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Why no Balrog?

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc from the Kellar's Keep Quest Pack.

Why no Balrog?

Postby Zenithfleet » Sunday November 1st, 2020 12:45pm

Yes, I know Balrogs are from Lord of the Rings...

But come on, you know what I mean. Kellar's Keep is clearly a rip-off... er... homage to the Mines of Moria.

And the Gargoyle, despite being an old-school D&D monster, has a miniature resembling a statue of a Warhammer Bloodthirster (daemon of Chaos). Which was itself a rip-off... er... homage to the Balrog. Whip and flaming sword and all.

So why didn't this Quest Pack include some kind of encounter with a totally-not-Balrog? The Guardian at the end of the last quest doesn't cut it. How did they miss such an obvious opportunity for a ri... homage?

After seeing so many statues of Bloodthirsters throughout the HQ world, wouldn't it be a fun and scary twist to get really far into Kellar's Keep and run into the actual horror they depict? A real Bloodthirster, vastly stronger than any Gargoyle, which you could nonetheless represent with your trusty Garg model from the base game?

"This foe is beyond any of you..." RUN AWAY! :gargoyle:

Just needs the bridge tile from Against the Ogre Horde. Or, in a pinch, grab those two double-blocked-square markers and flip them upside down to give a nice black 'abyss' on either side of a narrow bridge.

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Re: Why no Balrog?

Postby Malcadon » Thursday August 31st, 2023 10:09am

Burning Fury
ImageThe Lord of Inferno and Rage who want to see the world engulf in Hell's fire!
MovementAttack DiceDefense DiceBody PointsMind Points
Notes: Large, Spellcaster

The Burning Fury can cast the following Chaos spells: Courage, Fire of Wrath, Ball of Flames, Firestorm, Wall of Flames and Restore Chaos. Zargon can choose an additional 6 Chaos spells for the Burning Fury from any of the Chaos spells in the Game System, with the exception of the Escape spell.

Wall of Flames works just like Ice Wall, but passing though it means taking damage just like being hit with Ball of Flames with damage being automatic for each turn a Hero remains on a Wall of Flames tile. The Wall of Flames tiles only be dispelled by Air spells: Tempest spell removes a single tile; Genie removes all tiles. The Swift Wind spell allows a Hero to safely move through Wall of Flames tiles.

When a monster takes up more than one square (the Burning Fury, for instance), that monster can attack anyone on any adjacent square (including diagonally), even if the monster's figure is facing away from the target.

Reaper Miniatures produces a number of affordable demons and devil minis that can be used for a HeroQuest Balrog.

Last edited by Malcadon on Thursday August 31st, 2023 10:52pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why no Balrog?

Postby cornixt » Thursday August 31st, 2023 11:25am

Should that be Burning Fury? A furry is someone who plays an animal character.

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Re: Why no Balrog?

Postby Kurgan » Friday September 1st, 2023 7:53pm

Perhaps the Dwarves didn't dig down deep enough...

Spoiler: There's a Balrog like creature in Prophecy of Telor.

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Re: Why no Balrog?

Postby wallydubbs » Saturday September 2nd, 2023 12:57pm

Maybe just for Copyright infringement...

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