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Kellar's Keep versions photo comparison

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc from the Kellar's Keep Quest Pack.

Re: Kellar's Keep versions

Postby Cael Darkhollow » Sunday November 7th, 2021 3:59am

page 4 of the Avalon Hill/Hasbro 2021 KK Quest book version lists the contents and under "Cardboard sheet includes:" it lists every tile including the new STATUE TILE but strangely shows it beneath the Giant Stone Boulder...
I will peruse the quest books and rulebooks to see if any mention is made whatsoever of the new tiles included in KK and ROTWL, or if they have no game application beyond scenery for the blank quest map to create your own.
The STATUE tILE is not on any of the quest maps that I could see in the 2021 quest book, and it has no description anywhere in the text. On the blank map and tile legend page 31 it is shown with no description.
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Re: Kellar's Keep versions

Postby HispaZargon » Sunday November 7th, 2021 2:14pm

Thank you Cael Darkhollow. Then I think it is fully clear that the purpose of those new tiles is officially unknown, probably opened to be used in custom quests or future official quests, but they have no official use by now.

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Re: Kellar's Keep versions

Postby Kimarous » Monday November 8th, 2021 9:19pm

Statue tile might serve as a stand-in for scenarios that warrant a model stay in place as a statue, like that one scenario wherein the four corners of the board are blocked off by stone Chaos/Dread Warriors.
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Re: Kellar's Keep versions photo comparison

Postby Kurgan » Tuesday July 23rd, 2024 3:31pm

The retail versions of remake KK & ROTWL seem to be of improved build quality than the Haslab versions of 2021. Corrections have been made to the errata in the booklets and the backs of the tile sheets are black with linen finish instead of the coarse "unfinished" backs of the crowd-funded version.

There are some stock images floating around online showing a new box cover for KK/ROTWL sporting the new (white iceberg, so presumably a 2022 release) Avalon Hill logo (presumably also sold in shrink wrap like the other new expansions rather than stuck together with those annoying tape circles like the first retail versions and the haslab versions), but I have not seen one of these myself (or any pictorial evidence from someone claiming to own it) to confirm of any changes inside.

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