even if just one word is quoted. You may use instead English grammar and keep the period outside, but then you should stay consistent with English grammar and spelling throughout- periods should also go outide parenthesis in that case.)
- Change "On you (Zargon's) next turn and subsequent turns, roll two red dice to see how far down the corridor the boulder rolls (to the right, toward the Heroes). to On your (Zargon's) next turn and subsequent turns, roll two red dice to see how far down the corridor the boulder rolls (to the right, toward the Heroes).
- In note B, change "All of the traps in the corridor marked "B" are so well hidden that any Hero who searches for traps, will find only 1 trap, the one closest to him." to All of the traps in the corridor marked "B" are so well hidden that any Hero who searches for traps will find only 1 trap--the one closest to him. (The double hyphens should really be an em dash, but I think they work fine. Maybe your word processor will automatically combine them into the longer em dash. Personally, I just use a hyphen and a space. The whole bother is about showing emphasis in the final thought of the sentence, which a comma doesn't achieve. Of course, you can differ from the original Kellar's Keep if you feel a comma just looks better.)
- Change "The Heroes will have to discover this on their own." to (The Heroes will have to discover this on their own.) (The original Kellar's Keep included parenthesis to show a separate thought.)
- In the Parchment Text section, change "Once you find the part of the map, you must find the wooden exit door to continue on your journey." to Once you find part of the map, you must find the wooden exit door to continue on your journey.
- In note B change "The Fimir in this room knows the Chaos Spell 'Rust' (See the Chaos spell card in the Game System)." to The Fimir in this room knows the Chaos spell "Rust." (See Chaos spell card in Game System.) (The original Kellar's Keep omits "the" in command sentences.)
- In note C, use bullets unless you don't have access to them. They are preferred in general, and are used in the original Kellar's Keep.
- In note D, change "The crossbow is described in the equipment cards." to The crossbow is described in the Game System Armory (or the equipment cards of the European edition).
- In note E, change "His stats are the same as a Chaos Warrior, but he also knows the following spells: Summon Orcs, Fear, Rust, Ball of Flamme and Lightning Bolt." to His stats are the same as a Chaos Warrior, but he also knows the following spells: Summon Orcs, Fear, Rust, Ball of Flame and Lightning Bolt.
- Change "(Refer to the Chaos Spell Cards in the Game System). to (Refer to the Chaos Spell Cards in the Game System.)
- Change "The first Hero to search for treasure in this room will find 2 spell scrolls at random from the scroll cards and list them on his Character Sheet." to The first Hero to search for treasure in this room will find 2 spell scrolls on Gragor's table. This Hero should draw 2 spell scrolls at random from the scroll cards and list them on his Character Sheet. (Shortening this sentence confuses what is found in game with what the players use.)